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Name: Abrea, Ericka Mae G.

Year/Section: 4- Bravo
Expectations (instructor, course, course overview, course requirements, and setting of house

I heard many stories about you Ma’am and I’m excited and a bit nervous at the same time
because I don’t know how things will go but because of the good stories about you Ma’am, my
expectations from you is nothing but only the best. About the course and its overview, I’m kind
of challenged because I know it is not an easy course but I do believe that the “determination to
learn” is the key to understanding. I’m expecting to have every information about this subject
that will serve as knowledge to help me to get a passing score/grade at the end of this sem. I hope
that all the learning we will get on this subject will result Also, to know what kind of connection
or relationship does the forensic ballistics and crime has, to gain a deeper understanding of the
several fundamental types of firearms and their varying capacities for kinetic energy, velocity,
and trajectory, how each of them relates and help to solved cases, the importance of this subject
to our course. Those are the things that I’m expecting to know. Moreover, on the setting of house
rules, I’m expecting that the whole class will cooperate in obeying the rules we had and follow
the guidelines of this course.

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