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410 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 410

ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

The Impact of Information Attacks on the Education of the Younger

Dehqonov Anvar
Teacher, Namangan Engineering – Construction Institute, Uzbekistan, Namangan

ANNOTATION: This article covers the penetration of information flow in the condition
globalization, in particular the impact of information attacks on youth education.

KEY WORDS: youth, information attack, mass media, Internet, education, educational
factors, social life.

Today, the younger generation of adulthood has made use of the tremendous opportunities
created by science and technology, while entering all spheres of life and effectively using its
results, while trying to change their views and lifestyle. Already from the material and
spiritual wealth created in all centuries, which until the first twenty years of the 21st century
was long, introduced results into the ashes and achieved unprecedented results with the help
of high information and communication technologies, the internet system. In today's era, it is
impossible to imagine human life, especially the life of young people, without the media. In
particular, television is one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century, but also the
most influential in the media, according to its audiovisual nature. Television and the Internet
have been ranked as an effective and influential medium of information exchange as well as
communication process. Audiovisual tools have been following us throughout the day, setting
our lifestyle apart from our vacations as well, informing, educating, and educating about
world events. The scale, shape, idea and quality of information disseminated through these
means cause the perception of a modern person, sometimes a change in his worldview,
cultural views, the formation of an unusual attitude to values.
As we all know, the formation of the personality of the younger generation occurs under the
influence of a number of factors. The most important of these factors will be directly related
to its pure-mannered heritage, exemplary upbringing in the family, social environment in the
neighborhoods, the importance of youth education in schools and other educational
The main purpose of education is to enable the growing younger generation to find its strong
position in society, as an educated, wise and healthy – minded person, which is characteristic
of perfect people.
The main task of education is the expression of the younger generation from finding content
that corresponds to the rules of conduct adopted in our society, moral qualifications and
skills, needs and aspirations.
In his work "Turkic Gulistan or morality", Abdulla Avlani emphasized the role of education
in human perfection and said: "Sir, he created the right people as talented and capable in the
noble world, with good and evil, with profit and loss, with white and black. But to bring this
ability in a person to perfection is in the means of upbringing. It turns out to be a happy

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411 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 411
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

person if the child is well brought up, preserved from a corrupt behavior and is big, addicted
to beautiful behavior. If an ill-mannered, morally corrupt person grows up, he becomes a
foolish, ignorant "rasvoi" person who does not take heed, does all sorts of corrupt deeds. In
these words, it is more obvious how the education is of great importance in human perfection.
At present, in addition to the influence of family, neighborhood, school and educational
institutions in the education of the younger generation, the product of globalization
processes-the factor of means of rapid information transmission and Exchange through
various Internet networks-should be kept in the center of attention. It is alarming that they are
entering the lives of our young people through indecent, hurtful films and various absurd
games, which promote various destructive ideas in their means, poison the minds of young
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in our country there are more and more mass
publications, among which the level is slightly lower, "Entertainment" is light-the material
that expresses the way of life, does not correspond to our national mentality from a moral
point of view, also comes to the attention of young people.
In this regard, we believe that attention should also be paid to the various radio-televedenies
that are currently operating, although today it has decreased for a while, unfortunately, some
"side" cinema films and broadcasts, light songs, which are broadcast, are also deeply
concerned about the negative impact on the minds of our young people.
The most important thing is that in any society, no matter what form it is intended for, young
people express their attitude towards any new idea, different new conceptions, and receive
faster than the other layer of the population. Because young people are still at the stage of
formation, both physiologically and psychologically, there will be a great need for them to be
able to perceive and understand the news more quickly than others and at the same time.
Young people are also characterized by the features of rapid onset of new phenomena, as well
as rapid transmission of negative phenomena. Young people are characterized by a high level
of ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions in society, according to their socio-
psychological and other characteristics. They belong to such a social group of society that the
consciousness of representatives of this group is in the process of formation, which is quickly
given to the influence of various ideas (including both destructive ideas). They also have the
ability to know the acute trait and more accurately perceive cases of inconsistency of practice
with the word.
The very fact that the information age is at increased risk for the organism of young people
can be explained by many cases in medicine. For example, doctors absolutely forbid to take
medicines (vitamins), which are useful for the body during the period when there is a disease
in the body. The reason is that the function of vitamins is to improve the activity of cells and
bacteria, and in the period of illness sends the activity of bacteria that cause disease.
Especially, in adolescence, when the body undergoes active psychophysiological changes,
and in order to resist a strong influx of information, the human body becomes impotent. Due
to the decrease in mental immunity in them, various information causes not only internal
sensations of the teenager, but even changes in his character.
Because of the one-second fear caused by panic attacks, a break in the blood supply of the
brain occurs during this time interval. This means the absorption of thousands of cells. And
the filling of the place of the cells of the brain in the head leads to a headache.

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412 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 412
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

Information transmitted through television is an obvious influence of visual energy, which

has a character of this wave. This energy initially artificially provokes the symptoms of
mental illness and keeps the body in constant subjugation. This situation is no different from
the situation of a person who has become a "slave" of drugs. That is, a person constantly
needs information and carries out his behavior in the influence of this information. And this
means a mental infection.
Teleinformation takes a person first of all under its influence, and then with the help of
hearing and visual organs it occupies all layers of the brain. After 20-25 minutes of telecoms,
the viewer gets tired of analyzing, and the brain begins to perceive information directly,
regardless of what size it is. Sitting in front of the TV at night slows down the body's external
activity. The information received at night is sealed directly under consciousness. Thus, for a
person who is tired of mental and physical exertion during the day, it is not easy to analyze
and draw conclusions from this information. This can lead to its "depressive" state.
One of the main tasks of the mass media is to increase the social activity of the population.
However, an increase in the amount of information received from the norm causes the mind
of the reader to form in a certain "pattern". Because the flow of information of large size and
speed makes a person become an audience that is limited to hearing and seeing, his ability to
reason and draw conclusions is limited. The information in this case turns into "social drugs".
In conclusion, there is no possibility to use the flow of information in the interests of human
beings and subjugate them to their goals. The rational use of this depends on the intellectual
potential of man, on the spiritual world, on faith, on his strength-will. In today's global
environment, we need to apply them consciously and purposefully, that is, in the formation of
feelings of patriotism, the use of national education, enlightenment, in an increasing scale of
possibilities of influence of modern technological means.
It should be noted that the places occupied by the neighborhood elders and luminous
fireplaces, mothers are important for our young men and girls to enter into an independent
life, young families to find their place, for the content of kindness and solidarity among the
people. Parental responsibility plays a special role in the spiritual education of young people.
The most pure and pure feelings of Man, the first concepts of life, worldviews, goodness and
goodness, nobility and mexr-the sacred concepts necessary for such a person as or-shame,
anxiety-begin to find a decision in the family at first, and then move to the community.
In order to fully meet the spiritual needs of young people, it will be necessary to raise to a
new level of quality all the spheres that can directly affect the education and education: Press,
television, cinema, theater, literature, music, art and sculpture, the Internet of Information
Media, in general, the human soul and thinking. At the same time it is necessary to eliminate
the speed of the existing minor shortcomings and defects in these areas and get rid of such
negative situations.
The importance of philosophical, social, political and humanitarian Sciences in the spiritual
education of young people in our country can not be overemphasized, for this reason,
representatives of these disciplines will have to fulfill their extremely responsible tasks at the
level of today's demand. Textbooks, manuals, literature and specialists in this field are also
required to have high levels.
In conclusion, it can be said from the above that in order to enlighten the spiritual world of

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413 International Journal of Culture and Modernity 413
ISSN 2697-2131, Volume 17

our people and above all our young people and to preserve their inviolability, it is necessary
to constantly be alert, alert and considerate, to conduct spiritual education, which is deeply
thought out against threats, based on scientific method and which will last forever.
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