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PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTAKUM 76: 479^84, Copenhagen 1989

Correlation of reduced chilling injury with increased spermine

and spermidine levels in zucchini squash
George F, Kramer and Chiem Y, Wang

Kramer. G. F. and Wang, C. Y. 1989. Correlation of reduced chilling injury with

increased spermine and spermidine levels in zucchini squash. - Physiol. Plant. 76:

The development of chilling injury symptoms in zucchini squash {Cucurbita pepo L.

cv. Ambassador) was reduced by preconditioning the fruit for 2 days at 10°C. In the
control group, held continuously at 2.5°C, increasing chilling injury correlated with
an increase in putreseine and decreases in spermidine and spenrsine. Preconditioning
led to a significant increase in spermidine and spermine levels, beginning after the
initiation of storage at 2.5°C and lasting for 5 days, after which the levels decreased
but remained elevated relative to the control. The elevation of polyamine levels by
direct treatment of the fruit with spermine prior to storage resulted in reduced
chilling injury, indicating that poiyamines may be involved in the protective mecha-
nism of preconditioning. We have also examined the extent of lipid peroxidation by
determining the levels of chloroform-soluble fluorescent products in the skin of the
fruit subjected to chilling. The chilling injurj- in the control group resulted in an
increase in the fluorescent products. The levels of fluorescent products were signif-
icantly reduced by the preconditioning treatment. These results may indicate that
polvamines can act to prevent chilling injury in squash by a mechanism which
involves protecting membrane lipids from peroxidation.
Key words - Chilling injur)'. Cucurbita pepo, fluorescent products, peroxidatioti.
polyamine, postharvest physiology, preconditioning, putrescioe, spermidine, sper-
mine, zucchini squash.

G.F. Kramer and C.Y. Wang (corresponding author). Horticultural Crops Quality
Lab., Agricultural Research Sennce, U. S. Dept of .Agriculture, Beltsville, MD 20705,

can protect microsotnal membranes from peroxidation

Introduction jj, ^i^j.^ (jcitada et al. 1979). Polyamines also have rad-
Polyamines are potent inhibitors of many senescence- ical-scavenging properties (Drolet et al. 1986). Protec-
related processes in a variety of plant species (Galston tion of membranes from peroxidation by polyamines
and Kaur-Sawhney 1987). Much of this antisenescent could involve both their ability to interact with phos-
activity may be membrane related (Roberts et al. 1986). pholipids and their antioxidant activity.
A key process in plant senescence appears to involve Chilling injury, like senescence, is thought to involve
membrane deterioration, especially via the formation of alteration of membrane structure (Wang 19S2, Raison
lipid hydroperoxides (Thompson et al. 1985). Poly- and Orr 1989). Raison atid Lyons (1970) proposed that
amines can associate with the surface of membranes, the primary event causing chilling injury is a phase
presumably through interactions with anionic compo- transition in the molecular ordering of membrane lipids.
nents of the metnbrane such as phospholipids (Ballas et The membrane phase transition would have many dele-
al. 1983, Roberts et al. 1986). This interaction serves to terious effects on the tisstie, including increases in mem-
stabilize the bilayer surface and may thus retard mem- brane permeability and alteration of the activity of
brane deterioration (Roberts et al. 1986). This hypothe- membrane proteins (Wang 1982).
sis is consistent with the observation that polyamines Given the relationship between polyamines and

Received 14 December, 1988; revised 26 April, 1989

Phvsiol. Plam. 76, .1TO9

membrane protection and between chilling injury and ing injury in fruit by antioxidant treatment (Wang and
membrane damage, the possible connection between Baker 1979) also supports this free radical hypothesis.
polyamines and chilling injury has been of great in- Thus, chilling injury may involve a chain of events,
terest. Chilling injury in a variety of fruit results in which commences with the disruption of membrane
significant increases in putreseine levels (McDonald and structure, leading to the initiation of lipid peroxidation.
Kushad 1986, Wang and Ji 1988), These results are The objective of the present study was to test whether
consistent with the observation that putreseine increases reduction of chiUing injury by temperature precondi-
in plants in response to a number of stresses, including tioning in squash could involve increased polyamine
water stress (Wang and Steffens 1985), acid treatment levels with a concomitant reduction of lipid peroxida-
(Young and Galston 1983) and osmotic shock (Flores tion products.
and Galston 1982), Such results do not indicate whether
the increase in putreseine is a protective response or Abbreviations - FW, fresh weight; HPLC, high pressure liquid
whether putreseine itself is the cause of the stress-in- chromatography.
duced injury (McDonald and Kushad 1986), However,
other results indicate that polyamines may actually pro- Materials and methods
tect plants from chilling injury. The cold hardening of Zucchini squash {Cucurbita pepo L, cv. Ambassador)
several plant species correlates with increases in poly- fruits were freshly harvested from a local farm near
amines (Guye et al, 1986, Kushad and Yelenosky 1987, Beltsville, MD, USA, Samples were selected for their
Nadeau et al, 1987), Also, the reduction of chilling uniformity of size (16-22 cm in length) and were ran-
injury in squash and senescence in Chinese cabbage and domly divided into two lots. The first group (control)
apples by controlled atmosphere storage is coupled with was placed in storage at 2,5°C, The second lot was
increased polyamine levels (Wang 1988, Wang and Ji preconditioned at ]0°C for the first 2 days of storage and
1988, Kramer et al, 1989), These results are consistent then moved to 2,5°C for the remainder of the study,
with the suggestion that polyamines preserve membrane Polyamine treatment of the fruit involved the use of
integrity, resulting in increased cell viability during pressure infiltration. The squash fruits were immersed
chilling (Guye et al, 1986), in 10 mM spermine (Sigma; adjusted to pH 7 with
A by-product of lipid peroxidation is the accumu- NaOH) and subjected to 0.7 kg cm~^ of air pressure for
lation of chloroform-soluble fluorescent products (Tap- 3 min.
pel 1975), These compounds have an excitation maxi- Samples were taken on various days throughout the
mum in the region of 340-380 nm and an emission storage period. Three squash were chosen at random
maximum in the region of 440-480 nm (Tappel 1975, from each group being sampled. The degree of chilling
Wilhelm and Wilhelmova 1981), The accumulation of injury, as judged by the extent of surface pitting, was
such compounds has been measured during the senes- evaluated 5 h after transfer of squash from storage
cence of cotyledon membranes (Thompson et al, 1985) chambers to room temperature by rating on a scale of 0
and leaf chloroplasts (Wilhelm and Wilhelmova 1981), to 4: 0, no abnormality; 1, trace; 2, slight; 3, moderate;
and during the ripening of fruit (Maguire and Haard 4, severe chilling injury. Two 2,0 g skin samples were
1975), These fluorescent products comprise a family of removed from each fruit and immediately frozen. Sam-
compounds resulting from the reactions of the break- ples were stored at — 80°C prior to analysis.
down products of peroxidized lipids with free amino
groups resulting in a characteristic Schiff base structure
(-N=CH-CH=CH-NH-) (Tappel 1975), Free radical Polyamine analysis
damage may also be involved in chilling injury (Omran Extracts for polyamine analysis were prepared by ho-
1980, Patterson et al, 1984), This hypothesis would also mogenizing 2,0 g tissue in 15 ml 5% (v/v) perchloric acid
predict membrane damage to be of significance, since using a Polytron homogenizer (Brinkman), 1,6-Hexane-
unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized and lipid diamine [500 nmol (g fresh weight)"'] (Sigma) was add-
peroxidation is an auto-catalytic (chain-reaction) proc- ed as an internal standard. The prob'^ was rinsed with
ess (Droillard et al, 1987), The activity of the HjOj- another 15 ml aliquot of 5% perchloric acid which was
scavenging enzyme catalase decreases during chilling then added to the first aliquot. The homogenate was
injury in both the leaves and fruit of plants (Omran then centrifuged at 47 000 g for 20 min. The supernatant
1980, Patterson et al, 1984, MacRae and Ferguson 1985, was removed and used for polyamine analysis,
MacRae et al, 1986), Initial catalase levels can also be Polyamines were analyzed using high pressure liquid
used to rank the chilling sensitivity of plants in closely chromatography (HPLC) with methods similar to those
related subgroups, with the more tolerant cultivars con- of Smith and Davies (1985), Dansylation was perfomed
taining the highest catalase levels (MacRae et al, 1986), by mixing 400 jxl (18,5 mM in acetone) dansyl chloride
Increased free radical production during carnation se- (Sigma) and 150 \i\ saturated sodium bicarbonate with
nescence is correlated with the loss of membrane integ- 200 |xl of extract. After incubation overnight at room
rity (Droillard et al, 1987), demonstrating the deleteri- temperature, 200 \i\ (0,43 M) proline were added and
ous effects of such compounds. The prevention of chill- the incubation was continued for 1 h. After centrifu-

480 Physiol. Plant..76, 1989

gation for 10 min in a microcentrifuge (Beckman), the nitrogen. The fluorescent products were resuspended in
pH of the supernatant was checked and adjusted with 2 ml chlorofom , and 200 yd methanol was added. The
HCl close to neutral (pH 6 to 8) as necessary. Samples fluorescence was measured with a Perkin-Elmer 650-
(100 yd) of the supernatant were used for HPLC analy- lOS spectrofluorometer using an emission wavelength of
sis, HPLC was performed on a system consisting of two 460 nm and an excitation wavelength of 345 nm. The
6000A pumps (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) pro- instrument was standardized with 0,1 ug m r ' quinine
grammed with a 720 System Controller (Waters), Sam- sulfate (Sigma) in 0,1 M sulfuric acid.
ples were injected using a Waters U6K injector onto a
reverse-phase C-18 column (Supelco 25 cm LC-18 with
a Supelguard LC-18 5 ^m guard column). Samples were
eluted from the column at a flow rate of 1,5 ml min'' Figure preparation
with a programmed solvent gradient of 0, 100, 0; 15, 0, The figures were prepared using SigmaPlot software
100; 19, 0, 100, where the first number is the time (min), (Jandel Scientific), The traces presented are computer-
the second number is the % buffer A (60:40, v/v, meth- generated regression lines.
anol/water) and the third number is the % buffer B
(100% methanol), Elution was completed in 19 min,
Eluates were detected by a 650-1 OS spectrofluorometer
(Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA) using an excitation
wavelength of 365 nm and an emission wavelength of
510 nm. Data were collected and analyzed using a NEC Eifeet of temperature preconditioning on ciiilling injury
APCIV PowerMate 2 computer system equipped with a Figure 1 shows the average chilling injury index of the
Maxima 820 Chromatography Workstation (Dynamic fruits removed on various days. All fruits appeared
Solutions), Polyamines were quantified by the compari- normal without any symptoms of chilling injury after 2
son of peak areas with those of standards. days of exposure to 2,5°C, Traces of pitting were found
on the skin of fruits from the control group after 3 days,
followed by rapid development of chilling injury symp-
Analysis of fluorescent products
toms during days 3-11, In severe cases, the entire fruit
Extracts for the fluorescent product assay were pre- was covered with numerous sunken areas. The precon-
pared by homogenizing 2,0 g of skin tissue in 100 mM ditioning treatment significantly reduced chilling injury
sodium phosphate, pH 7,6, The homogenate was ex- in the fruit. These squash fruits did not develop moder-
tracted as described by Fletcher et al, (1973), Five ml of ate or severe chilling injury until after 15 days.
the homogenate were added to 5 ml chloroform:metha-
nol (2:1, v/v) and vortexed vigorously. The mixture was
centrifuged at 171 g for 10 min to separate the phases. Effect of chiUing injury on polyamine levels
Two ml of the chlorofom phase were applied to a 1,5 ml Samples of skin tissue were used to analyze the poly-
silica column (poured in a Pasteur pipet) which had amine levels via HPLC, Figure 2 shows the correlation
been equilibrated with chloroform. The column was
washed successively with 6 ml chlorofom , 5 ml isopro-
panol and 6 ml methanol:water (10:1, v/v). The metha-
nol-water fraction was collected and evaporated under 1.6
T /*
1.4 V - 0.45 - 0,10

y /-
3.5 1.2 © / 0.40 -
1.0 - /
0.35 -
OJ 2.5
* 0,06
, E 2.0 : / T
i : c

0,30 -
CJ 1.5 1- o
0) 0.04 •
1.0 c 0.4 • I 0.25 -
0.5 - 'E
, Putrescine'
t 0'0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
10 12 16 18
Cl index
Days of Storage
Fig. 2. Relationship of polyamine content of skin to the chilling
Fig, 1, Developmentof chilling injury with time. Control group injury index of individual fruits in the control group. Means ±
placed at 2,5°C at the beginning of the first day. Precondi- SE (n=45 for chilling injury = 0; 10,1; 13, 2; 21, 3; 13, 4), The
tioned group stored at 10°C for the first 2 days, then moved to correlation coefficients were: putrescine, 0.934; spermidine,
2,5°C for the remainder of the experiment. Means ± SE (n=6). -0.945; and spermine,-0,952,

Physiol. Plant. 76, 1989 481

1 I 1—1—1—1—1—1—•—1—•—1—'—I—1—1—1— between chilling injury and the polyamine levels in the
Control i T skin of the control group of squash. The level of putres-
cine increased by > 5-fold, while the concentration of
1,6 spermidine decreased 2-fold and spermine decreased
1,4 4-fold (Fig, 2),
•5 1,2
E Efi'ect or temperature preconditioning on polyamine levels
<u 0,8 wv V Preconditioned In order to determine whether the protection from chill-

--A • ing injury resulting from preconditioning could involve
polyamines, we determined the effect of this treatment
D 0,4,
< on the levels of putrescine, spermidine and spermine in
a. 0,2 the fruit. Figure 3 shows the effect of the treatment on
0,0 .. . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .
the putrescine concentration in the skin, Putrescine in-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 creased during the treatment and continued to increase
Day after transfer to chilling temperatures at the same rate
Fig. 3. Effect of temperature preconditioning on putrescine as in the control (Fig. 3), The spermidine levels in the
content. Means ± sii (n=6). preconditioned squash increased between days 2 and 7
(Fig, 4), After day 7, the levels began to decrease, but
remained about 1,5- to 2-fold higher than the control.
Preconditioning also significantly increased spermine
levels in the skin (Fig, 5), In the treated fruits, spermine
levels rose between days 2 and 7. The levels fell after
day 7 but remained higher (2- to lO-fold) than the
control. The effect of preconditioning on spermine was
virtually identical to the effect of this treatment on
spermidine levels. These results show that the increased
resistance to chilling injury in the preconditioned
squash was correlated with higher spermine and spermi-
dine levels in the skin tissue.

^ 0,15 4,0
1 1 .

^ ^
8 10 12 U 16 18 3,0 ^ Y
Fig, 4, Effect of temperuture preconditioning on spermidine ^2,5 Untreated yi i^-^ /-]
content. Means ± SE (n=6). ,E 2,0
^ 1,5 -
1,0 v^ y ^ Treated -

I 0.0 i
\x::^A^^^^ —1 1
1 1 1

1 . • ' • ' • '

•11 0.30

S" 0.25
®\ ®
B. '

So,2O \ J- Preconditioned - cn
\ J Treated
- ' 0.20
0 \ 5
:3.0,15 3_ 0.15 -
\ i T T • •

= 0.10 ®

^^ J ' -

unircQtsQ ^^^~~~~—-—___
S, 0.05
n -—~—
Contro — • — _ ^

0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 I 1 1 1 1

Days of Storage


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14- 16 18 Fig. 6. Effect of spermine treatment on chilling injury and

Day spermine content of skin. The squash fruits were treated with
Fig. 5. Effect of temperature preconditioning on .spermine 10 mM spermine prior to storage at 2.5°C. A, effect on chilling
content. Means ± ST. (n=6). injury; B, effect on skin spermine levels. Means ± SE (n=3).

482 Physio!. Plant. 76. 1989

of the fluorescent products (B. Whitaker, G, Kramer
and C, Y, Wang, unpublished data). Chilling injury in
26 the control group of squash was observed to increase
CD the amount of fluorescent products in this fraction of
U 24
Control / skin extracts (Fig, 7). The preconditioning treatment
O 22 / - prevented this increase in the levels of fluorescent prod-
/ ucts (Fig, 7), The reduction of chilling injury by this
/ treatment was thus correlated with reductions in the
o 20
/x levels of fluorescent products found in the skin of the
18 - fruit.
CD /
D Discussion

- V ^ ^ ^
Our results demonstrate that two treatments which sig-
nificantly increased polyamine levels (temperature pre-
i 1 1 Preconcjitioned conditioning and direct application of spermine) also
10 - - led to reduced chilling injury as compared to untreated
n'f , r , 1 , (control) fruit. Chilling injury in squash resulted in an
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
increase in putrescine levels (5-fold) and decreases in
spermidine (2-fold) and spermine (4-fold) in the skin
Day (Fig, 2). The temperature-preconditioning regimen re-
Fig. 7. Effect ol temperature preconditioning on chloroform- sulted in 1,5- to 2-fold increases in spermidine (Fig, 4)
soluble fluorescent products. Means + SE (n=3). and 2- to lO-fold increases in spermine (Fig, 5) relative
to the control. These variable effects on the different
polyamines are significant in terms of their structure.
Effect of polyamine application on chilling injury The relative effectiveness of polyamines as antisenes-
In order to determine directly whether polyamines cent agents corresponds to the number of positive
could be involved in the inhibition of chilling injury by charges per molecule; i.e,, spermine (tetramine) is
preconditioning, the effect of polyamine application to more effective than spermidine (triam.ine), which is
the squash prior to chilling treatment was determined. more effective than putrescine (diamine) (Galston and
The fruits were pressure infiltrated with 10 mM spermi- Kaur-Sawhney 1987), We found that chilling stress re-
dine or spermine and stored at 2,5°C, Spermine treat- sults in a greater reduction of spermine than spermi-
ment delayed the development of chilling injury symp- dine. Also, the temperature preconditioning had a grea-
toms (Fig. 6A). Analysis of the skin of these fruits ter relative effect on spermine than spermidine and a
demonstrated that the treatment elevated the tissue greater effect on spermidine than putrescine. The rela-
spermine level by >2-fold (Fig. 6B), Spemidine treat- tive increases in the individual polyamines by the pre-
ment had no effect on chilling injury. However, analysis conditioning treatment were, thus, correlated with their
of the skin revealed that spermidine levels were the antisenescence activity.
same as in the non-treated control, indicating that this These results suggest that polyamines can somehow
polyamine did not penetrate into the tissue (data not protect squash from chilling injury, Polyamines have
shown). been proposed to inhibit chilling injury by lowering the
membrane phase transition temperature via fluidity ef-
fects (Guye et al, 1986), However, there is insufficient
Measurement of fluorescent products evidence to equate a change in membrane fluidity with a
In order to determine whether the reduced chilling in- change in the phase transition temperature (Raison and
jury and increased polyamines resulting from temper- Orr 1989), The inhibition of chilling injury in squash by
ature preconditioning might be correlated with protec- polyamines may involve alteration of the physical prop-
tion of membranes from oxidative damage, the fluo- erties of membranes, but determination of the effects of
rescent properties of chlorofom extracts of squash tissue polyamines on the phase transition temperature would
were examined. We observed that these extracts con- be necessary to substantiate such a suggestion.
tained compounds with similar fluorescent properties Given the possible relationship between chilling in-
(emission maximum at 440-460 nm, excitation maxi- jury and oxidative damage to membranes, we examined
mum at 340-350 nm) to those described for other plant the effects of chilling injury on the levels of chloroform-
fluorescent products (Maguire and Haard 1975, Wil- soluble fluorescent products in squash. The levels of
helm and Wilhelmova 1981, Thompson et al, 1985), fluorescent products in skin increased with chilling in-
However, the pigments in the skin chlorofom extract jury (Fig, 7), Temperature preconditioning significantly
effectively quenched this fluorescence, Fractionation on reduced these levels of fluorescent products in the skin.
silica columns separated these pigments from a fraction This may indicate that decreased lipid peroxidation is

Phvsiol. Plant. 76, 1989 483

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Edited by P. Nissen

484 Physiol. Plant. 76, 1989

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