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Read the following text

Hortatory Exposition

Diet pills have a great potential to help you lose weight. It can be very
appealinh, especially if you are someone who has struggled to lose
weight in the past and who is obese. But these advantages should be Thesis
weighed against the possible dangers of diet pills including some
dangerous side effects.

Prescription diet pills are very strong drugs, and each has the
potential for dangerous side effects. The side effects can be seen
on the label of the pills. Some diet pills, especially the stimulant- Argument 1
based diet pills, are habit-forming and as such can be abused.
Abuse of these drugs may lead to addiction.

Most prescription diet pills suppress the appetite, which causes

you to consume fewer calories. On the surface, this seems like
the ultimate solution for losing weight. However, as you reduce
your caloric intake, your metabolism also slow down. As your Argument 2
metabolism slows, the amount of weight you lose also slows

Like solution, of course, is to combine lifestyle changes to

your diet regimen. Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise,
dieatry changes, and regular health checkups can greatly increase
your weight loss success.
Furthermore, the dangers of diet pills should always be Reiteration
considered before you decide to take them. Check with your
doctor before taking any prescription diet pill to find out if they
are habit-forming

Hortatory exposition is a text which persuades the listeners that something should or should
not be the case
Generic structure :
1. Thesis : an explanation of issue concern
2. Argument : reason for concern, leading to recommendation
3. Recommendation : a statement of what ought or ought not to happen or be done
based on the given arguments
Language features : 1. Modal verbs
2. time transition
3. compound/ complex sentence
4. Using present tense

A. Read the text then answers some questions

Text : 1
Drinking Coffee has Health Benefits

Drinking coffee may not harm people. Tea, coffee and soda are few beverages which
contain drug called caffeine. In its natural state, caffeine, a silky crystalline subtance, is a white
or yellow powder, which is bitter tasting and odorless. Why should I say that ? I propose some
arguments as follows :
First, according to an old legend, ever since the third century, monks began using
caffeine in order to help them stay awake during evening prayer services. Now, almost seventeen
centuries later, we still use caffeine for the same purpose as well as the other purposes.
Second, caffeine is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine into the
bloodstream, it takes anywhere from fifteen to forty-five minutes to reach its peka level. The
blood flow through the kidneys increases, which triggers urination.
Third, some more therapeutic uses for caffeine are : to help analgesics work more
efficiently, to relieve depression to drug addicts, to kill skin funguses, to improve the movement
of sperm, and to keep people from having seizures during electroconvulsive therapy.
Fourth, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an extensive
study and concluded that there is no evidence that caffeine will decrease the quality of your
health in any way.
Finally, caffeine enhances the performance of small tasks and physical work, which
requires endurance, like running or swimming. Apparently, the Ethiopians mixed crushed dried
coffee beans with fat and rolled them together and ate it during their journeys.
Thus if we want to say that first, we may drink coffee, without feeling scare of bad
impact of the caffeine; second, don’t drink too much; third, drink coffee for therapeutic purposes,
at last we don’t need to addict to coffee.

1. What is the thesis of textabove ?

2. What is the first argument ?
3. What is the second argument ?
4. Mention the recommendation of the text above ?
5. How many argument do you find ?
Drinking Coffee has Health Benefits

Drinking coffee may not harm people. Tea, coffee and soda are few beverages which
contain drug called caffeine. In its natural state, caffeine, a silky crystalline subtance, is a white
or yellow powder, which is bitter tasting and odorless. Why should I say that ? I propose some
arguments as follows :
First, according to an old legend, ever since the third century, monks began using
caffeine in order to help them stay awake during evening prayer services. Now, almost seventeen
centuries later, we still use caffeine for the same purpose as well as the other purposes.
Second, caffeine is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine into the
bloodstream, it takes anywhere from fifteen to forty-five minutes to reach its peka level. The
blood flow through the kidneys increases, which triggers urination.
Third, some more therapeutic uses for caffeine are : to help analgesics work more
efficiently, to relieve depression to drug addicts, to kill skin funguses, to improve the movement
of sperm, and to keep people from having seizures during electroconvulsive therapy.
Fourth, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an extensive
study and concluded that there is no evidence that caffeine will decrease the quality of your
health in any way.
Finally, caffeine enhances the performance of small tasks and physical work, which
requires endurance, like running or swimming. Apparently, the Ethiopians mixed crushed dried
coffee beans with fat and rolled them together and ate it during their journeys.
Thus if we want to say that first, we may drink coffee, without feeling scare of bad
impact of the caffeine; second, don’t drink too much; third, drink coffee for therapeutic purposes,
at last we don’t need to addict to coffee.

6. What is the thesis of textabove ?

7. What is the first argument ?
8. What is the second argument ?
9. Mention the recommendation of the text above ?
10. How many argument do you find ?

Text : 2 Where should be after High Scool

The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. Euphoria
will flood for those who get success. In other hand, it will be sorry to hear that there are some of
them do not succed in their national final examination. For those who succed soon will think to
decide; where will they be after graduating high scool ? Actually it will be easy to decide for
those has been arranged and thought earlier but for those have not planed yet, it will be quite
Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When they
think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost. How long the higher
study will last ? And how high is baout the cost. In the same way, when they think about
straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they have got is a big matter of questioning.
So, doing both choices in the same time is an alternative.
Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for them.
Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. It
is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of things in their new higher school, it will be very
hard to looking for job. Therefore it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher
scholl from their own home. As result, the available time will be more flexible for them. Then it
will be very possible to seek job and get the appropiate one. This type of studying is publicly
known as distance learning.
As the alternative method of studying, besides the conventional studying which students
and the lecturer have to meet in the fixed time and place regularly, distance learning provides
possibility to grow better. Possibly working and studying surely will create high quality
graduate. Distance learning should appear as a considerable choice for them.

Analyse the text above

B. Complete the text with the correct words from the box !
Poverty growth planning rapid
Limits lack increase materials
Solution slow consequences

Rich and poor countries are affected by population growth. The (1) ......... growth of the
world’s population over the past one hundred years results from a difference between the rate of
birth and the rate of death. The human population will (2) .......... by one billion people in the
next decade.
Rapid human population growth has a variety of (3) ........... High fertility rates have
historically been strongly correlated with poverty and high childhood mortality rates. Poverty is
a condition of chronic deprivation and need at the family level. It is a major concern of
humankind because (4) ........ reduces human beings to a low level of existence. Poor people will
lack basic needs and it will result in physical weakness and poor health.
Besides, people living in dense populations will (5) ......... adequate food, water, shelter,
education and employment. The world’s current and projected population growth calls for an
increase in efforts to meet the needs for food, water, health care, technology and education.
Many countries lack adequate supplies of basic (6) ........... needed to support their current
population. Rapid population (7) .......... can affect both the overall quality of life and the degree
of human suffering on earth.
Action plans and strategies can be developed to increase public understanding of how
rapid population growth (8) ..... chances for meeting basic needs. The spirit of open
communication, and empowerment of women and men will be the key to a successful (9) ........
to many population problems. Collective vision about health care, family planning and women’s
education at the community level build a basis for action. The creation of action plans helps to
meet challenges to find cooperative solutions. Free and equal access to health care, family
(10) ......... and education are desirable in their own right and will also help reduce unwanted

C. The following paragraph is not a good order. Rearrange the paragraph into a good text

1. Organic farming differs from conventional farming in the methods used to grow crops.
Where traditional farmers apply chemical fertilizers to the soil to grow their crops,
organic farmers feed and build soil with natural fertilizer.
Traditional farmers use insecticides to get rid of insects and disease, while organic
farmers use natural methods such as insects predators and barriers for this purpose.
Traditional farmers control weed growth by applying synthetic herbicides, but organic
farmers use crop rotation, tillage, hand weeding, cover crops and mulches to control
2. Aside from pesticide contamination, conventional produce tends to have fewer nutrients
than organic produce. On average, conventional produce has only 83 percent of the
nutrients of organic produce. Studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients
such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and significantly less nitrates (a
toxin) in organic crops.
3. If you must buy conventional produce, there are ways to reduce pesticide exposure.
Thoroughly washing all fruits and vegetables will help, although all pesticides residues
can not be removed by washing. You can also remove the outer layer of leaves or peel
vegetables of possible. Another alternative is to grow your own vegetables, although this
takes space, time and climate considerations.
4. The results is that conventionally grown food is often tainted with chemical residues,
which can be harmful to humans. There is debate over whether dietary exposure to
pesticides at levels typically found on food is dangerous, but experts say that consumers
should use caution. The environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers 60 percent of
herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of insecticides to be carcinogenic.
5. The decision to purchase organic food over conventionally grown food is a personal one,
and as you walk through the supermarket, many of which are now adding organic
sections. You will likely ask the question : Is organic food really better ?

D. Read the extract below. Identify its main idea, develop it into a hortatory exposition text

The disavantages of Using Calculator

Thesis :
Argument 1st : Make us lazy
Argument 2nd : Make us not confident with our skill to calculate
Argument 3rd : Make us dependent on calculator
Recommendation :

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