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Did Neandertals Truly Bury Their Dead?

LA FERRASSIE, FRANCE—The French Dor- toric modern humans, buried their dead. But protected” by some sort of burial practice
dogne is known for its hearty wine, rich foie Dibble and his North American colleagues that included covering the body with earth.
gras—and spectacular prehistoric finds. do question it. “La Ferrassie has always Maureille agrees, adding that parts of the
This hamlet is home to one of the most been considered the mother of ritual burial,” skeleton such as the lower vertebrae would
famous: During excavations here beginning Dibble says, “but how much of that is interpre- be particularly susceptible to coming apart
more than 100 years ago, French archae- tation versus real evidence on the ground?” once the soft body tissues disintegrated if it
ologists discovered the skeletons of seven The North Americans say their point of were not deliberately buried. Maureille adds
Neandertals, including four children and view was bolstered by the team’s excava- that the issue of whether the pit was natural or
infants, and the most complete adult Nean- tions at the nearby Neandertal site of Roc dug by Neandertals is not relevant, because
dertal skull ever found. They concluded that de Marsal. There, a complete skeleton of a the body could have been deposited deliber-
all were deliberately buried, making this site Neandertal child found in 1961 was long ately in a natural cavity. Pettitt, in recent pub-
pivotal to contentions that Neandertals had considered to be strong evidence for burial. lications, has argued that disposing of bodies
symbolic capacities. But Dibble and his colleagues, including in natural depressions is a form of “funerary
Until now, that is. New excavations at geoarchaeologist Paul Goldberg of Boston caching,” and that the deliberate digging of
La Ferrassie, co-directed by archaeologists University, applied micromorphology— graves may have developed later as a way of
Alain Turq of the National Museum of Pre- a relatively new approach that puts entire artificially creating such burial spaces.
history in nearby Les Eyzies-de-Tayac and archaeological sites under the microscope to A core issue in the debate is the crite-
Harold Dibble of the University of Pennsyl- find clues to how bones and artifacts were ria that should be used to define a deliber-
vania, are in part designed to reexamine this deposited—and concluded that Roc de Mar- ate burial, and how well they are fulfilled
question, which many researchers had long sal may not have been a deliberate burial at the approximately 20 Neandertal sites
thought was itself dead and buried. “People after all (Science, 20 November 2009, p. where burial has been claimed. Tradition-
are starting to talk about Neandertal burials 1056, and 9 December 2011, p. 1388). In ally, these have included whether a skeleton
again,” Dibble says. “It’s getting heated.” a paper published last year in the Journal has been found in a deliberately dug pit or
The stakes are high: Most archaeologists of Human Evolution (JHE), Goldberg and a natural depression; whether the bones are
still think that Neandertals engaged in mor- some other team members argued from a articulated, suggesting that they were pro-
tuary rituals like modern humans do, which microscopic and macroscopic study of the tected from scavengers; the position of the
means that they shared with our species a
richly symbolic activity. “This is a critical
issue,” says archaeologist Paul Pettitt of the Mother of burial sites.
Archaeologists have reopened
University of Sheffield in the United King-
excavations at La Ferrassie to
dom, who is not a member of the team. see how seven Neandertal
“Burial is thought to be a symbolic act in skeletons really got there.
itself and thus is highly pertinent to our
evaluation of Neandertals’ symbolic abili-
ties” and cognitive capabilities (Science,
10 August, p. 642).
To find out more about how the La Fer-
rassie skeletons were buried, and whether
they were deliberately placed or washed in
from a higher point, the team has opened
new excavations immediately adjacent to
where two adult Neandertals were found.
They’re conducting microscopic studies of
the sediments and comparing them to sedi- sediments in and around the burial site that body; and the presence or absence of “grave
ments clinging to a foot bone uncovered in the pit in which the child was found was a goods,” such as stone tools, that might sug-
the original excavations. Of course, new fos- natural depression, and that its body, which gest ritual.

sils may also help, and last month the team was lying face down, may have slid down Back in 1989 and 1999, archaeologist
dug up a human heel bone in the new exca- into the pit from above. Robert Gargett, formerly of the University
vation area, though more analysis is required Turq and team member Bruno Maureille of New England in Armidale, Australia,
to confirm it as Neandertal. of the University of Bordeaux in Talence, contended that none of these criteria were
The roughly 30 team members reflect France, were not convinced, however, and fully met in Neandertal burials. But at the
the field’s broader debate, for despite colle- declined to sign the JHE paper. “We com- time, most archaeologists rejected Gargett’s
gial working relationships, they are deeply pletely agree with the observations, but we arguments. “They were based on nothing, no
divided on the burial question. Turq and disagree on their interpretation,” Turq says. data,” Maureille says. Gargett, now with the
many other French members of the team see In Turq’s view, a skeleton found intact—as Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship
no reason to question the dominant para- was mostly the case at Roc de Marsal— headquartered in Montclair, New Jersey,
digm that Neandertals, like many prehis- “automatically indicates the corpse was praises Dibble and his colleagues for “hav- SCIENCE VOL 337 21 SEPTEMBER 2012 1443

Published by AAAS

ing the audacity” to reopen the question at plete with ritual

Roc de Marsal and La Ferrassie. activity, is a real
Within the team today, the clashing “symbolic” act.
views come down to different notions about An additional cri-
the default hypothesis: Turq, Maureille, terion is whether a
and other like-minded researchers say that “cultural pattern”
for relatively intact Neandertal skeletons, can be detected,
the default hypothesis should be that they says team mem-
were buried deliberately. But other team ber Shannon
members start with the opposite view. “The McPher ron, an Was I buried, or not? Some researchers say that the Roc de Marsal Neander-
default hypothesis is that it’s not a delib- archaeologist at tal child (reconstructed, right) was not buried deliberately.
erate burial unless you have positive evi- the Max Planck
dence that it is,” says archaeologist Dennis Institute for Evo-
Sandgathe of Simon Fraser University in lutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Ger- his colleagues, says that “we archaeologists
Burnaby, Canada, who was the first author many. Prehistoric modern human burials, can set the bar too high.” The only “serious
of the JHE paper. particularly those more recent than the time way to deal with this issue,” he says, “is to
Dibble thinks the key question is not of the Neandertals, routinely include beads excavate.” And that is just what the team at
whether a burial was deliberate, but whether and red ochre, but “there is no patterning in La Ferrassie is doing, as it attempts to figure
archaeologists confront “a burial or a this [Neandertal] stuff,” McPherron says. out how seven individuals found here a cen-
funeral.” A burial, Dibble says, is simply a But Pettitt, like many others who are not tury ago came to this last resting place.
“disposal” of a body, while a funeral, com- ready to embrace the doubts of Dibble and –MICHAEL BALTER


Ignition Facility Misses Goal, Ponders New Course

The National Ignition Facility (NIF), a Energy, has until 60 days after the deadline achieve that milestone. But we will continue
$3.5 billion laser fusion lab in California, to produce a report explaining what barriers to explore and continue to do ignition sci-
looks certain to miss its deadline at the end to ignition remain, how they can be over- ence experiments,” says Livermore Director
of this month for achieving ignition, a self- come, and what implications there are for Penrose Albright. Others view the missed
sustaining fusion reaction that yields more the stockpile. deadline differently. “It’s going to be a big
energy than was put in to make it happen. Managers at Lawrence Livermore deal here,” says a congressional aide who
This milestone is considered key for NIF’s National Laboratory, the home of NIF, are asked to remain anonymous.
twin goals: demonstrating the feasibility of playing down the significance of the end of Meanwhile, to prepare the report for
fusion energy, and ensuring the reliability of the National Ignition Campaign (NIC), the Congress, dozens of researchers from five


the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile. By law, series of experiments due to run until the end NNSA-funded national laboratories and from
the National Nuclear Security Administra- of fiscal year 2012 on 30 September. “The industry are examining NIC in detail and may
tion (NNSA), part of the U.S. Department of NIC is a milestone, and we’re not going to recommend a new direction for research at
NIF. “We’re working very hard to
Dead center. At the end of a posi-
describe the state of understand-
tioner arm, the tiny target sits in ing and the path forward,” says
the center of NIF’s 10-meter-wide Mary Hockaday, deputy associ-
reaction chamber. ate director for weapons physics
at Los Alamos National Labora-
tory in New Mexico, who is lead-
ing the first draft of the report.
NIF uses an approach called
inertial confinement fusion (ICF)
in which a huge laser—NIF’s is
the most energetic in the world—
fires beams from many direc-
tions at a tiny capsule containing
a mixture of the hydrogen iso-
topes deuterium and tritium. The
powerful laser pulse causes the
capsule to implode, crushing the
hydrogen fuel to a density 100
times that of lead and heating it to
millions of degrees. In theory, the
hydrogen nuclei should fuse to

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Published by AAAS

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