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Type Name Range Strength AP Ammo Special

Pistol Auto Pistol 6/12" 3 - 4+ Close Combat, Automatic

Pistol Bolt Pistol 6/12" 4 AP6 6+ Close Combat, Automatic
Pistol Hand Flamer Template 3 - 4+ Template, catch fire
Pistol Las Pistol 12" 3 - 2+ Close Combat
Las Pistol (Hot-Shot) 12" 4 AP6 4+ Close Combat, Misfire
Pistol Needle Pistol 12" X X 6+ Close Combat, Sniper, Rending
Pistol Plasma Pistol (Low) 12" 4 AP6 4+ Close Combat, Misfire
Plasma Pistol (High) 12" 5 AP5 5+ Blast 1", Recharge, Misfire
Pistol Stub Gun 12" 3 - 4+ Close Combat
Stub Gun (Dum-Dums) 12" 4 AP6 5+ Close Combat, Misfire
Pistol Web Pistol Template X - 6+ Close Combat, Web*

Basic Auto Gun 12" / 24" 3 - 4+ Automatic*

Basic Bolt Gun (Bolter) 12" / 24" 4 AP6 6+ Automatic*
Basic Las Gun 24" 3 - 2+ -
Las Gun (Hot-Shot Pack) 24" 4 AP6 4+ Misfire
Basic 2 Shot Gun (Scatter Shot) 12" 3 - 4+ -
Basic Shot Gun (Man-Stopper) 12" 4 AP6 4+ Knockback
Basic Shot Gun (Bolt Shell) 24" 4 AP6 6+ -
Basic Shot Gun (Hot-Shot) Template 3 - 4+ Template, Catch fire
Basic Shot Gun (Executioner) 24" 4 AP6 4+ Automatic*, Enforcers Only
*All Basic weapons are treated as Cumbersome

Special 1 Flamer Template 4 AP6 4+ Template, Catch fire

Special 1 Grenade Launcher (Frag) 24" 3 - Auto Blast 2", Scatter
Grenade Launcher (Krak) 24" 6 AP4 Auto Blast 1", Scatter
Special 1 Melta Gun 12" 8 AP2 4+ Melta
Special 1 Plasma Gun (low) 12" 5 AP5 4+ Blast 1", Misfire
Plasma Gun (high) 24" 6 AP4 5+ Blast 1.5", Recharge, Misfire
Special 1 Sniper Rifle 36" (4+) X 6+ Sniper, Rending, Move or Shoot
Special 2 Storm Bolter 24" 4 AP6 6+ -
*All special weapons are treated as Cumbersome

Grenade Frag Sx2" 4 AP6 Auto Blast 2"

Grenade Gas Sx2" - - Auto Blast 2", Lasting effects
Grenade Krak Sx2" 6 AP4 Auto Blast 1", Demolition*
Grenade Melta Bomb - 8 AP2 Auto Demolition Only*, Melta
Grenade Plasma Sx2" 5 AP5 Auto Blast 2", Lasting effects
Grenade Photon Flash Sx2" - - Auto Blast 2", Lasting effects
Grenade Smoke Sx2" - - Auto Blast 2", Lasting effects
*All grenades are subject to the rules for Scatter and Misfire

Heavy 2 Auto Cannon 48" 7 AP3 4+ -

Heavy 3 Heavy Bolter 36" 5 AP5 6+ -
Heavy 3 Heavy Stubber 36" 4 AP6 4+ -
Heavy 1 Lascannon 48" 9 AP1 2+ -
Heavy 1 Missile Launcher (Frag) 48" 4 AP6 Auto Blast 2", Scatter
Missile Launcher (Super Krak) 48" 8 AP2 Auto Blast 1", Scatter
Heavy 1 Plasma Cannon (Low) 24" 6 AP4 4+ Blast 1.5", Misfire
Plasma Cannon (High) 36" 7 AP3 5+ Blast 2", Recharge, Misfire
*All Heavy weapons are treated as Cumbersome and are subject to Move and Shoot

Assault Knife - As User - - -

Assualt Chains, Flails, Whips - As User - - Disarm, Cancels Parry
Assualt Assault Weapons - S+1 - - Parry (Sword)
Assualt Massive Assault Weapons - S+2 - - Cumbersome*
Assault Chain Weapons - S+1 (4) X - Parry (Sword), Rending
Assault Massive Chain Weapons - S+2 (5) X - Cumbersome*, Rending
Assault Powered Sword, Axe - S+2 (5) AP2 - Parry (Sword)
Assault Massive Power Weapons - S+3 (6) AP2 - Cumbersome*
Assault Power Maul - S+2 (5) AP2 - Incapacitate*, Enforcers Only
Assault Supression Shield - 3 - - Invulnerable (4+), Cumbersome*,
Enforcers Only
*All assault weapons can be used in close combat


Blast (x)
Catch Fire
Close Combat



Enforcers Only


Invulnerable (x)

Lasting Effects


Move or Shoot




Special Effects

If the attacking model did not move and the target is within 12", the player may roll two dice
when rolling 'To Hit' and choose the highest. Note: Any dice that turns up a six will trigger an
ammo test - If double sixes are rolled, two checks are required

The weapon uses a blast marker with a radius equal to the number shown
The weapon may cause the target to catch fire. See the main rules for details.
The weapon may be used in the assault phase. Typically these weapons will add additional attack
dice (but not always).
This weapon coutners any bonus dice the model would receive for having multiple assault
This weapon allows the attacker to disarm an enemy in close combat, similar to the skill of the
same name. Items disarmed are not destroyed.
This weapon may only be wielded by Enforcers, Watchmen or by Agents of the Imperium.

This weapon always causes a model to go Out of Action. Models defeated by Incapacitating
weapons will not suffer a serious injury.
This item gives the model an invunlnerable save equal to the number shown
If this weapon's 'To Wound' roll is greater than the targets strength, the target will be knocked
back the difference in inches, along the path of the attack.
This weapon creates conditions that will continue to effect the target (or the terrain) over
successive turns. Refer to the rulebook for specific rules for each weapon.

Melta weapons roll an extra D6 when rolling for armor penetration

When this weapon fails an ammo test, make another test immediately, if the weapon fails again,
the weapon malfunctions and the firer suffers a hit (at strength -1). This weapon automatically
malfunctions on an ammo roll of 1.
This weapon can only be fired if the model did not move in the movement phase (unless the
model possesses a skill that allows this).
Parrying weapons allow the player to force an opponent to reroll his or her highest attack die in
close combat.
This weapon must take a full turn to recharge before being fired again.
Rending weapons will ignore ANY armor on a 'To Wound' roll of 6.
Scatter weapons must use the scatter dice to determine the exact location of a shot.

Sniper weapons will always cause a wound on a roll of 4+, regardless of the target's toughness.

See the Rulebook for details about webbing weapons

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