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TEDEN: 4. – 8. 10.


Pozdravljeni učenci 6. razreda!

Danes bomo pregledali pisno preverjanje znanja s spodnjimi rešitvami. Ko si
odkljukate pravilne odgovore in z dvema črticama označite nepravilne
odgovore, seštejte vse točke. Popolnoma pravilen odgovor je 1 točka, napačen
(tudi, če je manjša napaka) je 0 točk. Nato ugotovite, kolikšno oceno bi dobili s
pomočjo spodnjega točkovnika:

0-45,5t = nzd 1,
46-59,5 = zd 2,
60-73,5 = db 3,
74-83 = pdb 4,
83,5-93 = odl5

Potem naredite temeljito popravo, napišite v zvezek pravilne odgovore in se

naučite snov, ki jo niste dobro znali.
Cilji ure so:
 Pregledati svoje rešitve.
 Ugotoviti, kakšno oceno bi dobil/a.
 Naučiti se snov, ki jo še ne obvladam dobro.

1. Slušno razumevanje:
1c, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5c, 6a
2 two 51 fifty-one
40 forty (PAZI! F O U R T Y) 12 twelve
4 four 39 thirty-nine
23 twenty-three 15 fifteen
97 ninety-seven 3 three

4.Primer: 1.4. ___1st April____ __ _______the first of April___________________

2. 10. 2nd October the second of October
12. 6. 12th June the twelfth of June (PAZI! T W E L V E F T H )
10. 2. 10th February the tenth of February
3. 3. 3rd March the third of March
21. 1. 21st January the twenty-first of January

5. Dopolni z dolgo obliko glagola BITI. ____/5t

a) We are at home. c) I am at school.
b) They are happy. d) Mary is at the cinema.
e) John and Mary are in their rooms.

6. They are from Canada. They aren't from Canada.

My dad is at work. My dad isn't at work.
Sadie is from Australia. Sadie isn't from Australia.
Jane and Sarah are twelve. Jane and Sarah aren't twelve.
I am from Italy. I'm not from Italy.

7. Is Ann at home? No,she isn't.

Are Bob and you at the shops? Yes, we are.
Are you in the library? No, I'm not / we aren't.
Are David and Pam from the USA? No, they aren't.
Is the cat in the house? Yes, it is.
Is Michael at school? No, he isn't.
a) Where are you from? b I'm twelve.
b) How old are you? c I'm Italian.
c) What is your nationality? a I'm from Milano.
d) Have you got any brothers or sisters? d I have got a sister.


1) Italy and Spain are fantastic____________.

A countries B country C a country
2) ______________'s your birthday?
A What B When C Where
3) Ann: ___________ are you?
Ben: Fine, thanks.
A Where B Who C How
4) My birthday is __________ 1st April.
A in B on C at
5) _______ I close the window, please?
A Do B Can C Am


a) You and Peter are kind to me. You are kind to me.
b) This dog is really big. It is really big.
c) Jane and Lisa are at the shops. They are at the shops.
d) My father is very strict. He is very strict.
e) Betty, John and I are at school. We are at school.

11. Oglej si sliko. Look at the photo.

Ne pozabi. Don't forget.
Delaj s partnerjem. Work with your partner.
Razumem. I understand.
Ali mi lahko posodiš ravnilo, prosim? Can I borrow your ruler, please? / Can you lend me your ruler,
Stand up. Listen. Draw a tree. Don't look.
B) Poimenuj inštrumente.

a harmonica a keyboard a saxophone


I'm Jody Smith. I'm twelve years old. I'm a student at Westover School. I've got a brother, his name's Jack.
I'm interested in science and maths and I'm quite good at them. But I'm not very good at art. My favourite
hobby is music. I like music very much and I play the keyboard in my school band called The Tigers. There
are four other members in the group. Kelly is the singer, Joe is the drummer, Alison and Andy are the
guitarists . We play in our school gym every Friday. This Friday we're having a concert at the Halloween
party. Come and meet us!

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