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30 Points of View

Canoga Park, CA

All right, I'll say good day to you, this day of your time. How are you all? Once
again, we take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for allowing
this communication to occur, on this day and in this manner. We thank you for the
gift that it affords our civilization in being allowed to experience all the
different perspectives that your civilization has to offer, as we interact with
each and every one of you individually and all of you together.

On the note of perspectives, we would like to begin this transmission with the
following idea that we would like to entitle, "Thirty Points of View." Now, from
time to time in these interactions, in these transmissions, we have described and
explained to you that you are not always communicating with what might be
considered exactly the same version of me from one moment to the next. In that our
consciousness and our civilization has become, shall we say, less confined to time
and space in our evolutionary state, you will find that sometimes an individual
will communicate with a version of myself, of my personality structure that may be
of a certain age and at other times may be communicating with a version of my
personality structure that is another age altogether, somewhere else along the
timeline of my entire physical life. From moment to moment, my consciousness will
shift to and from, back and forth, up and down my own time line of life. Each
discrete personality segment being called forth based upon the frequency and
vibrations and needs and the necessities of the particular communication or
question that is asked, and the particular kind of information that is required.

This sliding scale interaction, so to speak, is quite natural for my species, at

this time. Many times, many of you, to some degree, are also doing this, though
you may not necessarily be consciously aware that you are. But you may be dipping
into versions of yourself along your timeline, to pull forth whatever the
appropriate emotional state or mental state or spiritual state needs to be for the
kind of interaction and communication you are having; whether it be communication
with others outside yourself, so to speak, or communication within yourself. To
put a linear framework on it, to some degree, for you you will find that in the
average span of my physical life which we have labeled as approximately 300 years
of counting, there will be 10 year time spans that will represent, more or less,
discrete personality segments that are engaged in these communications, not only
with your world, but with other worlds. In that each 10-year segment represents a
particular level of understanding, a particular level of evolution, a particular
level of growth, it is broken down that way for convenience.

And from time to time, therefore, you may be dealing with a version of my
personality that comes from one or another of those 10-year spans. In that my
entire life encompasses approximately 300 years, as you understand it, you will
find that, therefore, in the course of these interactions you will generally be
dealing with 30 different versions of my personality. All the way from what you
might consider to be the 10 year old Bashar, to the 300 year old Bashar and
anywhere in between. For the most part, on average, you will find that most of the
interactions we have had with your society, since we have been communicating with
your society in this fashion, have involved the thirteenth, fourteenth and
fifteenth versions of my personality; meaning in what you would consider to be the
idea of a 130 years, 140 years and 150 years of my age.

We will, for this communication, from time to time, this day of your time, and for
the sake of illustration and for a variety of other reasons, impose upon our
overall consciousness further time line limitations and restrictions, so that it
may be for the purpose of this conversation, this interaction, and this
transmission, more evident and more obvious that you are dealing with discrete
personality levels of my existence. Just to show you what the difference would be
without the freedom to move up and down the timeline of my life, as is common for
these interactions. So that you can begin to have a better sense, a stronger
sense, of the discrete portions of the personality, that is me, that I call myself
to be, as you are dealing with them in many of these interactions, but perhaps do
not necessarily immediately sense, as discretely as you will, this day of you time.
Because those limitations, those dividing lines, those 10 year segments are usually
not enforced by my overall consciousness as strongly as they will be this day.

These 30 different perspectives, these 30 points of view collectively taken to be

the personality I consider myself to be, each perform various functions, in that
they each represent different stages of understanding and learning in my society,
in my evolution, in my growth as a being. And by seeing these discrete
compartments, these discrete 10 year compartments more strongly illustrated in this
transmission, this day of your time, perhaps the resonance of each discrete
personality segment, each discrete point of view, out of the 30, will help put you
in touch with more and more of the segments that you have created within your own
unique personality structure over the course of your entire lifetime. And by
resonating to each of those discrete segments within me it might help you get more
easily in touch with all the discrete segments within you, for the purpose of
integrating and blending those segments within yourself and become a more holistic
being, as we usually reflect to you in the normal course of these interactions.

So from time to time in this transmission you will experience this, not always, but
from time to time. Therefore, let us begin, this day of your time, by once again,
thanking each and every one of you for the gift you are giving to us, for allowing
us to experience this interaction with you. And I ask, in return, in what way may
I and all of us, all 30 of me, now be of service to you?

Q: Bashar!

B: You good day!

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