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The Civil War

  Graphic Organizer

As you read the Core Interactive Text, record the major events of the Civil War and explain the significance of each event.

Year Events Significance of each event

1861 *Lincoln is inaugurated as president. *Lincoln argued that individual states did not have sovereignty and were
unable to secede from the Union.
* Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississipi, and Louisiana, *These states, and Texas, formed the Confederate States of America.
followed by South Carolina, secede. * Davis's inaugural speech emphasized "consent of the governed" and the
*Jefferson Davis was inaugurated president of the right of the people to overthrow a government that infringed on it's rights.
*Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and North Carolina seceded from the
Confederacy. Union after Sumpter. Robert E. Lee became the leader of the Confederate
* Fort Sumpter was attacked armed forces.
* Battle of Bull Run (Manassass) * "Stonewall" Jackson's reputation grew after Bull Run; South won the
battle; North - -the war would be long and bloody

1862 *The Confederacy begins drafting soldiers. *Wealthy plantation owners who had more than 20
* March 9 - first battle between two warships slaves were exempt from the draft.
* Battle of Shiloh, Tennessee * Steam-powered ironclad warships were a new
* Battle of Antietam innovation.
* More than 23,000 casualties; Grant holds Shiloh


Discovery Education Techbook  Discovery Communications, LLC 1
  The Civil War
  Graphic Organizer

Year Events Significance of each event



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