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According to (name, year), the body image (definition).

Nowadays, the way we see ourselves--- body or self-image has been affected by the society’s beauty standard and
media. To the point we cannot help but to compare ourselves to others; we feel ashamed and get anxious when we’re in front of those eyes who set the so-called unrealistic
body ideals, as if we are not acceptable and belong to this society. We are constantly and trying to look better, hence we forget our

According to (name, year), the body image (definition). Nowadays, especially women, have been put a pressure on their head to be better in everyone’s eyes.

Hello, everyone! We are asking some of your time to be part of our activity in subject Empowerment Technology, by answering these questions below.
 If you want all of your answers to be kept in private, you can fill out naman this form.
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 You can use any language where you’re comfortable at.
 Any unnecessary comments will be deleted and will not be entertained.

1. Have you already experienced (societal problems)? Share your experiences.

2. How do you feel when you’re experiencing this?
3. What are the effects to your either physical or mental health?
4. How do you respond to it? (what ways)

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