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Physical Self

1.The physical self refers to the body. The body’s ability to perform its functions gradually changes
through the years.
2.Each individual goes through a succession of developmental stages. Life span is the development
from conception to death.
3.Physical growth and development is the product of heredity and environment. Heredity is the
biological process of the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring. Environment refers tot eh
factors the individual is exposed to throughout life which include learning and experiences.
4.Body image reers to how individuals perceive, think, and feel about their body and physical
appearance. It can affect both the adolescent’s physical and psychological well-being.
5.Some people desperately change their physical appearance through body modification such as
through tattooing, body piercing and cosmetic surgery
Sexual Self
1. Primary sex characteristics are the physical characteristics present at brith which are directly
involved in reproduction while secondary sex characteristics develop during the onset of puberty.
2. The reproductive system is a system fo sex organs designed for reproduction or sexual function.
3. Erogonous zones are areas of the body that provide pleasure which include the genitals, mouth,
breasts, ears, and anus.
4. Attraction is a positive attitude held by one person toward another person. It is influenced by social
norms, physical attractiveness, and processes of interpersonal exchange.
5. There are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment.
6. Attachment is a strong affectional tie that binds a person to an intimate companion.
7. Sexual orientation refers to a person's sexual identity anchored on what gender they are attracted to.
8. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are contracted
primarily through sexual contact.
9. Contraception refers to the methods used to prevent pregnancy. Some methods of contraception
such as the use of condoms can be used to prevent some STIs.
10. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, also known as Reproductive Health
Law or RH Law, guarantees universal access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual
education, and maternal care.
Material Self
1. A person’s possessions including the body, family, clothes, money, house, car, and other tangible
objects make up his or her material self.
2. Materialism is the importance that people give to material possessions over intangible values.
3. A materialistic person is excessively concerned with the acquisition of material possessions.
4. Compulsive buying disorder (CBD) is characterized by an obsession with shopping and buying
Spiritual Self
1. Spirituality can be understood as a search for the sacred and transcendent.
2. Spirituality is connected with religion.
3. Understanding and developing awareness of the spiritual self allows the person to experience a
feeling of oneness with God.
4. Animism is the belief that creatures, objects, and places represent certain spirits.

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