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An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall),
another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole.

1. Adverbs of manner (how you do an action) manera, forma;

After the verb; with passive in the middle

Translate the sentences

(Quickly) Ella corre rápido She run quickly

(Slowly) El profesor ha hablado despacio The teacher have speaked slowly
(Loudly) Se rieron a carcajadas They laughed loudly
(Quietly) Habían estado hablando en voz baja The have been speaking quietly
(Carefully) Ellos miraron con cuidado antes de cruzar la calle
They look carefully befora to cross the Street
(Politely) Respondieron amablemente a mis preguntas
The answered politely my questions
(Calmly) Le contesté serenamente I ansewred calmly
(Silently) Los estudiantes se sentaron silenciosamente The students sitted silently
(Successfully) Negocié con éxito mi subida de sueldo
I negotiated successfully my salary increase
(smoothly) El proyecto está yendo sin problemas The proyect is going smoothly

2. Adverbs of frequency (frecuencia temporal).

Before the main verb, after verb to be, (sometimes, normally, usually at the beginning for

(Always) Siempre voy a la cama antes de las 11 I always go to the bed before 11 o’clock
(Usually) Generalmente tomo cereales para desayunar I usually eat cereal for breakfast
(Normally) Normalmente voy al gimnasio con mi primo
I normally go to the gym with my cousin
(Often/frequently) A menudo navego por internet I often surf on Internet
(Sometimes) A veces me olvido las llaves I sometimes forget the keys.
(Occasionally) Ocasionalmente como comida basura I occasionally eat junk food
(Seldom = rarely) El raramente lee el periódico He seldom read the newspaper
(Hardly ever = rarely) Casi nunca bebo alcohol I hardly ever drink alcohol
(Never) Nunca he estado en Sicilia de vacaciones I have never been in Sicilia for holidays.
3. Adverbs of time & place (At the end of the sentence), place before time.

(Afterwards) Tengo trabajo que hacer, nos encontramos más tarde I have work to do, we
meet afterwards.
(Again) ¿Otra vez se ha olvidado las llaves? Do you forget the keys again?
(Immediately) Si te sientes enfermo vete a casa If you feel sick, go home immediately
(Before) Antes de irte saca la basura Before you go, take out the trash
(Early) Mañana llegaré pronto, prepara la cena I Will be there soon tomorrow, prepare the
(Finally) Ella finalmente se dió cuenta de que él no la quería She realized he didn’t love her
(Yesterday) Ayer fue mi cumpleaños, cumplí 70 It was my birthday yesterday, I turned 70
years old
(Above) Vi una araña colgando encima de mi cabeza I saw a spider hanging above my head
(Around) Los chicos corrieron alrededor del árbol The child ran around the tree
(Below) Las tazas están debajo de la cafetera The cups are below coffe pot
(Downstairs) Mi abrigo está abajo My coat is downstair
(Outside) Te esperaré afuera I will wait you outside

4. Adverbs of degree (how much something is done or modify an adjective)

Nearly and almost go before verb

Extremely, incredibly, very go before adjective or adverb
A lot and much after the verb
A little / a bit of with adjectives or verbs

(A bit) estoy un poco preocupada por Tom I’m a bit worried about Tom
(A Little) Ella parecía un poco confusa She seemed a little confuse
(Absolutely) Me encanta la tarta de chocolate I love chocolate cake absolutely
(Almost) Casi hemos llegado a la estación I have almost arrived station
(Completely) Esa es una situación completamente diferente This is a completly different
(Extremely) Ella lo hizo sumamente bien en el examen She did a extremely Good examn
(Fairly) Toco el piano bastante bien He/she plays piano fairly
(Highly) Él es un ingeniero altamente cualificado He is a highly qualified engineer.
5. Comment Adverbs (Speaker´s opinión) normally at the beginning, middle or end too
(Clearly) Claramente, él no sabe lo que está haciendo Clearly, he doesn’t know what he is he
(Obviously) Obviamente, estás actuando tontamente Obviously, he is behaving stupidly
(Personally) Personalmente, prefiero ir en tren Peronaly, I prefer go in train
(Undoubtedly) Indudablemente, ella tiene una buena razón para no venir Undoubtedly, she
have a Good reason for not coming.

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