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"New York College, as a nonsectarian foundation, sticks to the overall strategy of

remembering for its true schedule just specific legitimate occasions. In any case, it has likewise
been NYU strategy that individuals from any strict gathering may, without punishment, excuse
themselves from classes when consistence with their strict commitments requires it. In
1988, the College Senate insisted this arrangement and passed the accompanying goal:
Understudies who expect to be missing a direct result of any strict recognition ought to,
whenever the situation allows, advise workforce ahead of such expected nonattendance; At
whatever point
achievable, assessments and task cutoff times ought not be planned on strict
occasions. Any understudy missing from class due to strict convictions will not be
punished for any class, assessment, or task cutoff time missed on that day or
days. Assuming assessments or task cutoff times are planned, any understudy who is
incapable to go to class in view of strict convictions will be offered the chance to
make up that day or days. No unfriendly or biased impacts will result to any understudy
who benefits oneself of the above arrangements."
Not just has there been a past filled with Muslim understudies being punished for their
during the Islamic month, however numerous understudies have encountered reaction from
teachers. For example, one understudy came into class a couple of moments late subsequent
to supplicating,
their teacher expressed, "You ought to have taken an alternate course during Spring
enlistment in the event that you anticipate missing my class." Not exclusively was this assertion
erroneous as
understudies have no control over the planning of their center classes, however well established
in obliviousness.
Muslim understudies fasting for more than nine hours, with no food and water, are inclined to
actual weariness. They shouldn't confront the close to home work of protecting or
making sense of their strict practices.
Shanghai's strategy portrays more point by point and explicit language that ought to be taken as
model for New York College strategy with respect to scholastic facilities

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