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{ ‘ indice ‘ | ch : 8 Dictlog 10 } Examen .. Respuestas 12 Vocabulario. 17 19 21 De sesererenn DD Respu 23 Clase : jenn el Dial 34 B 35 Respuestas enue Vocabulario HM Clase 43 Didi 5 Examen sacncnsalt Respuest M7 Aprendamos Viajando 53 No se olvide de estudiar las leeciones en el manual antes de hacer los ejercicios de este cuaderno. Antes de comenzar el estudio de este volumen, dedique unos minutos a contestar a las 15 preguntas del examen siguiente. Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. Let's buy __ apples an a) a litte b) a little, a few pase ooc00~ = rice do we hate ay A few b) Some ) Ho d) Any ©) How much o0000% We need to ger severa a) banana b) strawberry ©) cartons of ¢ ) box of pasta ooo00% e) potato Do you a) Yes, he does b) Yes, carrots ¢) Nova litle. «} No, [ hate e) Do you? o00008 We usually cookies at tunch, a) eats a litle b) eat a little ©) eating any d) eating some oo00008 ©) eat a few eocoos e000 °° = CO00O¥ CD000% 00000 Do you want milk? a) any b) many ¢) much d) alot 1) several He end b) does, a few ©} doesn’t, anythi dd) didn't, a little ¢) doesn't, some Who is tal a) Mary, Alyssa or Susie b) Mary ) Mary or Alyssa d) Alyssa and Mary e) Alyssa, Mary and Susie How pants did you buy? a) pairs of bi) some pair of ) muck d) many pairs c e} a pair of 10. This shirt __than that one 4) is less colorful b) more colorful €) colorful d) most colorful ©) least colorful Ls her hair ____ than my hair? 00000 $, Did you b) straight dys This cake is b) not 6) least 4) the most expensive o) the expensive 4) a blue coat, a red one b) blue coats, red onc cab 4d) blue ¢) a blue coat, boa, red ot Bring your coat and Ws rai a) umbrella ) shorts dl) sandals «) jacket Iris always in Flori a) more hot b) the hotter ) hotter d) less hotter ) the hot Cuando haya estudiado todas las lecciones de este volumen, haga el mismo examen de nuevo, Lo encontrara al final de este cuaderno, en la pagina titulada “Examen Final”. Compare los resultados obtenidos en este examen con los del examen final. Asi comprobard lo que ha aprendido y podra medir su progreso. Cuando haya terminado este examen, empiece a estudiar la Leccién Uno. Vocabulario Encontraré lus respuestas en la pagina 12. A. Resuelva el crucigrama. Primero, complete las oraciones. Después, escriba las palabras que completan las oraciones en el cuadro siguiente, empezando por la casilla que Hleva el namero correspondiente. ntales 1. Another word for “maybe. 3. The Ws is a very big place. 6. Tee cream isa fi f Let's make a grocery Vocabulario 10. © 12. The opposite of “specific.” 4. & 15, Fruit is in the section. ‘The opposite of “general ape 19. J 20. Another word for “perhaps. 1 eB 2. The refrigerator is empty. There is no 4. Milk is in the section, .@ & 13, We dt to th store. Vocabulario B. Llene los espacios en blanco con palabras que describan los dibujos. Ejemplo: Do we need to buy ? & ae "parame ples Do you have 1, How many are there? 6. My children love 4 a 8. How many do we need? Encontrarg las respuestas en la pigina 13, C. Llene los espacios en blanco con las palabras "a", "an" 0 "some". Ejemplo: He ate an _ orange for luneh. 1 Can we buy strawberries? ls peach, not a pear 3. Talways bring carrot in my luneh. 4. Hand me onion, please. 5. Please cut up tomatoes for the salad. 6. They bought ___ oranges and Let's bring carrots. I need lime and lemons, D. Haga un circulo alrededor de las palabras que mejor describan los dibujos. a lot of a lot of a lot of >) lot of) too many several two Dialogo Llene los espacios en blanco. Mark enyié un email a Benjamin, Mark y Benjamin estén preparando una fiesta de cumpleafios para Marcia Hey, Benjamin! How are you? The party sounds fun, Are you going to make a cake buy one? I bring some ice cream, We need candles, too. How candles do we need? How is Marcia? you buy a gift? I bought funny birthday card. We can all sign it, Are we to have hamburgers? I'll bring snacks an¢ fruit Later, Mark 10 Encontrari las respuestas en la pagina 14, Delante de cada oracién, escriba la letra de la fotografia correspondiente. 2s © So © & Ejemplo: We don’t need to buy oranges. | We bought some bananas yesterday. 2 __ There are a few eggs in the bowl 3. I see four potatoes. 1 May I have an apple, please? 5 Her children hate carrots. | 6. There are many apples in the bowl. We bought too many grapes. 12 Respuestas Vocabulario A 3. strawberries 1. pears 5. tomatoes 6. capes apples 8. peaches Respuestas Clase C1. some D. oL. afew 2a 2. too many 3 3. several 4. an 4. a lot of 6. some, some 6. several 7. some 7. some 8. a, some Didlogo Hey, Benjamin! How are you? The party sounds like fun. Are you a cake or buy one? [Il bring some ice cream. We need some candles ». How many candles do we need? How old is Mar Did you buy a gift? I bought a funny birthday card, We can all sign it, Are we going to have hamburgers? I'll bring some snacks and fruit Is there anything else we need? Later, Mark eed terse) all Vocabulario Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 23, A. Escriba las palabras que describen los dibujos. Ejemplo: beans Vocabulario B. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras siguientes en el cuadro de abajo. Tenga en cuenta que las palabras se leen de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. bacon, beef, bread, butter, cheese, cookie, eg, fish, food, ham, hot dog, lgib, margarine, meat, rice, sausage, seafood, turkey, yogurt A/P/m/Z/z/)aln|w| >| on m/Z/—|a|Pla\|waAy>l/]|m\m QA\/m|—|O0|A/w/C|a|O|~< , 1 = 5. 6. A. Escriba la forma comparativa de cada palabra. Ejemplo: tall _taber big pretty long thirsty cute bad young straight Vocabulario Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 36. Vocabulario B, Ponga las letras en el orden correcto. 1. aaajmps 2. krits 3. ssotrh 1. sskeo 5. huboes 6. ateo 7. spina _ 8. thris 9. najes 10. kacjte Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 36, C. Primero, lea las descripciones de Anya y Samantha. Luego escriba oraciones usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Anya was born in 1997. She is 48 inche Her ey and weighs 43. pounds. ht brown hair are blue. She has long, stra ntha was born in 1996, She is 50 inches tall and weighs 61 pounds, She has brown eyes and dark brown hair Her hair is short and very curly. Ejemplo: (short) Anya ie shorter than Samantha, 1. (tall) 2. (young) 3. (thin) 4. (hair/dark) 5. (hair/long) (hair/eurly) D. Escriba oraciones que describan la ropa que llevan las personas que aparecen en las fotografias. Bjemplo Ams wearing a boht ble jacket. 1. Robert 2. Janet 32 Dialogo Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 37. Llene los espacios en blanco. Angelo you go shopping today? Kimberly Yes, why? Angelo What did buy? Kimberly Oh, not much. lo Well much? Kimberly Just few things T needed. Angelo Can I see what bought? Kimberly Sure. I bought new pants. Angelo Some new pants. How pairs did you buy? Kimberly Well, three But they weren't expensive. Angelo see. What did you buy? Kimberly I needed some blouses. Angelo How 2 Kimberly Four, but they were all on sale Angelo Isee. And did you buy shoes? Kimberly Yes, . Angelo Oh, I don’t want to know how pairs! Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 37. Observe los dibujos y luego lea las oraciones. Escriba una V delante de las oraciones verdaderas y una F delante de las oraciones falsas. Si no tiene informacién suficiente para determinar si la oracién es verdadera © falsa, escriba NS (No sé). 1. The purple T-shirt is bigger than the green T-shirt. 2. Both T-shirts are old, 3. The blue shirt is older 1. The blue shirt is less colorful than the other shirt, 5. The dark blue socks are more expensive. 6. Both pairs of socks are very expensive The green jacket is bigger: 8. The red and blue jacket is more expensive than the green one 9. The green pants are a little old 10. ‘The brown pants are longer: 11. This dress was more expensive 12. Maria doesn’t like this dress. Respuestas Vocabulario A. 1 2. 3, 4, bigg prettier longer thirstier cuter worse ighter 10. better He 6. 8. 9. pajamas skirt shorts socks blouse coat pants shirt : jeans | 10. jacket Clase Samantha is taller than Anya. Samantha is younger than Anya. Anya is thinner than Samantha Samantha's hair is darker than Anya’s hair Anya’s hair is longer than Samantha's hair Samantha's hair is curlier than Anya’s hair. D. Didlogo Janet’s wearing a black skirt and a purple sweater 3. Amy’s wearing a purple shirt and a dark purple jacket A. Dan’s wearin 5. Kathy's wearing jeans, a dark blue coat and tennis shoes. 6. Mrs, West's wearing a purple blouse. 7. Bill's wearing a blue shirt and a red tie, Angelo Did you go shopping today? Kimberly Yes, why? Angelo What did you buy? Kimberly Oh, not much. Angelo Well, how much? Kimberly Just a few things I needed. Angelo Can I see what you bought? Kimberly Sure. I bought some new pants. Angelo Some new pants. How many pairs did you buy? Kimberly Well, three pairs. But they weren't expe Angelo I see, What else did you buy? Kimberly I needed some blo Angelo How many? Kimberly Four, but they were all on sale Angelo I see, And did you buy any shoes? Respuestas Robert's wi Kimberly Yes, Angelo Oh, T don’t want to know how many pairs! a blue shirt, black shorts and tennis shoes, Vocabulario A. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras siguientes en el cuadro de abajo. Tenga en cuenta que las palabras se len de izquierda aderecha y de arriba abajo. belt, blouse, boots, coat, d jacket, jeans, pajamas, pants, sandals, s shoes, shorts, skirt, socks, sweat, tie, T-shirt, vest, watch T LlvyZ2\/>l/Aaln|m\<|zrla Llula|m|alo}ao]/—|c|o aA|-|im| vl/O|zri-|s/ evo A|DII>P|ujwlw/alp| ric Alv|im|Z2\-|S>|m|a;z|[m —|P/<|rjo|4|A\O]/O}a DAlZi|m|n/A|Q/O;/H\|m\ a PIA ||S|ol2\>|m{ecjuir MIAH > lOolal|—|Alal|u wf—lb)olal~/—|zlul> AlaljwMs/Hn/alDms/O;/TlHn\2 m/M/aA\|H/>P\/ez/ble| S| Vocabulario B. Use las palabras comparativas correspondientes a las palabras entre paréntesis. En este ejercicio, use sélamente palabras que sirven para comparar mas de dos cosas. (tall) He is the tallest man on the team, Ejemplo: 6. 10, 42 (bad) The traffic in Los Angeles is in the US, (cold) Winter is (large) Brazil is (long) June 21stis (ugly) That car is (young) She (curly) He has season of the year country in South America day of the year, one [looked al of the three sisters. hair I have ever seen! (less beautiful) The blue coat is (more expensive) sweater is in my closet Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 48. C. Llene los espacios en blanco con la forma comparativa correcta de las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: (expensive) A caris MOE EXPENSIVE than a bicycle. 1, (beautiful) The Grand Canyon is place in the US, 2. (hot) is always in Florida than in Alaska. (tall) Are you one in your family? . (cute) Which one is , the dog or the cat? (cheap) Did you buy a one or an expensive one? (good) I think that this of all (old) My sister is than me, (fancy) That's _ dress in the store. D. Escriba oraciones relacionadas con los dibujos usando la forma comparativa correcta de las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplor (ow) [he orange belt ie the shortest, - (old) (tall) k Daa (expensive) (long) (nice) alg (good) (bad) 9, (short) Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la piigina 48, Termine estas oraciones con palabras 0 expresiones de significado contrario. 1. That skirt is not the lor 2. It isn’t the most important, it’s I don’t want an expensive coat, I want a That shirt is too big, not toc His hair is 15 than my hai 6. Please give me a hat. This one is too big. Ineed a belt, not a shorter one That apartment is not more convenient, it’s Encontrard las respuestas en la pi Llene los espacios en blanco con palabras de la lista siguiente. raincoat sneakers elt sweater socks blouse pants watch shorts W's raining. Ineeda__ KQMHCOQL 1. Pim going to exercise after work. I need my 2. ['mcold, Please bring me a 3. It's going to be hot so wear , 4. That ___ is too faney. Wear a shirt 5. These _ are too big for my shoes. 6 My pants are too big. [need a Do these look all right with this jacket? 8, What time is it? I lost my Respuestas Vocabulario (efifofut si bal r|(®) F/ NIP uls|Pl(Hi cl n [Gl Hffof e [sal | 1 |Dwial tice A) vilol/sy/Hl]s @ fel tL (D1 By 1] E||TIloljolal OAR Gennwlsicli [RIN of Rol eft] tl bli | tial } E|||s]| p|GAPN[ DI Aj Lits)slls} : (S]}wie] Alte, R| NIV] E| s(t GI KITT RID P| 1 |@LALN| T GTAtc{ KL Ela) st Hi if Rr] De B. . the worst 1 2. the coldest } 9. the least beau 10. The most expensive Respuestas Clase C.-L. the most beautiful 2. hotter 3. the tallest 4. cuter 5. cheap 6. the best 7. older 8. the fanciest 1. The green boots are the oldest 2. The brown boots are the tallest. The brown boots are the most expensive green coat is the longest. purple coat is the nicest. ¢ brown coat is the best e green tie is the worst 8. The red tie is the uglic 9. The orange t the shortest Dialogo That skirt is not the longest, it’s the shortest. It isn’t the most important, it’s the least important I don’t want an expensive coat, I want a cheap one. ‘That shirt is too big, not too small. His hair is straighter, not curlier, than my hair: 6. Please give me a smaller (or small) hat. This one is too big. belt, not a shorter one, 7. need a lon, 8, That apartment is not more convenient, it’s less convenient Respuestas Examen Aprendamos Viajando " Sa New York es oO ompletar este vea la seccién “Aprendamos sjercicio ajando” incluida en el video y lea la misma seccién en el manual. informacién contenida en la oracién es verdadera, aga un circulo alrededor de la palabra True. Si la infor- macién es falsa, haga un False y culo alrededor de la palabra iba una oracién con la informacién correcta, True False 1. There are four boroughs in New York True False Manhattan is the most popular borough. True False 3. The Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island. True False 4, You can take a ferry from Battery Park to Liberty Island. False 5. Wall Street is in lower Manhattan. Aprendamos Viajando True False 6. The Brooklyn Bris bridge to use steel cables. was the first True False 7. The E 73 stories tall. npire State Building is True False 8, Little ltaly is on Canal Street True False 9, Most of the theaters are in Duffy Square True False 10. St. Patrick's Cathedral was built in a French-Gothie style, True False 11. The flags of the UN members fly outside the General Assembly Building, True False 12. The Circle Line tour crosses the George Washington Bi 54 Respuestas ‘There are five boroughs in New York. 1 2 Tre. 3. False, It's on Liberty Island. 1. True, 5. True. 6. True. False. It is 102 8. False. Little Htaly is north of Canal 9, False. TKTS is in Duflly Square. 10, ‘True. LL. True, 12. False, The Cirele L stories tall. eet, on Mulberry Street. ne Tour goes under the George Washington Bridge

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