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We are keeping in touch with you for the benefit of the Muslim understudies watching the

sacred month of
Ramadan. Ramadan is the 10th month inside the Islamic Schedule, a schedule dependent
absolutely upon
the patterns of the moon. Muslims concentrate on the long stretch of Ramadan to remember
the principal disclosure of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh1
) in sync with Islamic
1 https://www.Wisegeek.Com/why-do-muslims-use-the-state harmony be-upon-him.Html
As an outcome of the lunar schedule, Ramadan developments in reverse around 10 days
every year comparative with the Gregorian schedule. Subsequently, for the following 10 years,
will be a never-ending piece of the informative yr and will require managerial
convenience from the college.
President Andrew Hamilton has openly expressed that scholastic satisfaction is the rule
adventure of the school.

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