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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

College Department
1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023

Aldrin M. Maliwat BENLAC

BSED English 4A Professor: Doctor Leticia Flores

Answer the following questions in not more than 5 sentences each.

1. Describe Ms. Johnson as a teacher. 5 pts

Ms. Johnson is a catalyst (an agent of change) because she transformed her students from
being the problem of the society to learners which are eager to learn. As what I observed to the
teaching strategies of Ms. Johnson, she utilized the theory of B.F Skinner “Operant
Conditioning” she rewarded her students with dinner, candy bars, high grade and etc. Ms.
Johnson is passionate, patient and kind because she always considers her students in or outside
the four corners of the classroom. She is not afraid to go against the rotten system of education in
their school and she is ready to fight for the rights of her students. All in all, Ms. Johnson is the
type of teacher who inspires, motivates and loves you as a teacher and as your second parent (In
Loco Parentis).

2. What did she do to convince her students to study and graduate? 10 pts.

Aside from giving them extrinsic motivation, she made the students realize on how
important the education is, especially in their lives as a marginalize citizen of their country. In
one of the scenes, Ms. Johnson gave a choice to the students: to go out with her class but can’t
graduate or to stay with her. In that scenario, a lot of students were raging because they feel like
they don’t have the choices at all. However, Ms. Johnson told the students that they need to
educate themselves to free them from doing bad like stealing and selling drugs and she told her
students that they are all victims of poverty. Aside from that, Ms. Johnson lend money to Raul
but in one condition, Raul needs to graduate and presents his diploma to Ms. Johnson as payback
to what Ms. Johnson gave to him.

3. What new literacy or literacies are integrated in the movie? Explain 15 pts. (you may go
beyond 5 sentences here )

The movie was inspiring even if it was made few years ago. Moreover, when watching
the movie I listed literacies that I saw and observed. These are basic literacy, comprehension
literacy, applied/functional literacy, social literacy and multicultural literacy.
 Basic Literacy- it is the ability to read and write. In the movie, the students and Ms.
Johnson read different poems and whatever Ms. Johnson writes on the board the students
were reading it. Another, when Ms. Johnson and Raul went to the restaurant, they both
read the menu.
 Comprehension Literacy- it is the ability to understand what you read. In the movie, they
(the students and Ms. Johnson) have read different poems and they tried to understand
what the poem meant.
 Functional or Applied Literacy- it is an application of what we had read or write. In the
movie, when Ms. Johnson met her students she read a lot of books regarding to how to
effectively behave a class. Moreover, she read the book “Assertive Discipline” and
applied it on the discussion next class.
 Social Literacy-it is the ability to communicate effectively. I can say that Ms. Johnson
has social literacy because she can communicate her messages well. With that, Ms.
Johnson can’t be an effective teacher if she can’t communicate well with the class.
 Multicultural Literacy- in the movie, students interact with each other. I can clearly say
that other students are Mexican because they have Spanish accent and they can speak
Spanish. There are also black students and white students. Therefore, the classroom is
multicultural because they are inclusive in terms of culture and identity of the students.

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