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Ravenloft: Stone Prophet

Using the Mouse In this book, the term “click” means move the cursor to the desired area on
the screen and press either the left or right mouse buttons.
- “Left-click” means move the cursor to the desired area and press the left mouse button.
- “Right-click” means move the cursor to the desired area and press the right mouse button.
- “Double-click” means move the cursor to the desired area and press the right mouse button
two times in quick succession.

All movement takes place on the Adventure Screen. While basic movement is simple and
self-explanatory, several choices have been added. These allow movement to be customized to
your taste.

ARROW MOVEMENT: Place the mouse cursor over one of the directional arrows centered at
the bottom of the screen and left-click to move in that direction. The arrows displayed are:
forward and “double time” forward, move forward and turn to the right, and move forward and
turn to the left. Also available are backward, side-step to the right, side-step to the left, and turn
right and turn left. The movement continues as long as the left mouse button is held down and
stops when the button is released. Walking your characters into a wall or other obstacle also
effectively stops their progress.

On SCREEN MOVEMENT: While holding the left mouse button down, move the cursor into the
top third of the screen. The cursor becomes an arrow and your characters move in the direction
it is pointing. Try moving the cursor to various areas on the screen and watch how the screen
responds to that movement. Pushing the arrow to the very top of the screen results in a “double
time” forward march. Movement continues as long as the left mouse button is held down. As
long as the left mouse button is held down, no other function is available. You cannot move the
party and simultaneously click to pick up objects, or move and simultaneously use the cursor to
bring up menus. Once the left mouse button is released and movement ceases, the mouse
cursor can be used for other available functions.

FREE Mouse MOVEMENT: For free mouse movement, hit the space bar on your computer's
keyboard. Next, move the mouse without pressing either the right or left mouse buttons. The
party moves in the direction the mouse is moved. Push the mouse forward and the party moves
forward. Push it to the side and the party moves to the side.

Press the right mouse button and the party moves forward without the mouse having to be
moved. The party starts slowly and then accelerates to a “double time” march.

To leave this mode press the spacebar again, and the cursor reappears in the position it
occupied when you began free mouse movement. Try working with this method for a while and
see if it is right for you.

STEP MOVEMENT: Step movement is possible for players who find the smooth scrolling
interface difficult to control. It allows the party to move “one square at a time.” To activate this
option, move the cursor over the compass located above the movement arrows and left-click.
Please note, however, that “step movement” is not available simultaneously with “free mouse
movement” as described previously. Step movement is possible only when the directional
arrows are used. In addition to clicking on the Adventure Screen compass, it may be activated
from the game options menu.

KEYBOARD MOVEMENT The directional arrows correspond to the keyboard’s number pad

P - Pause
←↕→ - Move

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