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1.Aim: Describe the cohesive and adhesive properties of water.

Materials Required:
● Per Student or Pair:
● 5 cent coin or penny
● an eyedropper
● water

1. Place a coin on a table or desk.
2. Holding the eyedropper close to the surface of the coin, carefully squeeze water
droplets onto the coin, one at a time. The droplets should pool up on the coin,
creating a big droplet of water. Get the students to count the drops.
3. Stop squeezing when the droplet on the coin breaks up and overflows. The count is
the number of drops that the coin could hold before the one that caused the coin to

2. Aim: To make a working model of rocket

❏ Baking soda
❏ Vinegar
❏ Empty plastic bottles
❏ Straws
❏ Cork
❏ Duct tape
❏ Markers
❏ Decorative materials
❏ Paper towels


● Tape 4 straws to the top of the bottle to be used as legs for the rocket to stand on
while launching.
● Decorate the rocket in any way you can imagine.
● Fill the bottle halfway with vinegar.
● Scoop a spoonful of baking soda in the centre of a square of paper towel and roll it
up. Twist the ends to close the baking soda in.
● Place the paper towel into the bottle, but don’t drop it in the vinegar yet. Let the neck
of the bottle hold the paper towel.
● Put a cork in the mouth of the bottle.
● Turn the bottle upside down and let it stand on its legs.

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