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0. {Product} - product (clion, idea, etc.

{InstallDir} - the path to the installed product (CLion, IDEA, and so on)

1. Copy JetbrainsCrack.jar to $ {InstallDir} / bin

2. Edit the file "$ {Product} .vmoptions" (or "$ {Product} $ {64} .vmoptions") in
the folder {InstallDir} / bin:

2.1 Add at the end of the file (from a new line): -javaagent: {InstallDir}
for example: -javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.1\bin\
Note: "-javaagent:C:\Program Files\..." - without space!
3. Run the product.

4. Enter key

"licenseRestriction":"By Rover12421 Crack, Only Test! Please support genuine!!!",

6. If show error msg : "Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing :
please modify the jar file path to absolute path in "bin/*[idea|clion|...]
[64].vmoptions" file.

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