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Preliminary Instructions
1. Form Work teams of 4 to 6 collaborators according to the total
proportion of students.
2. Name each team: be creative (characters, attitudes, activities).
3. Choose a coordinator for each team.
4. Solve the questions below.
5. Present last and first names to the teacher.

a) Select an export product from the region you wish to analyze and
familiarize yourself with the search engine for product selection.
- Product 1: .................................................HS Code (6 digits): ....................
b) Analyze the exports of the product you selected in instruction a).
c) What is the amount exported worldwide?
- US$: .............................................................
Quantity: ...........................................
d) Which are the three markets that export this product the most?
- Market 1: ................................................. Value
(US$): ......................................
- Market 1: ................................................. Value
(US$): ......................................
- Market 1: ................................................. Value
(US$): ......................................
e) Have exports from market 1 increased in the last five years?
- In value: ...................................................... In
quantity: ................................
f) What is the average price at which markets 1, 2 and 3 sold this product
- Market 1: .................................... Average price (US$/ton): ....................
- Market 2: .................................... Average Price (US$/ton): ....................
- Market 3: .................................... Average Price (US$/ton): ....................
g) What share of total world exports do markets 1, 2 and 3 together account
h) Where does market 1 export to? List the top five destinations.
i) Is Peru an importer of market 1?
j) Show your work in front of the class.

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