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Establishing a consistent study schedule: Setting aside specific

times each day for studying can help a child develop a routine
and stay on task.

2. Breaking up study sessions: Instead of studying for long

stretches at a time, it can be helpful to break up study sessions
into shorter intervals with breaks in between.

3. Creating a distraction-free study environment: This can include

finding a quiet place to study, turning off phones and other
electronic devices, and minimizing visual distractions.
4. Active learning: Encourage children to actively engage with the
material by taking notes, summarizing key concepts, and asking

5. Testing: test-taking is a powerful tool for retention, so quizzing

children and have them test themselves on the material they
have learned.

6. Encourage exercise and sleep: Regular exercise and adequate

sleep can help improve focus and memory retention.

7. Making connections: help children make connections between

new information and what they already know to make the
material more meaningful and easier to remember.

8. Using mnemonic devices: mnemonic devices such as acrostics,

rhymes, or songs can help children remember information more

9. Get help if needed: if your child is having difficulty retaining

information, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a tutor or
learning specialist.

10. Find a way that works for your child: Every child is different,
so it is important to find a study method that works best for your

CrunchGrade experts help students in a way they keep this pratice in

their daily study routine!

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