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Westward Expansion
  Sequencing Chart

As you read the text and view the video segments, complete this sequencing chart by
listing in chronological order events in U.S. westward expansion from 1836 through

Event Date Summary Significance

Missionaries move Missionaries hoped to Their description of

to Oregon Territory. convert the Native the areas' fertile
Americans to Christiantity. lands motivated
1830s more settlers to
move there.

"Fify-four Forty, or 1846 Great Britain agrees to a The United States is now
Fight" (Polk) treaty that gives the US a transcontinental
power. US territory
ownership of what is now spans from the Atlantic
Oregon Treaty Oregon, Washington, Idaho, to the Pacific Ocean.
and parts of Montana.

Texas declares 1836 Texans declare Texas Republic. Santa Anna sends
independence from 1. Americans wanted Mexican soldiers to
Mexico. slaves/Mexico had outlawed
(Mexico had gained slavery. 2. Santa Anna is a put down the
independence from dictator. 3. Mexico limits more American rebellion.
Spain in 1821) American immigration.

Battle of the Alamo 1836 2,400 Mexican soldiers "Remember the

surprise attack 183 Alamo" motivated
Americans at the Alamo and Texans to defeat the
all the Americans are killed. Mexican army at the
Battle of San Jacinto.

Battle of San Jacinto 1836 Sam Houston captures Texas becomes a

Santa Anna and forces him Republic, not a state.
Why? Slavery issue &
to sign a treaty recognizing Us does not want war
Texas Independence. with Mexico.

Texas joins the 1845 Congress votes to admit Texas becomes the
Union (Polk) Texas as a state. 28th state, and the
15th slave state.

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  Westward Expansion
  Sequencing Chart

Event Date Summary Significance

President Polk Fightinng breaks out Congress declares

sends General between Taylor's troops war against Mexico.
Taylor into disputed and the Mexican army.
territory (Mexican) 1845 President Polk blames
Mexico for starting a war.

Mexican-American American troops invade US acquires

War California (Mexican terr) California, Nevada,
1846-1848 and Taylor's troops invade Utah, and parts of
Mexico and take over Arizona, Colarado.
Mexico City.

Treaty of Ends the war. US pays half The US has fulfilled

Guadalupe-Hidalgo of what was originally its dream of Manifest
1848 offered for California. Destiny. Border
extend from sea to

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