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Skills HEENT & Thorax

□ Inspect the face, ears, and eyes for asymmetry, color (pallor, cyanosis), diaphoresis, deformities,
□ Palpate the head/scalp for lesions, deformities, and hair patterns.
□ Palpate Temporomandibular Joint with mouth closed and open
□ Palpate the supraorbital and infraorbital notches for tissue texture changes and tenderness
□ Palpate or percuss the frontal and maxillary sinuses for tenderness
□ Transilluminate the frontal and maxillary sinuses

□ Assess pupils for size, symmetry, shape, reaction to light and accommodation using penlight or
otoscope light
□ Assess extra ocular muscle movements
□ Assess Visual Acuity (using Rosenbaum card)

□ Assess ear canals and TMs with otoscopic examination
□ Pneumatic Otoscopy
□ Assess hearing with either finger-rub or whisper test (student should learn both)

□ Assess the nares with otoscope, first the vestibule then inside the nose.
□ Assess the oropharynx, oral mucosa, tongue and teeth with tongue blade and otoscope or

While standing in front of the patient:
□ Inspect the neck for symmetry/deformities
□ Palpate the neck for trachea position, mobility or masses
□ Palpate lymph nodes in this order:
□ Preauricular
□ Postauricular
□ Occipital
□ Posterior cervical chain
□ Anterior cervical chain
□ Submandibular
□ Submental
□ Supraclavicular
□. Palpate and auscultate the Carotid arteries. (maybe done here or at beginning of thorax)

While standing behind the patient:

□ Palpate the thyroid gland and have patient swallow.
□ Palpate the cervical spine and upper thoracic spine (to T4) for TART
□ Temperature of skin
□ Superficial tissue texture assessment (skin drag)
□ Deep tissue texture assessment (Erythema Friction Rub)
□ Tissue texture abnormalities, such as hypertonicity
□ Asymmetry
□ Tenderness to palpation
□ Localize C2, C7 and T1. Confirm C7 and T1 with active forward neck flexion.
□ Describe how you would test active motion of the cervical spine and upper thoracic spine, while
localizing to C7/T1 for cervical motion and T4/T5 for upper thoracic motion, and demonstrate
what each of the motions are.
□ Flexion
□ Extension
□ Rotation
□ Side-bending
□ Describe assessment of cervical spine articular pillars for restriction of motion in either side-
bending or rotation.
□ Select the segment with the greatest TART findings and state that you would obtain a
segmental diagnosis.

Anterior Thorax: (perform procedures seated then supine. Don’t have patient move back and
□ Demonstrate proper draping and examination of anterior chest
□ Inspect anterior thorax for symmetry in movement, deformities, visible skin lesions, and chest
shape (Barrel/ flail, etc.)
□ Inspect anterior/posterior (A/P) diameter of the chest
□ Palpate the anterior chest for tenderness (seated or supine): costochondral junctions, anterior ribs,
□ Assess the thoracic inlet/outlet (May be done seated or supine)

□ Evaluate rib motion during breathing: upper, middle, lower, palpate for motion and
symmetry (seated or supine)
□ Palpate the PMI (seated/supine/left lateral decubitus are options; learn seated for exam
□ Palpate for heaves or thrills
(Must ask patients with breast tissue to move their left breast up and to move breasts laterally)
□ Auscultate the heart – 4 listening posts with diaphragm and bell (Seated upright or supine)
□ Auscultate the anterior lung fields – apices and upper and lower aspects of lungs bilaterally
(Ladder fashion)
Posterior Thorax/Lumbar
□ Proper loosening/removing of gown if indicated
□ Inspect posterior thorax and lumbar spine for asymmetries, motion, deformities, and visible skin
□ Palpate for lung (posterior chest) excursion
□ Assess temperature, superficial tissue texture (skin drag) and deep tissue texture (erythema friction
□ Palpate paravertebral region for asymmetry of transverse processes (posterior), hypertonicity of
muscle, *warm and boggy or cool and fibrotic tissues
□ Palpate posterior ribs, thoracic and lumbar regions for tenderness (may combine with
assessment of asymmetry)
□ Evaluate active range of motion thoracic and lumbar spine (localize T12-L1 and L5-S1)
□ Auscultate 6 regions of lungs and RML (Ladder fashion)
□ Percuss 6 regions of lungs and RML (Ladder fashion)
□ Tactile Fremitus
□ Egophony
□ Whisper Pectoriloquey

□ Jugular Venous Distention

(Patient supine)
□ Hepatojugular reflux

NEURO Skills
□ Observe general condition and patient comfort
□ Mental Status:
Determine age and gender (Informal)
□ Orientation to person, place and time (Formal)

Ask patient why they are here

Cranial Nerves: ( If you integrate your full exam, all CN would done within the HEENT exam)
CN I: bilateral smell (described)
CN II: Visual acuity with Rosenbaum card (as part of HEENT or in Neuro)
CN II: Fundoscopic exam
CNII: Screening Visual Fields by Confrontation (Both eyes open and temporal fields
assessed) (Also testing for visual extinction with Double Simultaneous Stimulation)
Pupillary reaction to light and elements of the near reflex (Done in HEENT exam)
CN V: Facial sensation to temperature and light touch, motor
Facial symmetry (observed-done in HEENT)
CN VII: Formal testing of upper (lift eyebrows), vs lower face (smile, show teeth)
CN VIII: Hearing (Done in HEENT – whisper or finger rub)
CN IX, X: Palatal rise, swallow, speech
CN XI: Turn and hold head against resistance Sternocleidomastoid); Shrug shoulders

Motor: (Seated)
Upper Extremities (Muscle Bulk, Pulses, Tenderness):
□ Inspect upper extremity (upper arm, forearm, palm and dorsum of hand) for hypertrophy
or atrophy, lesions, masses, discoloration, edema, trophic changes, and skin integrity
□ Palpate palm and dorsum of hand for atrophy
□ Inspect lower extremity (thigh, calf, dorsum of foot) for hypertrophy or atrophy,
lesions, masses, discoloration, edema, trophic changes and skin integrity
□ Palpate dorsum of foot for atrophy
Muscle Tone (UE and LE):
□ Flex and extend relaxed arm at shoulder and elbow, pronate/supinate forearm, shake
forearm, assessing resulting movement of relaxed hand (for muscle tone)
□ Flex and extend relaxed leg at knee; shake knee and assess resulting movement of
relaxed lower leg, flex and extend relaxed foot at ankle; shake calf and assess resulting
movement of relaxed foot

Muscle strength (Stabilize the proximal joint when testing strength of distal muscles;
otherwise you are also testing proximal muscles in the limb):
□ Shoulder abduction
□ Elbow flexion/extension (STABILIZE)
□ Wrist extension (STABLIZE)
□ Finger abduction
□ Hand grip (finger squeeze)
□ Hip flexion/extension
□ Hip abduction/adduction
□ Knee flexion/extension
□ Ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion (STABLIZE)
□ Pronator Drift
Range of motion (Active): Extremities
□ Scapulothoracic motion testing (during shoulder abduction, observe for which side
moves first)
□ Shoulder abduction/adduction; flexion/extension; internal/external rotation
□ Elbow flexion/extension; pronation/supination (active & passive – emphasize barrier
“end-feel” with passive)
□ Wrist extension/flexion
□ Lower extremities and rise from squat

Coordination, Gait, Postural Exam:

□ Observe position of tibial tuberosity in relationship to patella and assess for differences
in alignment with one side more medial or lateral than the other
□ Assess foot arches
□ Romberg
□ Observe patient walking in usual way
□ Observe patient walking on heels
□ Observe patient walking on toes
□ Observe patient walking heel to toe (tandem)
□ Range of motion (Passive): Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine:

□ Finger-Nose-Finger (FNF)
□ Heel-to -Shin

Rapid Alternating Movements (RAM)

□ UE: Hands alternating
□ Fine Finger Movements
□ LE: Toe to hand

Sensory (eyes closed)

Temperature Sensation and Light Touch
□ Assess temperature sensation of lateral upper arm (C5) and dorsum of hand radial side
(C6) and ulnar side (C8) bilaterally
□ Assess temperature sensation of medial (L4), central (L5), and lateral (S1) dorsum of foot
□ Assess light touch sensation of lateral upper arm (C5) and dorsum of hand radial side (C6)
and ulnar side (C8) bilaterally
□ Assess light touch sensation of medial (L4), central (L5), and lateral (S1) dorsum of foot
□ Stereognosis
□ Graphesthesia
Upper Extremities:
□ Test biceps tendon reflexes bilaterally
□ Test brachioradialis tendon reflexes bilaterally
□ Test triceps tendon reflexes bilaterally
□ Hoffman’s Reflex
Lower Extremities:
□ Test quadriceps/patellar tendon reflexes bilaterally
□ Test Achilles tendon reflexes bilaterally
□ Babinski Reflex
Abdominal Skills
Position Patient:
□ Position patient on table for exam in supine position (if not already done)
□ Make sure patient is comfortable
□ Inform patient that you are going to examine their abdominal area; obtain consent
□ Place patient’s drape and gown in proper position
□ Perform exam from patient’s right side
□ Inspect the abdomen for shape, symmetry, distention, pulsations, scars, and/or visible
□ Auscultate in 4 quadrants for bowel sounds (once BS heard, do not need to auscultate
more quadrants)
□ Auscultate over aorta (bifurcation), renal, iliac, and femoral arteries for bruits
□ Place hand just above the umbilicus and observe for visceral drag
□ Assess the thoracic diaphragm (May assess in seated position)
□ Percuss the abdomen in 4 quadrants; assess for tenderness with percussion
□ Percuss the liver span at mid-clavicular line and assess liver size (cm or fingerbreadths
below costal margin)
Palpation (Start in area away from site of pain)
□ Position patient on table
□ Palpate the abdomen lightly for tenderness, guarding, muscle relaxation, masses, or bulges
– 4 quadrants and 3 regions
□ Always watch the patient’s face during light palpation for grimacing or signs of pain
□ Palpate the abdomen more deeply for tenderness, guarding, masses or bulges – 4
□ Palpate for the liver and spleen
□ Murphy’s Test

□ Shifting Dullness
□ Fluid Wave

Peritoneal Signs:
□ Rebound Tenderness (direct and Indirect)
□ Rosving’s Sign
□ Obdurator Sign
□ Psoas Sign
□ Heel Tap
□ Cough Tenderness
Chapman’s Points (common)
□ Ribs 2 & 3 sternocostal junction (Esophagus)
□ Ribs 5-6 on left (stomach acidity)
□ Ribs 5-7 on right (liver/gallbladder)
□ Tip of 12th rib on right
□ IT band anterior, proximal to knee (transverse colon) (Right and/or Left)
□ Middle 3/5 th right thigh to anterior IT Band (ascending colon)
□ Middle 3/5th of left thigh along anterior IT band (Descending colon)

Patient returned to seated position:

□ Evaluate for costovertebral angle tenderness with percussion
□ Asterixes

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