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Date: 9-6-2021

Chapter – 5

Plants in the Surroundings

Parts of a plant

Draw the picture of a plant and label its parts. (page 58)

A plant has two main parts – the root and the shoot.

Root – The part of a plant that grows below the ground is called the root.

Shoot – The part of a plant that grows above the ground is called the shoot.It includes the stem, leaves,
flowers and fruits.



There are two main types of roots:

• Taproot
• Fibrous roots

Instructions: Draw the two types of roots (use only four or three lines to draw. Don’t copy this in your


Plants in the Surroundings

Difference between a taproot and fibrous root

• υ A thick main root growing from the base of the stem.
• υ Small thin roots grow from this main root.
• υ Eg. Carrot
Fibrous roots
• υ A bunch of thin and bushy roots growing from the base of
the stem.
• υ Eg.grass

Functions of roots:
• They hold the plant firmly to the soil.
• They absorb water and nutrients. Water and nutrients
are required by the plant to grow.
Functions of stems: (page- 61)
• They keep most plants upright.

Date: 23/6/2021
Note 3
Draw a neat diagram of a leaf and label its parts.

Fill in the blanks:
1.The flat surface of a leaf is called the leaf blade.
2.Many small tubes, called veins cover the entire leaf blade.
3.The long tube passing through the middle of the leaf is called the midrib.
4.A stalk connects the leaf to the stem.
5.Tiny openings on the leaves known as stomata.

Date: 30/6/2021

Note: 4
Answer the following:

Q1. Write the functions of chlorophyll.

Ans. [a] It gives green colour to the leaves.
[b] It helps leaves to absorb sunlight.
Q2. What do you mean by photosynthesis?
Ans. The process by which green leaves prepare food using carbon dioxide, water
and sunlight is called photosynthesis.
Q3. Draw a diagram showing the germination of a seed. [63]
Date: 13/7/2021











Q1. Name the different types of plants. Give an example for each. [Try to draw
small pictures next to each example, can write your own examples also.]

Ans a) Trees- Banyan tree

b) Shrubs- Rose

c) Herbs-Spinach

d) Climbers-Bitter gourd

e) Creepers-Pumpkin

Q2. What is a bark?

Ans. Bark is a thick and rough covering that protects the stem of the trees.
Q 3. What are tendrils?

Ans. Tendrils are thin, curling stems seen in climbers with which they attach
themselves to a support.

Edible seeds

Seeds that are safe to be eaten by us. Eg cereals and pulses.

Plant Products

A. Fill in the blanks:

1.The ---leaves------------------of tea plant are used to make tea.

2.The seeds of coffee and cocoa are called-----beans------------

3.Sugar is obtained from the stem of-------sugarcane----------plant.

4.-------------------are also called food grains.

5.Most nuts have a hard------------------covering them.

B. Which part of the plant is used as a spice?

1.Cinnamon ----------------






C. Give two examples for the following:

1.cereals-----------------------, ----------------

2.pulses----------------------, ------------------------

3.Beverages----------------------, ---------------------

HW - Scrapbook:

Find out the names of five plants that are used as medicines.
Also write the medicinal value of each.

Date 3.8.2021

Date 3.8.2021

Note: 1
webbed feet, wading, talons, down feathers, body feathers, flight feathers,
chisel, upstroke, downstroke, flightless, migration, bird bath, bird feeders

Draw and colour the picture showing the parts of a bird given in page 35
Date 4/8/2021
Types of beaks
1] strong, short and hard beak

Use - to crush and eat nuts and seeds

Eg: sparrow, pigeon

2] strong, sharp and hooked beak

Use - to tear and eat flesh

Eg: vulture, eagle

3] strong, pointed and chisel shaped beak

Use - to make holes in the tree trunk and pull-out insects

Eg: woodpecker, hoopoe

4] Broad and flat beak

Use – take in muddy water along with insects, worms, small fish and
small water plants

Eg. duck, geese

5] Broad, long and sharp-edged beak

Use – to catch fish, frogs and crabs


6] Long and pointed beak

Use – to suck nectar from flowers

Feet of Birds
1. Perching birds – feet with three toes pointing forward and one
Eg: sparrow, crow

2. Climbing birds – feet with two toes pointing forward and two pointing
Eg: woodpecker, hoopoes

3. Waterbirds – have their front toes joined by a layer of skin, called

wedded feet.
Eg: duck, pelican
4. Scratching birds – have sharp and strong claws to dig the ground for
Eg: hen

5. Wading birds – have long legs and widely spread-out toes to walk
through shallow water, called wadding.
Eg: stork, crane

6. Flesh-eating birds – have very sharp claws, called talons.

Date: 1/9/2021

CW Activity:1

Name the following:

1. Two birds that cannot fly

__________, ___________

2. Two birds with strong, sharp and hooked beak

________________, ____________________

3. A bird with chisel-shaped beak


4. Two birds with long and pointed beak

_________________, _______________________

5. National bird of India


6. A bird that does not build a nest.

Common Insects
Insect, thorax, abdomen, antennae, exoskeleton, chitin, life cycle, caterpillar,
pupa, adult, social insects, colony, apiculture
Draw a beautiful garden with flowers and insects

Answer the following
1. Name any 5 common insects
Ans. Ants, honey bees, mosquitoes, cockroaches and beetles.

2. Name the 3 main body parts of an insect

Ans. Head, thorax, abdomen

3. What is an exoskeleton?
Ans. The hard protective outer covering of an insect’s body made up of
chitin is called the exoskeleton.

4. What is meant by life cycle of an insect?

Ans. The series of changes which an insect goes through during its life
is called life cycle.
5. List any 3 features of insects
Ans. Insects have 6 legs.
They have a hard outer covering called exoskeleton.
They have a pair of antennae which helps them to smell and feel.
Note: 2
6. Draw a diagram showing the life of a butterfly
Ans. Refer T.B. pg. no. 50
7. What are social insects? Give 3 examples
Ans. Insects that live together in groups or colonies are called social insects.
Eg. Ants, honey bees, wasps.

8. List 4 insects that can harm us

Ans. Ants, termites, lice, bed bugs.
9. Write any 3 remedies of insect bite
Ans. 1) Place an ice pack over the affected area.
2) Applying calamine lotion over the affected area gives relief from
3) Applying a paste of baking soda reduces pain caused by bee sting.
10. What are the preventive measures to avoid mosquitoes?
Ans. 1.Keep the surroundings clean.
2.Never allow stagnant water to collect in buckets or containers.
3.Always sleep inside a mosquito net.
4.Apply insect repellent creams.
Revision 1

Date: 14/9/2021

[Read the question carefully and write only the answers in the notebook.]

Choose the correct answer:

1. The --------------------- is that part of the plant that grows above the soil.

2. ------------------------is the process by which a seed grows into a new plant.


3. ---------------------are the tiny openings present on the leaves help a plant to

breathe. [Stomata/Veins]

4. A green substance called ---------------------- present inside the leaves,

makes the leaves green. [chlorophyll/leaf blade]

5. A ------------ is known as the kitchen or food factory of the plant. [root/leaf]

6. [Watermelon/Mango] ............................. has one seed inside it.

7. [Seeds/Fruits] ............................. of the pepper plant are used as spices.

8. [Bark/Flower buds] -----------------------of the clove plant are used as spices.

9. Sugarcane is used to make ............................. [jaggery/honey]

10.The seeds of cocoa plants are also called ---------------------


Give an example for the following:

1. Flowers that we eat ............................

2. A plant that stores food in the stem. ---------------

3. Seeds of some plants are used to make oil. ----------------

4. Seeds of some plants are used as spices. ----------------------

5. Plants that have fibrous root .............................

Fill in the blanks:

1. Climbers attach themselves to the support with the help of thin, curling stems
called ----------.

2. Trees are big and have a single, thick, woody stem called a ------------.

3. The ------------------ of the cinnamon tree are used as spices.

4. ---------------- is a plant that has weak stem, but heavy fruits.

Answer the following:

1. What is meant by the term photosynthesis?

2. What is germination?

Revision 1

Answer key

I Choose the correct answer:

1. shoot
2. Germination
3. Stomata
4. chlorophyll
5. leaf
6. Mango
7. Fruits
8. Flower buds
9. jaggery
Give an example of the following:

6. Flowers that we eat – Cauliflower ..........................

7. A plant that stores food in the stem. Sugarcane ---------------

8. Seeds of some plants are used to make oil. Groundnut ----------------

9. Seeds of some plants are used as spices. Mustard ----------------------

10.Plants that have fibrous root. Wheat .............................

Fill in the blanks:

1. tendrils
2. trunk
3. bark
4. Creeper

Answer the following:

3. What is meant by the term photosynthesis?

ANS. The process by which green leaves prepare food using air, water and
minerals in presence of sunlight.

4. What is germination?

ANS. The process by which a seed grows into a new plant.


Date: 15/9/2021

[Write only the answers]


1.Water birds have ------[webbed/pointed] feet which help them to swim in water.

2.A tailor bird uses its beak like a ----------[stick/needle] to sew leaves together.

3.Bulbuls and humming birds make------------[cupshaped/spoonshaped] nests.

4.[sparrow/owl] ----------------has a strong, short and hard to crush and eat nuts and
5.The outer covering of an insect’s body is made up of------[chitin/wax]


1.The outer covering of an insect’s body

2.A birds’ body and wings are covered with these

3.Strong and sharp claws of flesh-eating birds

4.Structures that an insect has a on its head that help them to smell and feel.

5.Insects that live together in colonies

III. Fill in the blanks

1.The-------------of a bird helps it to change directions while flying

2.Ducks and geese have--------feet

3.Egg of a butterfly hatches into a----------------

4.A-----------is a fish-eating bird.

5.--------------and---------------walk through shallow water using their long legs.

6.The beak of a woodpecker is -----------------shaped.

7.-------------------and -------------------have long and pointed beak to suck nectar from


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