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Social Media for Educators: Strategies ing experiences, and to build dialogue and
and Best Practices. By Tanya Joosten. feedback both within and beyond the class
San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, 2012. time. Each step-by-step chapter identifies
xx + 120 pages. ISBN 978-1-118-11828-3. the benefits of various strategies as well
$29.34. as potential dangers and suggests ways to
avoid these missteps. Again, for the novice
In three well-organized and readable sec- who agrees philosophically and excitedly
tions, Tanya Joosten explains the back- with the opening section but is nervous
ground and history of social media and about actually launching into this for a
outlines ways in which nervous educators classroom course, the orderly, step-by-
and administrators can effectively improve step presentation, including visible
learning and engagement with tech-savvy examples, makes the foray seem feasible
students. Joosten clearly identifies the and reasonable.
purpose of the book: “To be a guide for As Joosten discusses the ways social
educators who are interested in using media could be used to connect regularly
social media to enhance their teaching and with students and engage them in relevant
have a positive impact on student learn- learning, I began thinking of specific
ing” (4). She accomplishes this purpose applications – especially the frustration I
successfully, explaining complex and often experience as an instructor with students
intimidating concepts and skills in an not remembering a reading or homework
orderly, achievable manner for even the assignment that the ensuing class builds
novice instructor. upon. As I continued reading, the steps for
Identifying social media as a means by using social media (especially Facebook
which instructors can accomplish goals and Twitter) to send out a reminder the
that the literature on student success and night before the class was described tech-
engagement (such as the National Survey nically and shown visually.
of Student Engagement and College Furthermore, the book suggests other
Student Experiences Questionnaire) dem- ideas for connecting with students using
onstrates are significant, Joosten defines the same technical basis, ranging from
social media within the broader field of referencing an article or linking to a video
communication, specifically computer- clip. With the increasing availability of
generated communication. In the opening academic journals online, those teaching
section, she also identifies meaningful religion or theology courses can share
ways in which an instructor can use social recently published articles on specific
media tools to increase personal familiar- topics without printing multiple copies,
ity. Likewise, there are helpful warnings which only half the class (at best!) read.
about inappropriate social media behavior Similarly, an instructor can reference an
that may not be immediately apparent to online video to form and illustrate connec-
an educator. tions between that day’s topics. Once an
The second section of the book identi- instructor understands their students’ pre-
fies specific ways social media can be ferred social media applications, connect-
used to increase communication between ing what is important in students’ lives to
instructor and student, and amongst stu- class content becomes attainable, even
dents themselves, to develop deeper learn- exciting.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Teaching Theology and Religion, Volume 16, Issue S1, July 2013 e27

The final section identifies organiza- Overall, Social Media for Educators
tional considerations which can hinder is a very useful and readable text that
instructors attempting to incorporate social achieves its stated goals. Theological and
media, or administrators and other person- religious studies instructors (like others)
nel servicing broader campus infrastruc- will benefit from using the book to engage
ture. In doing so, it gives a balanced and direct students’ skills in social media
and thoughtful consideration of various to meaningful resources and discussions.
factors, and provides all groups with rea-
sonable stipulations. The last chapter Steven C. Ibbotson
provides tools for effectively evaluating Prairie Bible Institute
social media usefulness in educational

e28 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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