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Customer Service Training Record Role:_______Social Media

New staff member:__Krystal, Terrence Conyers_ Location: __________Hub- 149th st______________________

Supervisor: Michelle Bell___________ Submit to HR by:

Staff Teacher Teacher
Date Task or Topic Initials Initials Comments

1/10 Customer service: objectives TKC KG

1/10 Planetree Philosophy as it relates to healthcare TKC KG

1/10 Patient Centered Care TKC KG

1/10 Language of Caring TKC KG

1/10 Importance of excellent customer service TKC KG

1/10 CAHPS surveys and patient experience TKC KG

1/10 Patient Experience TKC KG

1/10 Sun River Healthcare communication guidelines TKC KG

1/10 Defining excellent customer service TKC KG

1/10 Customer service Guidelines TKC KG

1/10 Nonverbal customer service TKC KG

1/10 Addressing patients and co-workers professionally TKC KG

1/10 Inclusion of Family Members TKC KG

1/10 Working with patients from different cultures TKC KG

1/10 Two Calls: listen and critique TKC KG

1/10 Diversity TKC KG

1/10 Service Recovery TKC KG

1/10 Video “Reconciliation: Winning Over the Dissatisfied TKC KG

1/10 Code 555 TKC KG

1/10 Medical, OB/GYN, and dental Red Flags TKC KG

1/10 Infectious Diseases TKC KG

1/10 Distress Call TKC KG

Katie Geiser Katie Geiser 12/14/21

Teacher name Teacher signature Date


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