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People at Outpo and O ost Mining Ca s M g amps

Cho oose ho to vote ow

Return ning Offic cers off fice. From August 29 to Sep A ptember 8; regular office hours. Specia mail-in ballot. Apply al, n to Elec ctions Nu unavut to get a o special ballot kit. l k Electio Day. Polls ope on en:
Septe ember 12, 2011 10 am-8 pm Eastern time. m Radio or Sat phone. MUST p M

You have t the rig to ght o e vote if you are:

A Canadian citize en. 1 years or older Election Day. 18 r n A Nunavu reside for at ut ent t l least a y year on E Election D Day. N disqu Not ualified f from voti ing. B By-Election: Resi ident in t the c constitue ency on A August 8, , 2 2011

meet three con t nditions. A last resort. Contac Electio ct ons Nunavu to set it up. ut t

1.800 0.267.439 94 1.800 0.267.439 94 1.800.269.112 25 info@e www.e elections.

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