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DMR 3393





Discuss The Purpose Of Performance Management System In An Organization

First of all, before I explain the purpose of performance management, I will explain
the definition of performance management

What is Performance Management?

Performance management is a corporate management tool that helps managers
monitor and evaluate the work of employees. The goal of performance management is
to create an environment where people can perform to the best of their abilities and
produce high-quality work most efficiently and effectively.

In addition, the purpose of performance management is divided into six (6) namely;
 Strategic
 Administration
 Informative
 Development
 Organizational maintenance
 Documentation


The strategy is to link individual goals with organizational goals so that everything
can be done easily and every job can run smoothly. this is because it can cause an
organization to improve. In addition, it also aims to deliver the most important
strategic business initiatives. Strategic performance management is defined as a
methodology for improving performance measurement, monitoring and improvement
to achieve overall organizational objectives.

Strategic performance management is often practiced using a balanced scorecard

framework, which matches employee performance with financial success, customer
satisfaction, internal process efficiency and organizational capacity optimization.
Strategy is implemented by determining the decisions, behaviors and, to some extent,
employee characteristics necessary to carry out any particular strategy. next is to
develop measurement and feedback systems that will exploit the extent to which
employees exhibit characteristics, engage in behaviors and build outcomes. To
achieve these strategic goals, the system should be flexible because when goals and
strategies change, the decisions, behaviors and personalities of employees usually
need to change accordingly.


The administrative purpose of a performance management system refers to how the

organization uses the system to provide information for day-to-day decisions about
pay, benefits and recognition programs. Because performance management supports
these administrative decisions, the information in performance appraisals can have a
significant impact on the future of individual employees.
The information generated from the performance management system is most often
used for promotions, salary increases, salary management, designing retention and
termination processes and most importantly the recognition of individual
performance. It is noted that in Australia many companies use information from
performance appraisals for career development, promotion positions and also for
training programs to be planned for individuals.


The way of informational performance management is with the importance or need to

communicate with employees where the employer is obliged to care and know about
expectations, what is important, how they are and how to improve. This is because to
be able to improve performance management in an organization

The next purpose of performance management is that the performance management

system has an important informational purpose because it is a way to communicate.
First, they inform employees about their performance and give them information
about specific areas that need improvement. Second, related to strategic goals, they
provide information about the expectations of peers, supervisors, clients, and the
organization, and what aspects of work are most important.


In addition, the next purpose of the performance management system is to develop

employees who are efficient in their work. If employees are not performing
efficiently, performance management works to develop their performance.
Additionally, comments made during the performance appraisal process usually
isolate an employee's shortfall. But the advantage of performance management is that
it not only identifies short falls but also root causes of issues such as lack of talent,
motivational barriers that prevent employees from being efficient. Managers are often
uncomfortable dealing with their performance issues. This confrontation is somewhat
necessary but ultimately puts the working relationship in the group at risk.
by being able to know performance/coaching feedback. From there one can identify
individual strengths and weaknesses as well


To provide information to be used in workplace planning and allocation of human

resources. Effective workforce planning where talent inventory, i.e. information about
current resources (skills, abilities, promotion potential and assignment history of
current employees) in addition, Assessing future training needs, Assessing
performance at the organizational level and also Assessing the effectiveness of HR

To collect useful information that can be used for various purposes (Exp; test
development, personnel decisions). As for documentation, the purpose is to validate
the selection instrument, administrative decision document and
Help meet legal requirements so that every job is easy to carry out.

Explore And Describe The Characteristics Of Performance Management System.

There are 15 characteristic of performance management system which is;

1. Strategically congruent
2. Contextually congruent
3. Thorough
4. Practical
5. Meaningful
6. Specific
7. Identifies effective and ineffective performance
8. Reliable
9. Valid
10. Acceptable and fair
11. Inclusive
12. Open (No Secrets)
13. Correctable
14. Standardized
15. Ethical

1. Strategically congruent

 It must be in line with the organization's strategies align with unit and
organizational goals so that the goals of an organization can be maintained and
good performance can be maintained.

2. Contextually Congruent

 Need to be in line with the organizational culture as well as the wider cultural
context of the region or country to expand influence or power.
 For example: 360-degree feedback is not effective when communication is not
smooth and hierarchy is rigid.

3. Thorough

 All employees need to be evaluated from all the various aspects is key job
responsibilities that need to be assessed and the evaluation covers performance
for the entire review period. Feedback is given on positive and negative
performance to identify the person
4. Practical

 Must always be Available

 Easy to use,
 Acceptable by decision makers and necessary
 The benefits exceed the costs so that every act or activity can be carried out
with quality.

5. Meaningful

 Standards are an important and relevant matter. This is because,

 This system measures what employees can control where every decision has
consequences and assessments occur periodically and at appropriate times the
system has provided continuous skill development by assessors to assess

6. Specific

 Every Guide and detail on a matter will be given to employees where they will
be trained on the matter;
 What to expect
 How to meet expectations

7. Identifies effective and ineffective performance

 Every thing that happens needs to differentiate between effective and

ineffective such as;
 Behavior
 Decision
 Provides the ability to identify employees with various performance levels.

8. Reliable

 It related to stability of the performance measure. An important type of

reliability is inter-rater reliability: the stability among the individuals who
evaluate a employee’s performance. A performance measure has inter-rater
reliability if two individuals give the same or at least close to being same
assessments of a person’s job performance. Another type of reliability is
internal consistency reliability.
 Must always be Consistent
 Free from errors
 Inter-rater reliability
9. Valid

 Be degree to which a performance measure assesses all relevant parts of

performance and only relevant ones. It is also known as 'content validity'. For
this particular performance measure to be valid and yield the best results, it
should not be less.
 It must be something Relevant (that is, measure something important)
 Not lacking (i.e., not measuring unimportant aspects of the job)
 Uncontaminated (i.e., measuring only what the worker can control)

10. Acceptable & Fair

 Related to the extent to which performance measures are considered useful

and reasonable or sufficient. Many very detailed performance measures are
very valid and reliable but they consume so much of the evaluator's time that
they refuse to use them and even the employees being evaluated do not accept
 Perception where done with Distributive Justice that is
 Work done, Appraisals received & Rewards.
 In addition, Perception of Procedural Justice and Procedural Justice used to:
 Determine the rating
 Link ratings to rewards

11. Inclusive

 It has Represented and caused concern to all involved

 When the system is implemented. Therefore, employees should help by
making decisions:
 What should be measured
 How it should be measured
 Employees should provide input on performance prior to the appraisal

12. Open (No Secrets)

 An evaluation and feedback that is frequently made and carried out

continuously can cause;
 Two-way communication in evaluation meetings
 Clear standards and constant communication
 Communication is factual, open and honest

13. Correctable

 Realizing that some assessments that have been made can or are capable of
giving wrong information. Therefore, an appeal process has been prepared to
correct the error
14. Standardized

 As an employee in an organization, an employee deserves the opportunity to

learn, develop and grow to his full potential in his career. That can be done if
supervisors have processes that allow for constructive feedback, fairness and
flexibility in how employees are evaluated.
 To reward good work we must have a consistent process that can measure it.
The standardization of our performance management system played a key role
in reimagining the organization
 Ongoing training for managers is also provided to provide consistent
Assessment that can cross:
 Many people
 Time

15. Ethical

 Supervisor suppressing self-interest

 The supervisor rates only if he has sufficient information about the
performance dimensions and every Supervisor has to respect the employee's

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