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Introduction to Career Development Support

According to Mckay (2020) Career development is the process of self-knowledge,

exploration, and decision-making that shapes your career. She added that in order to
choose and train for jobs that suited you, you have to successfully navigate your work
options in relation to your interests, skills, and personality.

When it comes to Human Resource Analytics, supporting career development as a way

of supporting business outcomes will not just help employees to shape their own career
or make their own path, but also help them to find something they have that even they
don't know about. This is where career development support comes in. As we all know,
people or employees rather, tend to feel motivated if they are being valued at the
workplace. Every employee has their own level of skills and talents in their respective
fields. However, some employees don't know if they have the skill for something unless
it was perceived by others. For example, this specific individual was not really good at
presenting a project in front of people but he can do all the written works in a short span
of time. This also means that superiors should know their subordinates' talents, skills,
and personality in order to figure out if they are suited for the work they will assign for
them. But the point is, people who lack something just means that they are not well
supported. No one was teaching and guiding them to enhance the things they are
lacking with.

Of course, enhancing the skills you are most comfortable with is especially easy if you
know what kind of training you will do. You can easily develop a career path if what you
choose is really best for you. Although this was really a better path, one should also
know that there are things that need improvement. In a business context, you can't just
say you can't do this and you can't do that because it will just look like you're limiting
yourself on plenty of possibilities.

Organizations nowadays are in need of people who are capable of improving

themselves as well as helping the company to achieve their goals. That is why
organizations are now supporting their employees to reach the heights of their career.
An employee who strives to improve and has support from the company will probably
help to achieve their objectives. It might be gaining a loyal worker who works toward the
company's goals or obtaining a competitive edge in the industry by having capable and
talented employees in the organization.

In the business industry, people and the environment are constantly changing. For that
reason, implementing career development support will likely help them maintain their
edge on the industry. They can even support new employees towards their chosen
career path or help them choose what career is best for them. Organizations will benefit
from this since having employees who are good at what they do will boost the
company’s reputation.

Career development support not only opens a lot of opportunities for employees but
also to the organization itself. Just having this kind of function gives them a load of
possibilities in achieving their own objectives. One should also remember that it’s easier
said than done. A lot of process is needed in order to support employees to shape their
path so might as well do it with that in mind.

Purpose of Career Development Support

The purpose of career development support is to allow employees to make the most out
of their skills and abilities. What's more, Rosier (n.d.) stated that offering growth
opportunities at work enables employees to leave their comfort zone and take on
different responsibilities. He added that it will also bring them motivation if they feel
more valued. Moreover, having support will grant them the ability to take more risks as
long as they pursue growth.

However, it is also best to keep in mind that employees with high motivation and
performance are not the only people qualified for career development support. Both
high and low performer employees have an equal opportunity for career development.
Needless to say, it's the responsibility of the organization to discern the personality and
capabilities of their employees and match it with a task they are suited with.

Why choose Career Development Support?

Human Resource Analytics has plenty of functions and it is not hard to say that all of it
was proven to be useful. However, every organization only chooses a few of these
functions because not everything can be utilized. The reason for that is there are
specific people responsible for this and those people are hard to find.

Our group chose Career Development Support for us to at least deepen the
understanding of collection, measurement, analyzation, and insights that is previously
discussed while using the topic we decided to take. Furthermore, we can give
information based on our own knowledge and research. Thus, the figure below mainly
presents the summarized version of what topics will be discussed.
Figure 1:
Career Development Support in terms of CMAI


Data collection is the act of acquiring and analyzing information on relevant variables in
a predetermined, methodical way so that one may respond to specified research
questions, test hypotheses, and assess results.The data gathering component of
research is similar to all disciplines of study, including physical and social sciences,
humanities, business, and so on. While procedures differ depending on the field, the
emphasis on ensuring accurate and truthful gathering remains the same.

The HR department gathers employee data to use that information to manage the
organization and make better business choices. This information is used to hire,
manage, and retain employees. Effective data collection may help organizations in
improving business operations, creating a healthy working environment, and stabilizing
employee efficiency. Additionally, it can also have a significant effect on the
organizations’ fundamentals.
Importance of Data collection in Career Development Support (CDS)

People, especifically employees, may feel most fulfilled when they collect benefits from
building rewarding careers. They may also consider a career which may also be
beneficial to their families. This will probably happen if they happen to land on a job that
is a good fit for them. The term "industry skills gap" describes how rapidly the industry is
developing while education cannot seem to keep up. However, some people may settle
for a job that offers a position with a low salary. Because of this, career development
programs in firms greatly benefit the employees and assist them in establishing a career
path that will be successful for them.

Career development is the process of gaining skills, experience, and education to

achieve career objectives. Developmental activities are those that help employees
become more competent and capable of adjusting to changes in their jobs and in
customer demands. Organizations should not focus on finding jobs for people but on
helping them set realistic career objectives and plans that will be their guide to
achieving career success. Career development plans must actually center on
maximizing human potential in order to assist people in making sure they have the skills
that will give them an edge over their competitors and guide them to their most suitable

Data collection must be used in various ways to show applicable improvements in

certain things. This being said, data collection is very helpful for supporting career
growth. Organizations may utilize data collection to better match workers with positions
that suit them. Data collection is employed in every organization to prove the value of
career development initiatives in businesses. The HR department may also provide the
proper training or examine company data to find the best applicant for a particular job
position through data collection and data gathering.

Importance of CDS in low performers and high performer employees

Training and development are necessary for every business to function effectively and
be successful. An employee is a valuable asset who might make a significant difference
between the company's success and failure. With training, a new skill or knowledge may
be gained more readily and efficiently. Employees with high and poor performance
levels may benefit from career development support. Consequently, this might be a
stepping stone for them to fully comprehend and maximize their potential.

To help a company reach its objectives, each individual must demonstrate efficiency in
their job. Multiple levels of training are provided to employees inside an organization to
encourage the growth of skills and knowledge necessary for both professional success
and preparedness for new responsibilities. Both companies and their employees should
invest in training to ensure that they have the information, skills, and abilities needed to

In any organization, career development is important for a number of different reasons.

For starters, concentrating on skill development leads to more diverse learning
opportunities. However, employees in companies must believe that their organization is
concerned about their development. While there is a wide range of learning options
provided by businesses, including seminars, on-the-job training, and community service,
the majority of them understand the value of each individual taking control of their own

Self-confidence is influenced by a larger sense of self responsibility for career

management. Employees have a higher sense of responsibility for managing their own
careers when they view the organization where they work as an extension of their
community. Individuals must trust that their organization is also looking out for their best
interests. Individuals must recognize that they will develop more individually and
professionally from their work once they enter their workplace.

Through career planning and development, clarity of the connection between

organizational and personal goals of the employee is provided. Employees who want to
attain their own goals should discuss them with their supervisors and coworkers. A
systematic employee development process may help leaders and employees better
fulfill company goals. Leaders must be transparent and honest about their organization's
mission and vision in order to ensure that people recognize this basic objective.
Everyone included in an organization needs to understand the company's mission and
its key objectives, as well as their role in driving the organization to success.

Additionally, employee productivity and motivation are both increased by career

development. Paying attention to career development enables you to recruit top talent
and keep loyal staff. Career development may also allow employees to fully understand
themselves and their coworkers. which, as a result, promotes proper teamwork,
resulting in this contributing significantly to an organization's success. Team
effectiveness may be linked to team performance. As a result, team performance
management and team effectiveness might be integrated to produce the greatest result
that may benefit the organization.

When a company loses employees, they also lose their knowledge, experience, and
expertise. Finding qualified replacements costs money, and training them costs even
more. According to the survey from Eagle Hill Consulting, as cited in Kratz (2016),
employees who do not pull their weight harm workplace morale, stifle innovation, and
foster a negative corporate culture. Most managers must understand the importance of
identifying their best and worst performers in order to retain the former and either help
or eliminate the latter. However, if managers have difficulty locating poor performers, it
can be more difficult when those employees work from home or in a remote area
hundreds of miles away. Managers know the negative effect of a poor performer on both
the business and on colleagues. If one team member fails to contribute their fair share,
it not only discourages other employees, but it can also paralyze the rest of the team on
multiple levels. It can affect high performing employees in a way that they may think the
work distribution is unfair.

When it comes to career development it is important to figure out who among the
employees are high performers and low performers. It is because we can use it as a
basis to develop a particular plan to help them improve. Many companies are willing to
invest heavily in remedial training and development for low performing employees in the
hopes of improving their performance. This captures high performers in the middle,
giving them the perception that their accomplishments are not recognized or valued,
resulting in low morale and increased attrition.

According to a study on the relationship between job performance and employee

engagement, employees who contributed the least tended to be more engaged than
high performers in 42% of organizations (Managing High vs Under Performers: Have
You Got the Balance Right?, 2020). Low-performing employees feel that they have to
engage more in organizational activities to make up for their minimal contributions.
Therefore, you might want to pay more attention to the underachievers in your
organization if you want to increase employee engagement and performance. Failure to
deal with a poor performer may result in the loss of some of your best employees. The
majority of the organizational activities and communication are frequently dominated by
your current high performers, so they are unlikely to object to you doing this. In this
case, low and high performers can be identified through this following metrics:
Figure 2:
Metrics used to determined employee performance

1). Absenteeism

High performers tend to minimize the number of their absences in the workplace. The
reason for this is because they are afraid of damaging the image they have built with
their peers and superiors. Absenteeism can affect the productivity of an individual. That
is why high performers are way more productive than the average employee. High
performers individually excel in everything they do; they are engaged and committed to
their roles. When it comes to their job, they give more than just the bare minimum.
Exceeding the expectations of their leaders or supervisors is their goal. They give
importance to setting goals as it provides an opportunity to surpass the limitations of
expectations. High-performing employees tend to look for regular feedback. They
always look for more improvement. High-performing employees strive to excel in all
aspects of work, not just individual parts. They always strive to exceed their goals, as
well as the performance of their colleagues and peers. On the other hand,
low-performing employees are more prone to absenteeism. Due to their low level of
performance, these employees are also more prone to failing at work. There are many
reasons why low-performing employees exist. It can be because they are not motivated,
they are not engaged, or they are not suitable for their jobs. In contrast with
high-performing employees, low-performing employees are satisfied with doing the bare
minimum as they feel it was just sufficient.

Effects of absenteeism on career development and on the organization

Employees tend to stick at their current job without setting or looking forward to
short-term or long-term goals. In other words, they do not make extra efforts to impress
their employers or to gain more benefits. Low-performing employees are also not
interested in improvement. They do not ask for feedback, and if there is negative
feedback from the employer, they are not likely to take action to correct those mistakes.

Moreover, talent is the most important asset of any organization. It drives business
growth, profitability, and sustainability. High performing employees are the most
valuable assets in any organization. They have a huge impact on the culture, the
strategy, and the performance of the organization. High performing employees are the
driving force behind great organizations. They make the best decisions, are the first to
offer help when others need it, and consistently produce superior results. As a leader, it
is essential to keep your best employees happy and engaged, which in turn will ensure
their ongoing commitment to the organization. This will help you build a culture of
excellence, which will in turn help you achieve your goals and deliver the best service to
your customers.

In contrast, low performing employees have a significant negative impact on the

organization. They make avoidable mistakes, provide poor service to customers, and
drag down the performance of their colleagues. When they make mistakes, it costs the
organization time and money. They also prevent high performers from being able to do
their best work. They create an atmosphere of negativity that affects the culture of the
organization, creating a sense of frustration and resentment among the other
employees. In turn, this leads to a cycle where low-performing employees cause even
more problems, which causes more employees to perform poorly.

2). Missed deadlines

High-performing employees hardly miss deadlines. They are known for their ability to
get things done without missing deadlines. They arrive early and stay late. Some of
them come to work on time, even when they're sick. They don't take the easy way out.
They don't procrastinate or leave things unfinished. High-performing employees are
known for their productivity and their dedication. They are the ones who bring their A
game every day. They brought energy and passion to every project. They were eager to
learn and improve.

Effects of missed deadlines on career development and on the organization

High-performing employees always give their best effort to every task given by their
employers.It is their way of proving to them that they have the ability and that they are
responsible enough to work on more diverse tasks. Most importantly, they made their
colleagues better. In addition, the impact of high-performing employees is not just felt by
their own departments and colleagues; it also has a direct impact on the organization as
a whole. The extra time and effort that high-performing employees dedicate to their jobs
allows their colleagues to improve their performance as well, which in turn leads to
better results for the business. Their dedication and hard work also inspire others to
work hard. The impact of their never missing deadlines for the organization often
stretched the team to meet deadlines. They brought a level of energy and enthusiasm to
the office that energized other employees and helped keep the team motivated. They
were a true source of strength and value for the company, and their presence was felt
throughout the office.This is the reason so many organizations strive to develop their
talent, find high-performing employees, and keep them on board.

On the other hand, many organizations continue to struggle with the impact that
underperforming employees have on consistently missing deadlines. Missing deadlines
has an impact on the overall productivity of the company and, more essentially, on the
morale of its employees. One of the most important consequences of low performance
is the impact that it has on the productivity of the workforce. In most organizations, the
productivity of the workforce is directly related to the quality of work performed by the
employees. Organizations are making a lot of effort to improve their performance
management systems in order to ensure that all employees are held accountable for
their performance.

3). Attendance

Attendance can affect productivity. The more the employees have a good attendance
record, the more productive they are. Commonly, high performers maintain good
attendance records. They also tend to be punctual all the time. Maintaining good
attendance records is a challenging task for most people. It requires a lot of discipline
and self-control. High performers are able to maintain good attendance records
because they have a strong sense of self-control. They have the ability to control their
impulses and stay on track. They are able to focus on the task at hand and not let their
emotions get in the way. Additionally, maintaining good attendance records is not just
being present at work; it involves reporting to work on time, remaining on the job
throughout the day to complete tasks properly, and being able to attend all scheduled
meetings and appointments.

Impact of attendance on career development and on the organization

Poor attendance can hinder career development and/or job performance. It leads to
unproductive employees that later may affect the whole organization. It affects the
employees' quality of work. They might get negative feedback on their performance
reviews. The ability to get promotions and raises may not be achieved. A bad
attendance record can greatly damage an employee's career. It can be a red flag for a
future candidate for a top-notch job. It can also affect the relationship between
colleagues. When an employee is always absent, their colleagues are obligated to do
the tasks of the absentee in their place. When this situation becomes a cycle, conflict
may arise between colleagues.

Further, attendance is a critical area in any organization. Absences from work can have
a negative impact on an employee's morale and productivity. A good attendance record
means engaged and productive employees. This helps the company meet the
objectives and goals. Employees will easily get the job done. Meanwhile, if employees
have a bad attendance record, it may affect other employees and the whole
organization. For example, the workflow must be restructured when the team is not
complete. This lowers the productivity of other employees. The present employee must
take the place of the absentee. Employees trying to catch up on tasks more quickly may
affect the quality of the product or work. The efficiency and productivity of the absentees
may suffer because it may take time to adopt the changes they missed. Employees with
a bad attendance record may cause additional delays to other employees, so they need
to speed up their work. In addition to poor work performance and unproductivity, high
absenteeism at a company can have a negative impact on the customers.

4). Achievements

A person's achievements and acknowledgment might give them a feeling of satisfaction

and may help them in doing more in their workplace. As a result, they could also feel
more confident whenever they happen to receive an award or compensation. They
could also have the feeling of becoming near to the top whenever they achieve more.
This, however, may lead to individuals no longer feeling the need to show themselves
through effort. Not only are accomplishments demonstrated by awards and recognition,
but also by actually accomplishing them. High-performing workers could feel as though
they have accomplished a lot, yet they may still have additional goals in mind.

Impact of achievements on career development and on the organization

Unproductive or underperforming employees could sometimes mean that they want to

succeed and excel and are just unsure of how to go about doing so. The information in
a career development plan can help employees better understand who they are and
how to make the most of their work. When people are certain about the career they
desire or are already in, they can accomplish more. Achievements may be seen by
employees as a form of validation that will surely boost their confidence and make them
feel satisfied. They will be able to do this to attain the abilities and information required
to carry out their jobs more effectively.

Recognizing and rewarding employees' achievements helps them feel that they are
recognized and valued. When an employee feels a sense of belonging in their
workplace, they become more engaged and motivated. Motivation and engagement are
the keys to productivity. Every organization's goals are to meet its objectives.
Succeeding in meeting their goals helps them to build a good reputation with customers;
they will be trusted by their customers. The more achievements they attain, the more
the customer will trust in the organization. High-performing employees are more likely to
help the organization build a trusted reputation among customers. As they are way
more motivated and productive than the other employees, managers and employers are
helping them improve in every aspect possible. The reason for this is that the
achievement of the employee individually reflects on the organization. That is why
managers and employers are committed to helping their employees in every way
possible. In contrast, low-performing employees affect the organization in the opposite
way. They just do what they think is sufficient; they are not that committed to their jobs.
Companies must give more attention as they may hinder the high-performer employee
from achieving the company's goal. Recognizing and acknowledging them more can
help to motivate and engage them to be more active and productive. They must help
them improve so they can help the high-performing employee meet the company's goal.

Analyzation is important in terms of Career Development because these are the ways
and reasons why some employees had a different approach to the job assigned to
them. Analyzing the behavior of the employees is necessary to accurately and precisely
give the right ways to resolve different problems. These questions below will define the
reason why some employees had low and high performance and discuss if they are
applicable to career development support.

1). What causes low and high performance of an employee?

Causes of Low Employee Performance

● Poor Communication

Poor communication is one of the causes of low employee performance because

employees did not have enough time and opportunities to provide their opinion and
concerns about the work that was assigned to them and concerns about how other
employees treated them inside the organization. Communicate well with our employees
so we can determine what they truly feel and if there’s a problem we can fix it earlier
and it will not affect the productivity of the employee.
Causes of High Employee Performance
Employees with high performance are recognized as an accountable employee, skilled,
and talented employee that achieves their goals and improves the overall productivity of
the company. They consider quality as their top priority inside the workplace and they
are focused on doing a great job to satisfy the needs and wants of the employees that
will align with the company’s goals and objectives.
Employees Self-Control
Employees with high performance manage their behavior inside the company, know
how to handle their time, complete their task and learn from their experience to plan
ahead of time. They know how to handle time management so that they can provide all
necessary actions for different tasks assigned to them.

Input and Feedback

High-performance employees seek input and feedback from their supervisors because
they want more detailed information and ideas that they can apply to their assigned
tasks. These inputs and feedback are the basis of employees to do their job and avoid
mistakes that can cause harm to the organization.

Knows when to take initiatives

High-performance employees continue to learn new responsibilities to take the next
step in their careers. They are eager to handle challenges that help them learn and
grow. They are not afraid to take responsibilities and act as a leader for the success and
productivity of the company.

Networking Skills
High performance employees have different skills like people-oriented and strong
relationship-building skills. Good networking skills help high performers to reach out
through the organization and to outside sources to gather information and contribute
ample knowledge to the organization.

Open Mind
High-performance employees remain calm, stable, and consistent in their way of
working and leadership. They will compromise and be open-minded when the time is
right to change positions instead of being stubborn or resistant. They know how to
easily put things first without even asking other people.
2). Do employees with high performance applicable for career development

Employees with high performance are applicable with career development support
because all of them are needed to conduct this development even though they are
considered high-performance employees. Sometimes this type of employee forgot to
manage their behavior and considered others as their low types of employees which
may lead to discrimination and inequality. Providing career development support in
terms of developing their behavior also stands as a good example and inspiration to
other employees, specifically those categorized as low-performance employees.

3. Do employees with low performance qualify for career development support?

Career development support is more important and applicable to those employees

categorized as low performance. It is an important process for employees and
employers because this will help both of them to obtain success. Career development
for employees defines their work identity and income potential. For most employers,
career development impacts employee engagement and retention, and the strength of
their employee value proposition. It also drives key talent processes such as learning
and development, performance management, talent management, and career pathing.

Conducting career development for those low-performance employees will give them
more inspiration to do their job productively and precisely. It will help employees to
motivate themselves and it is important for us future Human Resource Personnel to
motivate them, recognize their strengths, and allow them to express themselves through
transparent communication.

(Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). 9 Traits of High Performers (And How to Become One).
Retrieved from

Carnahan, B. (2021). How to Support Your Employees’ Career Development. Retrieved


Chafford, J. (n/a). 8 reasons why employee productivity may suffer. Retrieve from

Stange J. ( 2020).Employee Development Opportunities That Work Retrieved from

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