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2-sinf Ingliz tili 1-chorak

1.Ismingiz nima?

A) What’s his name? B) What’s your name?

C) What are their names? D) What are you doing?

2. How are you?

A) Ahvollaringiz qanday? B) Yoshingiz nechada?

C) Qayerda yashaysiz? D) kasbingiz nima?

3. -…? - I live in Navoi

A) Where do you live? B) Where are you from?

C) Who are you? D) What’s your name?

4. Mening do’stim bor

A) I’ve got a friend B) I like my friend

C) I go to my friend D) I’ve got a mother

5. Choose a jobs:

A) teacher, doctor, mother B) doctor, driver, cook

C) Monday, Sunday, Tuesday D) cook, school, play

6. What number is your school?

A) 9 B) 10 C) 29 D) 19

7. Men sanay olaman.

A) I can count B) You can count

C) We can count D) They can count

8. Find the numbers: nine, eight, six, thirty

A) 9,8,6,30 B) 8,9,16,30 C) 6,9,8,30 D) 16,8,9,30

9. How old are you?

A) I’m a pupil B) I’m 10 C) I’m a doctor D) I’m OK

A) apple, orange, melon B) apple, lesson, one

C) banana, jump, ten D) banana, lemon, boy

11. Bu shaftolimi?

12. Mevalarni alifbo tartibida joylashtiring.

13. What vegetable do you like?

14.Menda 2 kg kartoshka bor

15. Toys: ….

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