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Business Objectives

Marilyn Garcia and Solany Chub

10 October 2022
Management 101 (Evening Division)
Table of Contents

Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg2

Business Overview-----------------------------------------------------------------pg3

Business vision statement---------------------------------------------------------pg4

Business Objectives----------------------------------------------------------------pg5

Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg6

ItroductioBusiness Overview

Fenix Farm 17 Ltd was funded by Mr. Said Flores in 2019 at 53.5 miles, southern highway,
Bladen Village, Toledo District. It was then bought by Mr. Hezron Cadle in October 2021. Fenix
Farm 17 Ltd is an agro producer, producing more than 7,000 banana boxes per week and
employing more than 200 employees. This company is open to new ideas and is always willing
to make life easier for the employees and surrounding neighbors.

Vision Statement

It is the policy of this company to strictly watch and adhere to all laws and ethical standards
applicable in all jurisdictions in which we carry out business, to perform our business affairs
legally and ethically and to do so with openness and reliability.

This Code of Conduct and Business Ethics Policy is applicable to employees at all locations
owned, leased, managed, or operated by Mr. Cadle and its subsidiaries, as well as all of the
Company’s directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives and each of their
respective family members.

Our Company expects and demands the highest level of ethical conduct on the part of our
Staff. We do not condone, accept, or practice any behavior that fails to meet the standards set
forth in our Company Code of Conduct and Business Ethics Policy.

The general guidelines of these standards are:

● We neither offer, nor accept, anything of value in exchange for in the interest of
inducing or entering into any business relationship with us.
● We do not use corporate funds, assets, services, or facilities directly, or indirectly,
for any personal use, or any unethical purpose.
● We comply with all laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.
● We allow no false, artificial, or misstated entries to be made to the books, records,
or financial statements.
● We do not make false or misleading statements to the Company’s independent
auditors, internal auditors or regulators. Under no circumstances may an employee
take any actions to fraudulently influence, coerce, manipulate or otherwise mislead
the Company’s auditors in connection with ongoing audits.
● We maintain our workplace free of harassment and discrimination based on sex,
ethnicity, physical handicap or religion

Business Objectives
Fenix Farm 17 integrates sustainable practices in all areas of its operation to respond to
climate change and ensure that natural resources are efficiently managed, conserved and
enhanced for future generations. Our current objectives are to:

● Increase efficiency in use of inputs and outputs, including implementation of

sustainable alternatives in 2022.(short term)
● Protect and enhance natural soil fertility with a new project.(short term)
● Create and implement a plan to reduce water use, prevent water waste and enhance
wastewater quality by the end of year 2028.(long term)
● Improve the compliance of the norms of certification and national laws to an extent
that all Audits are passed with a 100% grade in 2023.(medium term)(Our objective)

Setting objectives is very important when running a business, it can help visualize the future and
plan for success. “For a business to be successful, it needs to outline measurable and achievable
objectives." Fenix farm 17 Ltd has clear objectives but can implement some strategies to be more
direct, measurable and specific.

Some strategies that can be implemented are:

● Making ‘SMART’ objectives is a strategy that consists of having some characteristics

which are; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely.

● To set business goals, it is important to know the different aspects of the business,
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. Analyzing these areas enables the company
to assess where it needs to improve and how it needs to grow.

● Another important point to consider in making good business objectives is to make sure
that these objectives are consistent with the company’s values and mission. An example
could be a banana farm with the objective to build a shop to make money when in
accordance with the company an objective to make more money could be through
producing more boxes.

While analyzing this company’s objectives I believe that they are generally well put together and
are specific, and can really help this company. Objective one is not specific as to how much they
want to increase outputs and inputs. Objective number two is not Timely nor measurable, I
believe that this company should rephrase this objective to “Protect and enhance natural soil
fertility in area B with a new project by 2028.

Lastly setting objectives can;

● Increase revenue
● Recruit and retain high-quality employees
● Enhance customer satisfaction
● Improve company culture
● Maximize workplace safety
● Develop leadership
● Expand productivity
● Increase product quality
● Encourage innovation

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