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Agronomy & Crop Science (2013) ISSN 0931-2250


Seed Priming with Ascorbic Acid Improves Drought

Resistance of Wheat
M. Farooq1,2, M. Irfan1, T. Aziz1, I. Ahmad1 & S. A. Cheema1
1 Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2 The UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia

Keywords Abstract
ascorbate; drought; osmotic adjustment; seed
priming; water relations The study, consisting of two independent experiments, was conducted to evalu-
ate the role of seed priming with ascorbic acid (AsA) in drought resistance of
Correspondence wheat. In the first experiment, seeds of wheat cultivars Mairaj-2008 and Lasani-
M. Farooq 2008 were either soaked in aerated water (hydropriming) for 10 h or not
Department of Agronomy
soaked (control). In the second experiment, seeds of same wheat cultivars were
University of Agriculture
soaked in aerated (2 mm) AsA solution (osmopriming) or water (hydropri-
Pakistan ming) for 10 h. In both experiments, seeds were sown in plastic pots (10 kg)
Tel.: +92 41 9200161 9/2931 maintained at 70 % and 35 % of water-holding capacity designated as well
Fax: +92 41 9200605 watered and drought stressed, respectively. Both experiments were laid out in a
Email:; completely randomized design with six replications. Drought caused delayed and erratic emergence and disturbed the plant water relations, chlorophyll con-
tents and membranes because of oxidative damage; however, root length in
Accepted April 20, 2012
cultivar Lasani-2008 was increased under drought. Hydropriming significantly
doi:10.1111/j.1439-037X.2012.00521.x improved the seedling emergence and early growth under drought and well-
watered conditions; however, improvement was substantially higher from
osmopriming with AsA. Similarly, osmopriming with AsA significantly
improved the leaf emergence and elongation, leaf area, specific leaf area, chlo-
rophyll contents, root length and seedling dry weight. Owing to increase in
proline accumulation, phenolics and AsA, by seed priming with AsA, plant
water status was improved with simultaneous decrease in oxidative damages.
These improved the leaf emergence and elongation, and shoot and root growth
under drought. However, there was no difference between the cultivars in this
regard. In conclusion, osmopriming with AsA improved the drought resistance
of wheat owing to proline accumulation and antioxidant action of AsA and
phenolics, leading to tissue water maintenance, membrane stability, and better
and uniform seedling stand and growth.

Water deficit during initial stage of crop results in

delayed and erratic seedling emergence and stand establish-
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), the most important winter ment (Almansouri et al. 2001, Kaya et al. 2006), and in
cereal, is the staple for millions around the world. severe cases, complete inhibition of seedling emergence
Drought is the major factor limiting crop growth and may also result (Kaya et al. 2006). Decrease in water uptake
productivity in many regions of the world, the loss of during imbibition phase of germination is the primary rea-
which is more than any other single environmental factor son for this decline in stand establishment (Muril-
(Farooq et al. 2009a,b). However, changing global climate lo-Amador et al. 2002). Drought also disturbs the plant
is making the situation more serious (IPCC 2007). growth owing to loss of turgor (Farooq et al. 2009a, Taiz

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Ascorbic Acid Improves Drought Resistance of Wheat

and Zeiger 2010), as water supply from the xylem to the try of wheat under drought. This study was conducted to
surrounding elongating cells is interrupted (Nonami 1998). evaluate the potential of AsA in improving the drought
Production and accumulation of osmoprotectants, for resistance in wheat. It was hypothesized that seed priming
example, proline, glycinebetaine in plant tissues during with AsA improves the drought resistance of wheat
drought, the osmotic adjustment, is an adaptive response through increase in endogenous AsA contents,
(Vendruscolo et al. 2007, Cattivelli et al. 2008, Farooq antioxidant potential and osmotic adjustment.
et al. 2008a, Izanloo et al. 2008, Hussain et al. 2009).
Osmotic adjustment helps in improving water uptake
(Tangpremsri et al. 1991, Chimenti et al. 2006, Farooq Materials and Methods
et al. 2009a) and enables leaf turgor maintenance for the
Plant material
same leaf water potential, thus supporting stomatal con-
ductance and carbon assimilation under drought (Ali Seeds of wheat cultivars ‘Lasani-2008’ and ‘Mairaj-2008’,
et al. 1999, Farooq et al. 2009a). used in this study, were obtained from Wheat Research
Over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) than Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan and Regional Agriculture
their dousing is one of the key responses of plants to Research Institute, Bahawalpur, Pakistan, respectively. Ini-
environmental stresses (Smirnoff 1998, Farooq et al. tial moisture contents and germination percentage were
2009a, 2011). The ROS, thus generated, deteriorate the 9.14 %, 9.04 % and 95.5 %, 96.25 % in cultivars Mairaj-
cellular membranes and several other vital substances and 2008 and Lasani-2008, respectively.
may even lead to cell death (Beligni and Lamattina 1999,
Kratsch and Wise 2000). Malondialdehyde (MDA) pro-
Experimental details
duction is taken as an index of ROS-induced oxidative
damage (Teisseire and Guy 2000, Zhang et al. 2007). The study consisted of two independent experiments. In
However, plants have evolved several antioxidative the first experiment, seeds of both wheat cultivars were
defence mechanisms, including the production of enzy- either soaked in aerated water (hydropriming) for 10 h or
matic and non-enzymatic antioxidants to reduce ROS- not soaked (control). In the second experiment, wheat
induced oxidative damages (Posmyk et al. 2009). seeds of both cultivars were soaked in aerated 2 mm solu-
Seed priming, a controlled hydration technique that tion of ascorbic acid (AsA; osmopriming) or distilled
allows the pre-germination metabolisms without actual water (hydropriming) for 10 h, keeping seed to solution
germination (Bradford 1986, Farooq et al. 2009c), is one ratio of 1 : 5 (w/v) (Farooq et al. 2006b). Seeds were then
of the most pragmatic and short-term approaches to removed, rinsed thoroughly with distilled water and
combat the effects of drought (Kaya et al. 2006, Farooq re-dried near to their original weight with forced air at
et al. 2010) and other environmental stresses (Farooq 27 C ± 2 under shade.
et al. 2008b,c, 2010, Jafar et al. 2012) on seedling emer- In both experiments, seeds were sown (eight in each
gence and stand establishment. Primed seeds usually have pot) in soil-filled (10 kg) plastic pots maintained at 70 %
higher and synchronized germination (Brocklehurst et al. and 35 % of water-holding capacity designated as well
1984, Kaya et al. 2006, Farooq et al. 2009c) owing to sim- watered and drought stressed, respectively. Plants were
ply a reduction in the lag time of imbibitions (Brockle- thinned to four plants per pot after achieving the con-
hurst and Dearman 2008), build-up of germination- stant count. Soil moisture was monitored and maintained
enhancing metabolites (Farooq et al. 2006a), metabolic every alternate day. Experimental soil was sandy loam
repair during imbibition (Burgass and Powell 1984, Bray having ECe 1.65 dS m)1 and pH 7.8. Both experiments
et al. 1989) and osmotic adjustment (Bradford 1986). were laid out in a completely randomized design in a
Ascorbic acid (AsA) is one of the important metabo- factorial arrangement with six replicates per treatment.
lites involved in cell division, osmotic adjustment
(De-Gara et al. 2003) and also plays vital role during the
Stand establishment
initial stages of germination (Arrigoni et al. 1997). Ascor-
bic acid also possesses strong antioxidant potential and Seedling emergence was observed daily according to the
helps in balancing the production and scavenging of ROS Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) (1990) until
(Müller-Moulé et al. 2003, 2004); however; high endoge- a constant count was achieved. The time to 50 % emer-
nous AsA level is required to maintain the balance. Inter- gence (E50) was calculated following the method of Farooq
estingly, exogenous application of AsA can increase the et al. (2005). Mean emergence time (MET) was calculated
endogenous AsA level (Chen and Gallie 2004). according to the equation of Ellis and Roberts (1981).
Application of AsA through seed priming may thus be Coefficient of uniformity of emergence (CUE) was calcu-
helpful in improving the stand establishment and allome- lated using the formulae of Bewley and Black (1994).

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Farooq et al.

Allometry estimation of total phenolics, leaf samples were extracted

with 95 % methanol, and the phenolics were estimated
Number of leaves was counted daily, starting from the
using Folin–Ciocalteu method (Ainsworth and Gillespie
seedling emergence; length of each individual leaf was
2007). To determine the amount of free proline, fresh leaf
measured daily to derive the leaf elongation rates. Four
material was homogenized in 3 % aqueous sulfosalicylic
weeks after the emergence, plants were harvested to
acid, and free leaf proline was estimated following the
record root and shoot lengths and seedling dry weight.
method of Bates et al. (1973). To determine ascorbic acid,
Leaf area was measured manually with a ruler while spe-
leaves were homogenized in 6 % trichloroacetic acid and
cific leaf area (SLA) was calculated as the ratio of leaf area
ascorbic acid was estimated according to the procedure of
to leaf weight.
Mukherjee and Choudhuri (1983).

Plant water relations

Statistical analysis
Leaf water potential (ww) of penultimate leaves was mea-
Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis by
sured by pressure chamber (Model 3005; Soil Moisture
analysis of variance using the computer software costat
Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, USA) between
(Cohort Software, Berkeley, CA, USA). The mean values
6 : 00 and 9 : 00 am 1 day before the final harvest. The
were compared with the least significance difference test
same leaves were put in a glass vial and stored at )20 C
following the procedure of Snedecor and Cochran (1980).
for 24 h. After thawing at room temperature (for
Microsoft Excel was used for the graphical presentation
15 min), cell sap was extracted, and the osmotic potential
and calculation of correlation coefficients.
(ws) was measured using vapour pressure osmometer
(Model 5500; Wescor Inc., Logan, UT, USA). The relative
leaf water contents (RWC) were measured following the
technique of Barrs and Weatherly (1962).
Experiment 1

Photosynthetic pigments Drought significantly delayed the MET and E50; however,
hydropriming significantly decreased the MET and E50
Photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll-a and -b, were under drought and well-watered conditions (Table 1).
determined following Arnon (1949) using 500 mg fresh Likewise, drought decreased the CUE and seedling dry
leaf extracted overnight with 80 % acetone and centri- weight in both cultivars, hydropriming but improved
fuged at 14 000 g for 5 min. CUE and seedling dry weight under drought and well-
watered conditions (Table 1).
Membrane stability index
Membrane stability was estimated by measuring the con- Experiment 2
ductivity of leachates owing to damaged plasma mem- In both wheat cultivars, MET, E50 and CUE were signifi-
brane following the method of Shanahan et al. (1990). cantly affected by drought and seed priming (Table 2).
One gram of leaf material (10 · 10 mm pieces) was taken Drought increased the MET and E50 in wheat cultivars;
in 10 ml distilled water in glass vials and kept at 10 C however, osmopriming with AsA significantly decreased
for 24 h with shaking. The initial conductivity (C1) was the MET and E50 both under drought and well-watered
recorded after bringing sample to 25 C with conductivity conditions than hydropriming (Table 2). Likewise
meter. The samples were then autoclaved for 10 min, drought decreased the CUE; nonetheless, osmopriming
cooled to 25 C, and final conductivity (C2) was with AsA substantially improved that under control and
recorded. Membrane stability index (MSI) was calculated drought conditions than hydropriming (Table 2).
as MSI = [1 ) (C1/C2)] · 100. Drought stress significantly decreased the seedling dry
weight (Table 1), shoot length, leaf area and specific leaf
area (SLA) (Table 3) in both wheat cultivars. However,
Metabolite determination
osmopriming with AsA significantly improved seedling
Oxidative damage to the membrane lipids was estimated dry weight (Table 3), shoot length, leaf area and SLA in
by analysing the content of total thiobarbituric acid–reac- wheat cultivars Lasani-2008 and Mairaj-2008 (Table 3).
tive substances (TBARS), expressed as equivalents of mal- Although root length was increased under drought in cul-
ondialdehyde (MDA). The amount of MDA was tivar Lasani-2008, there was no difference for root length
determined following Hichem et al. (2009). For the in cultivar Mairaj-2008 under drought and well-watered

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Ascorbic Acid Improves Drought Resistance of Wheat

Table 1 Influence of hydropriming on stand establishment and seedling dry weight in wheat cultivars under well-watered and drought conditions

MET (days) E50 (days) CUE Seedling dry weight (g)

Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008


Control 8.44c 9.65a 8.23d 9.09b 6.33e 8.18a 6.52d 8.00b 0.45c 0.29e 0.42c 0.28e 0.13b 0.09d 0.14b 0.09d
Hydropriming 7.41e 8.33c,d 7.49e 8.43c 5.71f 7.19c 5.87f 7.11c 0.71a 0.37d 0.68b 0.36d 0.17a 0.11c 0.18a 0.12b,c

Means sharing the same letter for a single parameter do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
WW, well-watered; DS, drought stress; MET, mean emergence time; E50, time to 50 % emergence; CUE, coefficient of uniformity of emergence.

Table 2 Influence of seed priming with ascorbic acid on stand establishment and seedling dry weight in wheat cultivars under well-watered and
drought conditions

MET (days) E50 (days) CUE Seedling dry weight (g)

Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008


Hydropriming 7.29b 8.09a 7.23b 8.09a 5.66e 7.08a 5.92d,e 7.00a,b 0.67b 0.33d 0.62b 0.31d 0.151d 0.113g 0.161c 0.117f
Osmopriming 6.47c 7.42b 6.29c 7.25b 4.80f 6.20c,d 5.04f 6.53b,c 0.82a 0.41c 0.78a 0.43c 0.169b 0.123e 0.178a 0.126e

Means sharing the same letter for a single parameter do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
WW, well-watered; DS, drought stress; MET, mean emergence time; E50, time to 50 % emergence; CUE, coefficient of uniformity of emergence.

Table 3 Influence of seed priming with ascorbic acid on root and shoot lengths, leaf area and specific leaf area in wheat cultivars under well-
watered and drought conditions

Root length (cm) Shoot length (cm) Leaf area (cm2) Specific leaf area (cm2 g)1)

Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008


Hydropriming 8.82e 9.79b,c 9.63c,d 9.13d,e 5.29b,c 3.67e 5.39b 3.92e 15.77d 13.80e 17.95c 15.65d 257.22b 253.71d 256.76b 253.89d
Osmopriming 9.79b,c 10.55a 10.07a,b,c 10.20a,b 5.47a,b 4.50d 5.90a 4.92cd 19.87b 17.47c 21.37a 20.33b 259.16a 255.31c 259.78a 255.55c

Means sharing the same letter for a single parameter do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
WW, well-watered; DS, drought stress.

conditions (Table 3). However, in all cases, osmopriming whereas under drought, seed priming with AsA improved
with AsA substantially increased the root length (Table 3). the elongation of 1st leaf in cultivar Mairaj-2008 only
Maximum root length was recorded from cultivar Lasani- (Fig. 2a).
2008 under drought raised from seeds osmoprimed with Drought significantly decreased the leaf water potential,
AsA followed by cultivar Mairaj-2008 under same osmotic potential and relative leaf water contents in both
conditions (Table 3). cultivars (Table 4). Although, there was no difference in
Drought substantially delayed the leaf emergence and leaf water potential from hydropriming and osmopriming
decreased the number of leaves (Fig. 1) and elongation of with AsA under well-watered conditions in cultivar
1st (Fig. 2a), 2nd (Fig. 2b), 3rd (Fig. 2c) and 4th Lasani-2008 and under both well-watered and drought
(Fig. 2d) leaf in both wheat cultivars. Nonetheless, seed conditions in cultivar Mairaj-2008, leaf water potential
priming with AsA substantially improved the leaf emer- was higher in cultivar Lasani-2008 osmoprimed with AsA
gence (Fig. 1) and elongation of 2nd (Fig. 2b), 3rd under drought than hydroprimed seeds (Table 4). There
(Fig. 2c) and 4th (Fig. 2d) leaf under well-watered and was no statistical difference between hydropriming and
drought conditions in both wheat cultivars. However, the osmopriming with AsA under well-watered conditions in
elongation of 1st leaf was improved by seed priming with cultivar Lasani-2008 for osmotic potential; however, in
AsA under well-watered conditions in both cultivars, rest of the cases, osmotic potential was higher from

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Farooq et al.

5 (a) Osmopriming

Number of leaves per plant

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25

5 (b) Osmopriming

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Fig. 1 Influence of seed priming with ascor-
bic acid on leaf emergence in wheat cultivar
Well-watered Drought (a) Lasani-2008 and (b) Mairaj-2008 under
Days after sowing well-watered and drought conditions ±S.E.

osmopriming than hydropriming (Table 4). Osmopriming Malondialdehyde contents, an index of oxidative stress,
with AsA significantly improved the relative leaf water were substantially increased under drought in both wheat
contents in both cultivars under both well-watered and cultivars (Table 6); however, osmopriming with AsA sub-
drought conditions (Table 4). stantially decreased the MDA contents in both wheat cul-
Drought stress significantly decreased the chlorophyll tivars (Table 6). Likewise, soluble phenolics, leaf proline
contents in both wheat cultivars. In both cultivars, chlo- contents and ascorbic acid contents were also increased
rophyll-a contents were substantially improved by osmo- under drought in both cultivars (Table 6). Osmopriming
priming with AsA than hydropriming under both with AsA significantly increased soluble phenolics, leaf
drought and well-watered conditions. However, chloro- proline contents and ascorbic acid contents in both culti-
phyll-b contents were improved by osmopriming with vars under drought and well-watered conditions
AsA only under well-watered conditions but not under (Table 6). There was no difference between both cultivars
drought (Table 5). for MDA, soluble phenolics and leaf proline contents
Drought significantly disturbed the membrane stability under drought and well-watered condition; however,
in both cultivars (Table 5). Although there was no differ- under well-watered conditions, ascorbic acid contents
ence for membrane stability between hydropriming and were higher in cultivar Lasani-2008 while under drought,
osmopriming with AsA under well-watered conditions in ascorbic acid contents were higher in cultivar Mairaj-2008
both wheat cultivars, under drought, osmopriming with (Table 6).
AsA substantially increased the membrane stability in Under well-watered conditions, CUE was positively
both wheat cultivars (Table 5). correlated with SLA, chlorophyll-a and proline contents;

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Ascorbic Acid Improves Drought Resistance of Wheat

8 (a) 8 (a)

6 6

4 4

2 2
0 0
11 13 15 17 19 21 11 13 15 17 19 21 11 13 15 17 19 21 11 13 15 17 19 21

12 (b) 12 (b)
10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4
Osmopriming Osmopriming
2 2
Leaf length (cm)

0 0
14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 15 17 19 21 23 25 27

14 Osmopriming 14 Osmopriming
(c) (c)
Hydropriming Hydropriming
12 12
10 10
8 8

6 6
4 4

2 2

0 0
15 17 19 21 23 25 27 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

8 (d) Osmopriming 8 (d) Osmopriming

Hydropriming Hydropriming

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Well-watered Drought Well-watered Drought
Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008
Days after sowing

Fig. 2 Influence of seed priming with ascorbic acid on leaf elongation of (a) first, (b) second, (c) third and (d) fourth leaf in wheat cultivars Lasan-
i-2008 and Mairaj-2008 under well-watered and drought conditions ±S.E.

seedling dry weight had positive correlation with leaf area, stability, phenolics and proline contents (Table 7). While
SLA, chlorophyll-a, membrane stability, phenolics and SLA and chlorophyll-a had positive correlation with each
proline contents, and leaf area was positively correlated other and with CUE, seedling dry weight, leaf area, RWC,
with seedling dry weight, SLA, chlorophyll-a, membrane membrane stability, phenolics and proline contents, RWC

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Farooq et al.

Table 4 Effect of seed priming with ascorbic acid on plant water relations in wheat cultivars under well-watered and drought conditions

Water potential ()MPa) Osmotic potential ()MPa) Relative leaf water contents (%)

Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008


Hydropriming 0.146c 0.180a 0.113d 0.143c 1.68c,d 1.84a 1.70c 1.83a 90.55b,c 86.86e,f 89.95c 86.62f
Osmopriming 0.134c 0.162b 0.110d 0.134c 1.66d 1.79b 1.65d 1.76b 91.41a 87.99d 91.95a 87.52d,e

Means sharing the same letter for a single parameter do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
WW, well-watered; DS, drought stress.

Table 5 Effect of seed priming with ascorbic acid on chlorophyll contents and membrane stability index in wheat cultivars under well-watered
and drought conditions

Chl-a (mg g)1 FW) Chl-b (mg g)1 FW) Membrane stability index (%)

Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008


Hydropriming 6.76b 3.95d 6.56b 4.00d 2.82c 2.08d 3.21b 2.22d 43.88a,b 33.61d 45.34a 37.28c,d
Osmopriming 7.88a 5.31c 8.17a 5.27c 3.87a 2.25d 3.67a 2.33d 46.50a 38.74b,c 48.89a 39.93b,c

Means sharing the same letter for a single parameter do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
WW, well-watered; DS, drought stress.

Table 6 Effect of seed priming with ascorbic acid on chlorophyll contents, soluble phenolics and membrane stability index in wheat cultivars
under well-watered and drought conditions

Leaf MDA content Leaf free proline contents

(lmol g)1FW) Soluble phenolics (mg g)1 FW) (lmol g)1 FW) Ascorbic acid (mg g)1 FW)

Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008 Lasani-2008 Mairaj-2008


Hydropriming 15.56c 21.29a 15.37c 22.03a 33.74e 43.76b 34.94e 44.31b 7.87e 12.37c 8.23e 14.45c 16.75e 27.05c 14.21f 29.87b
Osmopriming 13.35d 17.56b 13.67d 17.24b 36.95d 45.89a 38.48c 46.52a 9.81d 17.56a 9.75d 18.25a 18.23d 29.33b 16.44e 31.17a

Means sharing the same letter for a single parameter do not differ significantly at P < 0.05.
WW, well-watered; DS, drought stress.

was positively correlated with membrane stability, pheno- chl-a, AsA, membrane stability, phenolics and proline
lics and proline contents (Table 7). Membrane stability contents whereas SLA had positive correlation with chlo-
index was positively correlated with phenolics and proline rophyll-a, RWC, membrane stability, AsA, phenolics and
contents; whereas, phenolics were positively correlated proline contents and chlorophyll-a was positively corre-
with proline contents (Table 7). Under both well-watered lated with RWC, membrane stability, phenolics and pro-
and drought conditions, MDA had negative correlation line contents (Table 8). RWC had positive correlation
with CUE, seedling dry weight, leaf area, SLA, chl-a, with phenolics and proline contents whereas membrane
RWC, membrane stability, phenolics and proline contents stability index was positively correlated with AsA, pheno-
(Tables 7 and 8). lics and proline contents and AsA and phenolics were
Under drought, CUE had positive correlation with positively correlated with proline contents (Table 8).
seedling dry weight, leaf area, SLA, chlorophyll-a, RWC,
phenolics and proline contents; seedling dry weight was
positively correlated with leaf area, SLA, chlorophyll-a,
membrane stability, AsA, phenolics and proline contents This study investigated whether seed priming with AsA
(Table 8). Leaf area was positively correlated with SLA, can improve drought resistance in wheat. Drought caused

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Ascorbic Acid Improves Drought Resistance of Wheat

Table 7 Correlation coefficients of important traits in wheat genotypes under well-watered conditions (n = 6)


CUE 0.71ns 0.73ns 0.94** 0.94** 0.91* 0.67ns 0.73ns 0.79ns 0.97** )0.99**
DW 0.99** 0.87** 0.88* 0.80ns 0.99** 0.44ns 0.99** 0.98** )0.95**
LA 0.87** 0.88* 0.79ns 0.97** 0.24ns 0.99** 0.93** )0.88**
SLA 0.99** 0.99** 0.87** 0.63ns 0.93** 0.94** )0.93**
Chla-a 0.98** 0.87** 0.63ns 0.93** 0.95** )0.95**
RWC 0.82* 0.66ns 0.87* 0.87** )0.87**
MSI 0.16ns 0.86* 0.98** )0.80 ns
AsA 0.32ns 0.56ns )0.65ns
Phen 0.94** 0.90*
Pro 0.99**

CUE, coefficient of uniformity of emergence; DW, seedling dry weight; LA, leaf area; SLA, specific leaf area; Chl-a, chlorophyl-a; RWC, relative
leaf water contents; MSI, membrane stability index; AsA, ascorbic acid; Phen, total soluble phenolics; Pro, leaf free prolines; MDA, malondialde-
hyde; ns, non-significant. *Significant at P < 0.05; **Significant at P < 0.01.

Table 8 Correlation coefficients of important traits in wheat genotypes under drought conditions (n = 6)


CUE 0.91** 0.87** 0.98** 0.97** 0.90** 0.75 ns

0.56 ns
0.95** 0.90* )0.99**
DW 0.98** 0.97** 0.94** 0.77ns 0.96** 0.84** 0.99** 0.99** )0.91**
LA 0.92** 0.86* 0.64ns 0.93** 0.89** 0.97** 0.95** )0.85*
SLA 0.99** 0.89* 0.87* 0.69ns 0.99** 0.97** )0.98**
Chla-a 0.94** 0.83* 0.61ns 0.96** 0.95** )0.99**
RWC 0.63ns 0.32ns 0.82* 0.81* )0.93**
MSI 0.93** 0.92** 0.96** )0.75ns
AsA 0.78ns 0.82* )0.54ns
Phen 0.99** 0.95**
Prol 0.90*

CUE, coefficient of uniformity of emergence; DW, seedling dry weight; LA, leaf area; SLA, specific leaf area; Chl-a, chlorophyl-a; RWC, relative
leaf water contents; MSI, membrane stability index; AsA, ascorbic acid; Phen, total soluble phenolics; Pro, leaf free prolines; MDA, malondialde-
hyde; ns, non-significant.
*Significant at P < 0.05; **Significant at P < 0.01.

delayed and erratic stand establishment (Table 2), gence (Fig. 1) and elongation (Fig. 2) under both well-
decreased the seedling dry weight (Table 2), shoot length, watered and drought conditions. AsA also enhances the
leaf area, specific leaf area (Table 3), leaf emergence shoot organogenesis, resulting in better leaf expansion
(Fig. 1) and elongation (Fig. 2) in tested wheat cultivars. and plant growth (Stasolla and Yeung 2001).
Limited water availability during the imbibition phase of Although drought decreased the plant water relations
germination is the primary reason for delayed and erratic (Table 4), chlorophyll contents and membrane stability
stand establishment (Murillo-Amador et al. 2002). How- (Table 5), in both wheat cultivars, root length (Table 3),
ever, the results of this study indicated improvement in leaf MDA contents, soluble phenolics, leaf free proline
stand establishment (Table 2), seedling dry weight contents and AsA contents were improved under drought
(Table 2), shoot length, leaf area and specific leaf area by (Table 6). Nonetheless, seed priming with AsA improved
seed priming with AsA (Table 3). Seed priming with AsA the plant water relations (Table 4), chlorophyll contents,
substantially improved the stand establishment under membrane stability (Table 5), soluble phenolics, leaf free
drought and well-watered conditions owing to early com- proline contents and AsA contents (Table 6) with simulta-
pletion of pre-germination metabolic activities during neous decrease in MDA under drought and well-watered
priming. Modulation of hydrolases during lag phase of conditions. However, for mitigating the drought effects,
germination by AsA helped to build germination metabo- seed priming with AsA was seen as an excellent strategy in
lites (Farooq et al. 2006a), resulting in earlier and uni- maintaining plant water relation attributes (Table 4) by
form stand establishment (Table 2). This better the accumulation of osmolytes such as proline (Table 6).
germination start also helped in improving the leaf emer- In addition to improvement in chlorophyll-a contents

ª 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 199 (2013) 12–22 19

Farooq et al.

(Table 5), exogenous application of AsA, through seed correlations with membrane stability and MDA con-
priming, substantially improved its endogenous level tents, respectively, under well-watered (Table 7) and
(Table 6), which triggered the accumulation of proline drought (Table 8) conditions.
and phenolics under drought in particular, as is evident In conclusion, drought has adverse effects on the seed-
from strong positive correlation of AsA with proline and ling emergence, stand establishment, allometry and water
phenolics under drought (Table 8). relation of plants. However, seed priming with AsA
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helps in promoting water retention and alleviating the increase in endogenous AsA contents, antioxidant poten-
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2002). There was strong positive correlation of proline AsA levels through genetic or biotechnological means
with RWC, seedling dry weight, leaf area, SLA, chloro- may result in the development of drought resistance in
phyll-a and membrane stability under drought (Table 8), wheat.
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