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Seeing all these comments remind me that I’m not alone. So many of us are feeling the same things.

That in itself is the biggest and warmest hug ever. Let’s all cry together tonight, but tomorrow
morning we’ll wake up knowing it’s a new day. A new day for new mindsets, opportunities, love,
kindness, smiles, sunshine, and a life that we can heal. We’re all going to be okay

you know what? lets cry it out, lets cry together and let it alllll out. Remember, its never wrong to cry
no matter how old are you, what your gender is. Crying is an emotion and we all have right to feel
this emotion. Cry and heal. we're together in this journey! you got this, please stay strong and ily

for everyone who's in their bad state: everything's terrible right now, you're mentally or physically
exhauted, don't think bout anything right now. only this playlist and you. relax. todo va a salir
bien(everything will be okay) <3

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