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No doubt that there are many different ways of learning,everyone

has his own style and also the methods of learning varies and depend on the
. field that you choose

Many learners prefer to learn from their lecturers or teachers but on

the other side there are some who do not like the teachers attitude or the way
of teaching so they rely on self learning,in my opinion ,in the previous two
cases there are advantages and disadvantages.The people who like to be
taught from their own teachers are most likely good listeners and want to
benefit from the teachers experiences or maybe they are just lazy and do not
want to search and get the information they want by themselves and in this
case there are many disadvantages for the teachers such as they must search
for various methods to present it for the students so they will exert more
efforts than they should.while in the other case ,the students who depends on
self learning ,they exert more efforts to reach their target and also their minds
accept all the ways of learning so they have open minded and there are many
advantages for this way of learning such that the students widen their horizons
and increase their knowledge which this may help them in their career or their
social life so teachers should appreciate their efforts and the way they depend
.on themselves

Finally,we must encourage every generation to learn no matter the way

.of learning and we must give everyone the chance to have good education

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