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Performance Management

1. In your own words, how can you define performance management?

In my opinion, performance management, from the word 'perform' means that it is

something that we do and the word 'management' sometimes means dealing with
something or a process of controlling something. Combining these two would result in
controlling a thing that we do. In short, it would mean that performance management is
kind of a process of controlling our performance or dealing with something that is
related to tasks.

Considering I am taking a business course, I'm sure that performance management is

related to how we should control or deal with something within the business. For
example, aligning our tasks with the goals of an organization. Performance
management is probably something that is well known in every organization because it
may be helpful in the overall objectives of the company. And since performance
management is being mentioned, it will probably relate to all the employees that are
capable of performing well that can be considered as an asset of a company.

Therefore, I would say that performance management is a continuous control of

maximizing the potential performance of everyone within the organization while also
remembering to associate their performance to the organization's goal and objectives. It
would mean focusing on getting all employees to understand more of their goals so they
can get their task done with their company's objectives in mind.

2. What do you think is the relevance of knowing and understanding the history,
importance, and principle of performance management as a student?

As a student—especially a student taking up human resource management, I think

understanding the history, importance, and principle of performance management will
surely be useful to me if I get to work with a company that is prioritizing individual
performance that can be helpful in achieving the organization's goal. Knowing and
understanding is a bit different so if I would choose between them I would choose to
understand and then learn it by heart rather than just knowing about it.

One of the reasons why learning the history and principle of performance management
is relevant is so that we can't be a fool when talking with people who have high
knowledge about it. At the very least, if we know a bit of history or maybe all of it, we
can socialize with people who are also interested in knowing the importance of
performance management's principle. And in my case, its relevance to me is that I
would have a little information and knowledge about the topic. I may forget it one time in
the future but it is something I would probably remember if I started working in a
company later on.

Some say 'you can't be a student forever' but for me that is wrong. Student doesn't
mean you are one just because you're in school wearing your uniform or you have
classmates sitting together in a classroom. You are a student because you're learning
something—you're gaining something far from friendship. You will be forever a student
because our life is a challenge itself so if everyday you're experiencing something, then
everyday you are learning–and that is the reality of life. In the future, when we become
an employee and start working, learning the importance and principles of performance
management will help us to understand how we should perform well or what we can do
to help our company achieve its goals. And then we can be proud of ourselves because
we remember that we learn it—that it is not a mere subject but something we can gain
something with.

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