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The novel “The Folded Earth” is an inspiring book of moving on and recreating yourself.

It perfectly
conveyed how loosing someone whose dear to you can really alter everything in your life.After reading
the novel, I realized how death can come unexpectedly. No one will ever be ready from it. Therefore,
there is no harm on being sorrowful.Even though, I haven’t yet experienced loosing someone whose
really dear to me, the novel made me feel how tragic it is to be on Maya’s position. I also realized how
complex moving on is. Another thing that I learned from the novel is how complicated it is to recreate
yourself after a tragic past. I also realized that, even though, you’ve been able to surpass moving on,
when you’ve already hurt, you will never be the same person again. It is either you will completely lost
yourself or you will be a better version of you.However, the best learning I got from the novel is how
powerful love could be. Love can make you decide without using your logic or reasoning. Love can hurt
you in the worst way you will never imagined. And love can mend and complete you as an individual
after a tragic and painful past.A couple weeks ago my life shifted somewhat. It’s caused me to reflect on
many things. At the beginning in the year 2020 my biggest problem in life was a pending a lot of time
surpassed my problems.Life is precious, although often not treated that way by many people. I respect
people who respect others, I admire people who help others grow, I disdain people who tear down
other people, who disrespect others simply because their color, their politics, their religion or their way
of life may differ. In this kind of act we can clear our heart,mind and soul mean times we are alive.

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