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Human Reproduction Tests

1. Where are the sperm cells stored in the male reproductive system before they enter
the sperm duct?

2. For a male, the functions of the urethra are to

I convey the urine during urination
II carry the sperms from the reproductive system during mating
III make a fluid that provides sperm cells with nutrients and energy
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

3. Figure 1 shows a sperm. Which of the following is true about X?

A Contains the vital chromosomes

B Contains chemicals that provides energy to the sperm
C Contains chemicals that can dissolve the outer protective layer of the egg cell
D Contains chemicals that provides nutrients to the sperm

4. Which of the following changes will not take place in the males during puberty?
A Production of sperms start
B The testes increase in size
C The hips broaden
D Voice deepens
5. Which is the ovary in female reproductive system below?

6. Which of the following is also known as the birth canal?

A Fallopian tube C Cervix
B Vulva D Vagina
7. Why must the testes lie outside the body?
A Because the sperms are produced most effectively at the temperature slightly higher than
normal body temperature
B Because the sperms are produced most effectively at the temperature slightly lower than
normal body temperature
C Because the sperms can only be produced outside the body
D Because the sperms are produced by the scrotum

8. Figure 2 shows a human cell. Which of following is true about the cell?

A It is the smallest cell in human body.

B It is the largest cell in human body.
C It contains little cytoplasm.
D It is a male gamete.
9. Which is not a possible problem faced by a pregnant teenager?
A To decide if to continue schooling
B Lack of prenatal and postnatal care
C Premature birth
D A temporary halt of menstrual cycle
10. Figure 1 shows the female reproductive system.



(a) Name the labeled parts in Figure 1.

(b) Mark on Figure 1 to show the part where the fetus develops.
(c) Where does fertilization take place?
(d) State two characteristics of the female gamete.

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