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Name : _____________________________ ( )
Date : ____________________

1. To acomodate his relatives who were visiting from Malaysia, Mr Tan cleared out his spare
room and cleaned it thoroughly.

2. The bondries of the badminton court are marked clearly by white lines.

3. They were instructed to pack a range of clothing as the weather was changible.

4. In a desprate attempt to escape from the fire, Kevin jumped out of his window.

5. Jane was filled with embaresment when she was scolded by the teacher.

6. Alice had always been taught to be more aware of her surroundings when in a forren

7. The death of the family pet, Chico, was a grevious blow to them.

8. The mischiveos students were reprimanded by the teacher.

9. Food is nesasary for survival.

10. There was a noticable stain on Tim’s shirt.

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