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St ents Awa tude ay fro Home Vo om H e ote by Spe ecial Bal llot

Vote by spe ecial ballot b ou t hool: if yo go to sch

Outsid Nunavu de ut. OR In a different Nunavut d t commu unity than where you n usually live. y

You h have t the rig to ght vote if you are: u

A Canadia citizen an n. 18 years or older Election Day. n A Nunavut residen for at t nt t le east a ye on Election Day. ear N disqu Not ualified fr rom votin ng. B By-Electio Resid on: dent in th he co onstituen ncy on Au ugust 8, 2011

1 Contac Electio Nunavut to 1. ct ons apply for a spe f ecial ballo kit. ot Apply right awa - as soon as ay s you kn now about the ele t ection.

2 Follow the dire 2. ections in the n special ballot kit you ge from l k et Electio Nunavut. ons

3 Mail yo ballo early. For 3. our ot your ballot to count it MUST b c reach Elections Nunavut in s Rankin Inlet by 5 pm Election n y E Day, Septembe 12, 20 S er 011.

1.800. .267.439 94 1.800. .267.439 94 1.800.269.112 25 info@e www.el lections.n

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