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1. What are the impact of improper waste management?

An inefficient municipal solid waste management system may create serious negative

environmental impacts like infectious diseases, land and water pollution, obstruction of drains and loss of


2. What is the major problem with the Philippine solid waste management?

In Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) of developing countries five typical problem

areas can be identified: 1) inadequate service coverage, 2) operational inefficiencies of services, 3)

limited utilization of recycling activities, 4) inadequate management of non-industrial hazardous waste,

and 5) inadequate landfill disposal. This paper discusses some of these problem areas and suggests

possible approaches for improving the situation. Emphasis will be on the problem of inadequate landfill


3. What are the objectives of RA 6969?

SECTION 4. Objectives. — The objectives of this Act are:

a) To keep an inventory of chemicals that are presently being imported, manufactured, or used, indicating,

among others, their existing and possible uses, test data, names of firms manufacturing or using them, and

such other information as may be considered relevant to the protection of health and the environment.

b) To monitor and regulate the importation, manufacture, processing, handling, storage, transportation,

sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that present unreasonable risk or

injury to health or to the environment in accordance with national policies and international

c) To inform and educate the populace regarding the hazards and risks attendant to the manufacture,

handling, storage, transportation, processing, distribution, use and disposal of toxic chemicals and other

substances and mixtures.

d) To prevent the entry, even in transit, as well as the keeping or storage and disposal of hazardous and

nuclear wastes into the country for whatever purpose.

4. What is the Rule of Thumb principle?

A rule of thumb is a heuristic guideline that provides simplified advice or some basic rule-set

regarding a particular subject or course of action. It is a general principle that gives practical instructions

for accomplishing or approaching a certain task.

5. Why do we need to manage toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes?

Hazardous wastes that are disposed off causes potential hazard to human health or the

environment (soil, air, and water) when it is not properly managed. They are non-biodegradable,

persistent in the environment and are deleterious to human health or natural resources.

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