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“ig THE x TRAVELS OF RIZALS FIRST TRIP ABRO \ = DR. JOsE~K 1882 BOUND SPAIN. THE TRAVELSTOI \ OF JOSE RIZAL CONSTITUTE: HIS STRUGGLE TO "RING CHANGES/IN HIS NATIVE. SPAIN 1882-1885 May 3, 1882 © Rizal left the Philippines for the first time . May 5, 1882 * He conversed with the passenger of the ship; he May 4, 1882 ° He got sesick on board the boat. May 6, 1882 was still felling sick. © He played chess with the May 8, 1882 passenger of the boat. + He saw mountains and |May o 887 i & 0 iglands. . izal arrived at S ingapore. May 11, 1882 © In Singapore, at 2 p.m., Rizalg= boarded the boat Djenah to \ J = continue his trip to Spain. jay 13, 1882 * He was sick again. May 15, 1882 * He had dreamed about his parents consulting him about his trip abroad and he woke up broken hearted. May 18, 1882 ¢ He left Punta de Gales for Colombo. Singapore and made som observations. May 12, 1882 * He had conversation with the passengers of the boat. May 14, 1882 * On his way to Marsailles, he had a terrible dream. He dreamed that he was travelin, with Neneng and their path was block with snakes. May 17, 1882 ¢ He arrived at Punta de Gales. $< D 1888-1889 * Rizal visited Paris to sea‘ more historical materials in the Bibliotheque National December 11, 1888 Rizal went to Spian, visiting Madrid and Barcelona. y-O)=—$— February 28, 1888 * Rizal arrived at Yakohoma, registered at the Grand Hotel April 18, 1888 March 7, 1888 « Rizal left Tokyo « Rizal check out of Tokyo hotel and lived at Spanish Legation. ——____ Oren a United —_— States of April 28,1888 America * The steamer Belgic, with Rizal o board, docked at San Fancisco December 24, 1888 * He retured to London, and spent Christmas and New Year with 7” Becketts. J apan he May 4, 1888 © Rizal was permitted to go shore. Hong Kong on board May 6, 1888 the Zafi * Rizal left San Fancisco for Oakland. Je callrg, May 13, 1888 February 8, 1888 © Rizal arrived in Hong Kong * He reached New York,thus ending hi: trip across the Anerican Continent. February 18, 1888 March 16, 1888 © Rizal accompanied by Basa, « Rizal left New York for Liverpool on boarded in Kiu Kang {n Macao, And board the City of Rome. he witnessed outoti ossesgion. YL

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