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Everyone in this world learns something quicker and better when they like

what they do. The same process follows in education, when a person starts
loving a subject, he/she starts to learn it quickly and understand it in a
better way, and gets more involved in it.

Every student must be allowed to choose the subjects they want to learn
because they will have one sort of interest in that particular topic and will be
more involved when they are allowed to pursue what they like.

So, in this way, the student gains more knowledge, learns it quickly, and
understands all the concepts in a better manner.

There are many compulsory subjects which the student has to prepare for
and clear the exams. This causes a lot of hardships on the student and forces
him/her to devote time to it. 

This needs to be changed by the education system and try to focus on the
strengths of the student. Every single student has a different talent and only
when they choose the subject, they love they will start showing love to that
subject and start exploring it in a better way.

Students spend most of their time in classes but by doing that, these
students gain very little knowledge and are not prepared to face the real

Many may think that students might go wrong in choosing a subject or the
subject that they choose might not help them in the future, but the student
will have better knowledge and more love for that subject.

When students have the freedom to choose what they would like to learn
about, it makes them more eager to engage with that particular
subject. 12th grades can be better if a student is allowed to study the subject
that they are interested in so that they can get into better colleges.


When students choose the path for themselves they are more likely to make
something better out of it. They will have much more motivation to prepare,
study, understand and be eager to come to school.

Every student has a different way of thinking and a different mindset and
forcing a subject will not bring out the true potential of them.

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