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Agronomy & Crop Science (2008) ISSN 0931-2250


Chilling Tolerance in Hybrid Maize Induced by Seed Priming

with Salicylic Acid
M. Farooq1, T. Aziz1, S. M. A. Basra2, M. A. Cheema1 & H. Rehman2
1 Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2 Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Keywords Abstract
antioxidants; chilling stress; emergence;
maize; salicylic acid; seed priming; seedling The optimum temperature for maize germination is between 25 and 28 C.
growth Poor and erratic germination at suboptimal temperature is the most important
hindrance in its early sowing. This study was conducted to induce chilling tol-
Correspondence erance in hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) by seed priming with salicylic acid (SA)
Dr M. Farooq
and to unravel the background biochemical basis. For seed priming, maize
Department of Agronomy, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
hybrid (Hycorn 8288) seeds were soaked in 50, 100 and 150 ppm (mg l)1) aer-
Tel.: +92 41 9200161-9/2936 ated solutions of SA for 24 h and were dried back. Treated and untreated seeds
Fax: +92 41 9201098 were sown at 27 C (optimal temperature) and at 15 C (chilling stress) under
Email: controlled conditions. Performance of maize seedlings was hampered under
chilling stress. But seed priming with SA improved the seedling emergence,
Accepted January 23, 2008 root and shoot length, seedling fresh and dry weights, and leaf and root score
considerably compared with control both at optimal and chilling temperatures.
However, priming in 50 mg l)1 SA solution was more effective, followed by
priming in 100 mg l)1 SA solution. Seed priming with SA improved the chill-
ing tolerance in hybrid maize mainly by the activation of antioxidants (includ-
ing catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase). Moreover,
maintenance of high tissue water contents and reduced membrane permeability
also contributed towards chilling tolerance.

gens is created by the induction of pathogenesis-related

proteins (Davies 2004).
Optimum temperature for maize (Zea mays L.) germina- Numerous studies reported that SA can improve plant
tion is between 25 and 28 C. Poor and erratic germina- resistance to various abiotic stresses including ultraviolet
tion at suboptimal temperature is the most important light, drought, salt and temperature extremes (Yalpani
hindrance in its early sowing (Stewart et al. 1990, Greaves et al. 1994, Dat et al. 1998, Mishra and Choudhuri 1999,
1996). Moreover, chilling causes shoot water deficit in Senaratna et al. 2000, He et al. 2005, Ogawa et al. 2005,
maize crop because of its thermophilic nature. This water Horváth et al. 2007). Recently, Gunes et al. (2007) pro-
deficit is caused by a reduction in the root water uptake posed that SA acts as an endogenous signal molecule
greater than in the leaf transpiration rate during chilling responsible for inducing tolerance against many abiotic
(Stewart et al. 1990). stresses in plants. SA could provide some protection for
Salicylic acid (SA) is a phytohormone of phenolic nat- cell structure of chilling-stressed banana (Musa paradisia-
ure. It is ubiquitous in plants generating a considerable cal L.) seedling (Kang et al. 2007).
impact on plant growth, development, mineral uptake Salicylic acid analogue, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid improved
and transport, photosynthesis, and transpiration. It also the drought tolerance of the winter wheat (Triticum aes-
induces specific changes in leaf anatomy and chloroplast tivum L.) cv. Cheyenne and the freezing tolerance of the
structure. SA is recognized as an endogenous signal, spring wheat cv. Chinese Spring (Horváth et al. 2007). In
mediating in plant defense system in particular against another study, exogenous SA treatment decreased relative
pathogens (Hayat and Ahmad 2007). Resistance to patho- electrolyte leakage in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves under

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Farooq et al.

heat or cold stress, indicating that SA can induce intrinsic 28 ± 2 C. The ratio of seed weight to solution volume
heat or cold tolerance in grape by maintenance of was 1 : 5 (g ml)1) (Farooq et al. 2006a). After each treat-
relatively higher activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), ment, seeds were given three surface washings with dis-
glutathione reductase, monodehydroascorbate and redox tilled water and dried back closer to original moisture
ratio in the ascorbate–glutathione pool under normal tem- level under forced air at 27 C ± 3, sealed in polythene
perature and under heat or cold stress (Wang and bags and stored in a refrigerator at 5 C until use (Lee
Li 2006). He et al. (2005) also reported that SA application and Kim 2000). Untreated dry seeds were taken as
concealed the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production control.
and enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase
(SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities, which induced heat
Seed germination and seedling vigour evaluation
tolerance in Kentucky bluegrass.
Antioxidants have been found to play a vital role in Treated and untreated seeds were sown in 10 kg plastic
improving chilling tolerance (Foyer and Fletcher 2001, pots (15 in each) containing moist acid/water washed
Blokhina et al. 2003). For instance, Prasad (1997) sand and placed in a growth room with a photosyntheti-
reported that CAT plays an important role in acclimation cally active photon flux density of 350 mmol m)2 s)1 and
to chilling temperature in maize seedlings. Sundar et al. a photoperiod of 14/10 h light/dark. Experimental design
(2004) suggested that increase in several components of was completely randomized with five replications. One set
the antioxidant system in cold-treated guayule (Parthe- of pots was placed at 27 C (optimal temperature, con-
nium argentatum) plants is responsible to mitigate the trol), while the other was kept at 15 C (chilling stress)
oxidative damages. during the whole period of study. From each pot, number
Seed enhancements (including seed priming with or of emerged seedlings was recorded daily according to the
without plant growth regulator) may improve the germina- seedling evaluation handbook of Association of Official
tion and seedling establishment at suboptimal temperatures. Seed Analysis (1990). Time taken to 50 % emergence of
Several studies report the benefits of priming on germina- seedlings (E50) was calculated according to the following
tion to improve the germination and stand establishment formulae of Coolbear et al. (1984) modified by Farooq
(Basra et al. 2005, Farooq et al. 2006a, Farooq et al. 2006b, et al. (2005):
Farooq et al. 2006c). Moreover, priming has also been
½ðN=2Þ  ni ðtj  ti Þ
found effective to increase the germination under chilling E50 ¼ ti þ
nj  ni
conditions. For example, seed priming with CaCl2 and gly-
cinebetaine has been found to improve chilling tolerance in where N is the final number of emerged seeds, and ni and
wheat (Farooq et al. 2008a) and hybrid maize (Farooq et al. nj the cumulative number of seeds emerged by adjacent
2008b) respectively. In another study, Basra et al. (2006) counts at times ti and tj when ni < N/2 < nj.
found that seed priming with SA improve the germination Mean emergence time (MET) was calculated according
and early seedling growth in coarse and fine rice. to the equation of Ellis and Roberts (1981) as under:
Until now, no study has been conducted to investigate P
the possibility of chilling tolerance in maize by seed prim- Dn
ing with SA. This study therefore was carried out with n
the objective to induce chilling tolerance in maize by seed
where n is the number of seeds, which were emerged on
priming with SA, and to explore the possible biochemical
day D, and D is the number of days counted from the
basis of chilling tolerance.
beginning of emergence.
Energy of emergence (EE) was determined on fourth
Materials and Methods day of seed sowing; it is the number of emerged seedlings
expressed in percentage on fourth day after sowing
Seeds of maize hybrid (Hycorn 8288) obtained from ICI
(Farooq et al. 2006b). While, coefficient of uniformity
Life Sciences, Sahiwal, Pakistan having initial seed mois-
of emergence (CUE) was calculated using the following
ture contents 8.54 % (on dry weight basis) were used in
formulae of Bewley and Black (1985):
the study. For all treatments, selected healthy seeds were P
used in same numbers. n
CUE ¼ P  
ðt  tÞ2 n
Salicylic acid seed treatments where t is the time in days, starting from day 0, the day
For seed priming, seeds were soaked in 50, 100 and of sowing, and n is the number of seeds completing
150 ppm (mg l)1; w/v) aerated SA solution for 24 h at emergence on day t and t is equal to MET.

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Chilling Tolerance in Hybrid Maize

On 15th day after emergence, samples (second top leaf nitroblue tetrazolium and 4 mm xanthine. One unit of
from main tiller) for biochemical analysis were collected SOD activity is equivalent to the volume of extract
from control and chilling stressed plants. At the same needed to cause 50 % inhibition of the colour reaction.
day, seedlings were tested for vigour after carefully Catalase activity was determined according to modified
removing from the sand. Number of leaves, secondary method of Luck (1974). Enzyme extract (50 ll) was
roots, and seedling shoot and root length were recorded added to 3 ml of hydrogen-peroxide-phosphate buffer
of 10 seedlings per replicate and averaged. Number of (pH 7.0). The time required for the decrease in the absor-
leaves and secondary roots per seedling were designated bance from 0.45 to 0.40 was noted. Enzyme solution con-
as leaf and root score respectively. Seedling fresh weight taining hydrogen peroxide-free phosphate buffer was used
was determined immediately after harvest while dry as control.
weight was taken after drying at 70 C for 7 days. Ascorbate peroxidase activity was determined following
the method of Nakano and Asada (1987) with slight
modification. Ascorbate oxidation to dehydroascorbate
Membrane permeability
was followed at 265 nm in 1 ml reaction mixture contain-
Membrane permeability was estimated by measuring the ing 50 mm HEPES/KOH (pH 7.6), 0.1 mm EDTA,
electrolyte leakage according to the method of Blum and 0.05 mm ascorbate, 10 ll extract and 0.1 mm H2O2.
Ebercon (1981). Six leaf samples were rinsed with distilled
water and immersed in 6 ml of distilled water for 12 h.
Extraction and estimation of soluble sugars
The conductivity of the solution (C1) was measured with
a conductivity meter (Model DDS-11A; Shanghai Leici For soluble sugars, 1 g ground leaf sample was mixed
Instrument Inc., Shanghai, China). Samples were then with 10 ml distilled water and left for 24 h at 25 C
heated in boiling water for 20 min and then cooled to (Lee and Kim 2000). The mixture was filtered (with
room temperature. The conductivity of killed tissues (C2) Whatman No. 42) and the final volume made to 10 ml
was again measured. Membrane permeability was calcu- with distilled water. Total soluble sugars were determined
lated as the ratio between C1 and C2. by the phenol sulphuric method (Dubois et al. 1956).

Relative water content Statistical analysis

To estimate relative water contents (RWC), weighed The experiments were conducted twice; data were pooled
amount of fresh leaves (0.5 g; Wf) were rinsed and put in and subjected to statistical analysis using costat com-
a tube containing water until the weight of the leaves was puter package (CoHort Software, Berkeley, CA, USA).
constant. The saturated leaves were weighed (Ws) and Graphical presentation of data was carried out using
then dried for 24 h at 80 C for determinations of the Microsoft Excel program. For comparison of treatment
dry weigh (Wd). RWC was calculated by the following means, standard errors were computed using Microsoft
formula: Excel program. Parallels were drawn between antioxidants
and electrolyte leakage and RWC.
Wf  Wd
RWC ¼  100%
Ws  Wd
Although chilling considerably delayed the seedling emer-
Extraction and determination of enzyme activities
gence, and decreased the synchronization and final emer-
For a-amylase activity, 1 g ground leaf sample was mixed gence than at optimal temperature; seed priming with SA
with 10 ml phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and left for 24 h at improved the emergence time and uniformity at both the
4 C. The enzyme activity was determined from the temperatures (Figs 1–3). Under both normal and stress
supernatant by the di-nitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method conditions, seed priming with 50 mg l)1 SA was the best
(Bernfeld 1955). to reduce the time to 50 % emergence (E50) and MET
Total extractable SOD activity was measured following and increase the EE and CUE compared with other treat-
the protocol described by McCord and Fridovitch (1969). ments (Fig. 1–3). Although, statistically maximum final
The inhibition of the colour formation (measured at emergence percentage (FEP) under optimal temperature
560 nm) was determined by addition of 0–50 ll of the was recorded from seed treatment with 50 mg l)1 SA;
extract to a reaction mixture containing 50 mm HEPES however, at low temperature statistically maximum FEP
(4-(2-hydroxyethyl-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid)/KOH was recorded from the seed treated with 100 mg l)1 SA
buffer (pH 7.8), 0.05 units xanthine oxidase, 0.5 mm (Fig. 2b). Likewise, seed treatment with 150 mg l)1 SA

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Farooq et al.

(a) 5 Optimum temp. 1 Optimum temp.

Low temp. Low temp.
4 0.8
E50 (days)

3 0.6

2 0.4

1 0.2

0 0
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments
(b) 8 Optimum temp.
Low temp. Fig. 3 Influence pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the on
6 the coefficient of uniformity of emergence in maize at optimal and
MET (days)

low temperatures ± S.E.


2 (a) 30 Optimum temp.

Low temp.

Shoot length (cm)

Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm 20
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments 15
Fig. 1 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the
(a) time to 50 % emergence and (b) mean emergence time in maize 5
at optimal and low temperatures ± S.E. 0
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm

(b) 30 Optimum temp.

Optimum temp. Low temp.
Root length (cm)

Low temp. 25
(a) 80

60 15
EE (%)

40 5
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments

Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm Fig. 4 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the
(a) shoot and (b) root length in maize at optimal and low tempera-
100 Optimum temp. tures ± S.E.
Low temp.

80 of SA could not improve these attributes. However, both

50 and 100 mg l)1 SA treatments improved the root score
FEP (%)

compared with control (Fig. 6b).
All the seed priming treatments improved the RWC
20 under both optimal and stress conditions. However, there
0 was no difference amongst the SA treatments each at
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm normal and low temperature (Fig. 7a). Similarly, all the
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments
SA treatments decreased the electrolyte leakage in maize
Fig. 2 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the leaves at both normal and stress conditions; however,
(a) energy of emergence and (b) final emergence percentage in maize minimum leakage was recorded from 50 ppm SA treat-
at optimal and low temperatures ± S.E. ment under both conditions (Fig. 7b).
At both temperatures, all SA treatments improved the
increased the E50 at optimal temperature compared with amylase activity (Fig. 8a) and soluble sugars (Fig. 8b)
control (Fig. 1a). compared with control. However, maximum sugars, and
Under both optimal and stress conditions, 50 mg l)1 amylases were recorded from 50 ppm SA treatment under
SA appreciably improved the shoot and root length both conditions (Fig. 8).
(Fig. 4), seedling fresh and dry weight (Fig. 5) and leaf At normal and low temperatures, seed priming with SA
score (Fig. 6a) compared with control, while other levels improved the SOD (Fig. 9a), CAT (Fig. 9b) and APX

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Chilling Tolerance in Hybrid Maize

(a) (a) 90 Optimum temp.

Low temp.
180 Optimum temp.
Seedling fresh weight (mg)

Low temp.

RWC (%)

45 15
0 Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
(b) 30 Optimum temp.

Electrolyte leakage (%)

45 Optimum temp. Low temp.
Low temp. 25
Seedling dry weight (mg)

36 20
18 5
9 Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
Fig. 7 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments
(a) relative water content (RWC) and (b) electrolyte leakage in maize
Fig. 5 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the at optimal and low temperatures ± S.E.
(a) seedling fresh weight and (b) seedling dry weight in maize at opti-
mal and low temperatures ± S.E.
(a) 12 Optimum temp.
Low temp.
α-amylase activity (unit)*

(a) 4 Optimum temp.
Low temp.

3 6
Leaf score

2 3

Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
0 (b)
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm
Soluble sugars (mg g–1 fresh weight)

25 Optimum temp.
Low temp.
(b) Optimum temp.
Low temp. 20

6 15
Root score

Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm 0
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm

Fig. 6 Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the (a) leaf score Fig. 8 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the
and (b) root score in maize at optimal and low temperatures ± S.E. (a) a-amylase activity and (b) soluble sugars in maize at optimal and
low temperatures ± S.E. *One unit of the enzymes activity is the
amount of enzyme which released 1 lmol of maltose by 1 mL original
enzyme solution in 1 min.
(Fig. 10) compared with control. However, the maximum
SOD and CAT were recorded from 50 ppm SA treatment
under both conditions (Figs 8 and 9). There was no dif- APX activity was recorded in 50 and 150 ppm SA treat-
ference in APX activity amongst all the SA treatments at ments. But APX activity was less at 100 ppm than other
optimal temperature; however, at low temperature similar SA treatments (Fig. 10).

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Farooq et al.

SOD (Unit g–1 protein)* (a) Optimum temp. was negative correlations between antioxidants and elec-
Low temp.
50 trolyte leakage at optimal and chilling temperatures
40 (Table 1).
0 This study exposed that SA seed treatments can consider-
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm ably improve the low temperature tolerance in hybrid
maize. Although under chilling, emergence, early seedling
30 Optimum temp.
CAT (µmol min–1 g–1 protein)

Low temp. growth and metabolism were disturbed, SA treatments

improved the performance under both the optimal and
20 low temperatures. Under both normal and stress condi-
15 tions, seed priming with 50 ppm proved the best treat-
10 ment to improve the emergence, early seedling growth,
antioxidant activities and general metabolism in hybrid
maize. SA levels higher than 50 mg l)1 were not effective
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm rather reduced the root and shoot length (Fig. 3), seedling
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments fresh and dry weights (Fig. 5), leaf and root score (Fig. 6)
and increased the electrolyte leakage (Fig. 7b) compared
Fig. 9 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the
with control. Higher SA concentration has been found to
(a) superoxide dismutase (SOD) and (b) catalase (CAT) in maize at
be toxic because of its possible involvement in reduction
optimal and low temperatures ± S.E. *One unit of SOD activity is
equivalent to the volume of extract needed to cause 50% inhibition in cell division and negative effects on photosynthetic
of the colour reaction. machinery (Elmer 2005). Improved root and shoot
length, and seedling fresh and dry weights might be due
Optimum temp.
Low temp.
to increased cell division within the apical meristem,
APX (µmol min–1 g–1 protein)

which caused an increase in plant growth (Huang and
12 Villanueva 1992). SA regulates cell growth by specifically
affecting cell enlargement, endoreduplication and/or cell
division (Vanacker et al. 2001), protecting the cell struc-
6 ture (Kang et al. 2007).
3 By chilling electrolyte leakage of maize leaves consider-
ably increased. However, all the SA seed treatments
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm reduced the electrolyte leakage. Enhanced electrolyte leak-
Pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments age was considered to be a symptom of stress-induced
membrane damage and deterioration (Feng et al. 2003).
Fig. 10 Influence of pre-sowing salicylic acid seed treatments on the
ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in maize at optimal and low tempera-
Under low temperature stress, RWC were also decreased.
tures ± S.E. Maize plants exposed to chilling stress often show water-
stress symptoms because of chilling-induced water stress
Table 1 Correlations coefficients (r) of antioxidants with changes in (Melkonian et al. 2004). Nonetheless, SA treatments
membrane electrolyte leakage and relative leaf water content of improved the tissue water status most likely through
maize under normal and chilling stress conditions osmotic adjustment and/or changes in cell wall elasticity
Electrolyte leakage Relative water contents (Bandurska and Stroi ski 2007; Korkmaz et al. 2007).
Exogenously applied SA decreased the electrolyte leakage
Antioxidants Optimal Chilling stress Optimal Chilling stress under heat or cold stress (Wang and Li 2006), which
SOD )0.92** 0.98*** 0.82* 0.97*** indicates that SA can induce intrinsic heat or cold toler-
CAT )0.96** )0.99*** 0.81* 0.95*** ance by maintenance of relatively higher activities of anti-
APX )0.98*** )0.99*** 0.93** 0.93** oxidants (Wang and Li 2006) as is evident from strong
correlation between antioxidants and RWC (Table 1).
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, (n = 4). SOD, superoxide
dismutase; CAT, catalase; APX, ascorbate peroxidase.
If scavenging system against ROS is not working effi-
ciently, they may change the plant metabolism principally
Parallels drawn between antioxidants and electrolyte by structural modification of proteins to make them more
leakage and RWC indicated that strong positive corre- susceptible to proteolytic degradation (Pell and Dann
lations between antioxidants and RWC. While, there 1991). ROS in plants are removed by a variety of antioxi-

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Chilling Tolerance in Hybrid Maize

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