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practical witch's spell book pdf

The Practical Witch's Spell Book is a charming introduction to spells and incantations for love, joy, prosperity, work, money, health and healing, and more. With inviting text and an attractive package, beginners and seasoned witches will find dozens of spells, teachings, and good magic to put them well on their way to love, happiness, and success.
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está usando, solicite o desbloqueio do site. Author(s): Cerridwen Greenleaf Mind Body Spirit Share What does it mean to be a practical witch? It's all about tapping into an inner place of intention, energy, and empowerment to bring about positive change in your life and those of your loved ones. This enchanted guide is for spell-casters of all levels,
with hundreds of spells, blessings, and rituals for love and happiness, success and prosperity, health and healing, money and career, and more. Now you can enrich your mind and spirit by bringing an abundance of joy and magic to your daily life. Book jacket. General Information Other Specifications Book Synopsis The Practical Witch's Spell Deck is
a charming collection of 100 spells for love, joy, prosperity, healing, and more, with an illustrated card deck, an introduction to spells, and a beautiful keepsake box. Today, witchcraft has been reclaimed as a source of wisdom, healing, and self-love. This beautiful package, featuring stunning cards and a magnetic closure, is a must-have for spell-
casters of all levels and anyone with a penchant for the magical. This kit includes: A spell deck, with 100 fully-illustrated, 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 cards 48-page mini book, with an introduction to spells and magic A magnetic-closure keepsake box for card storage About the Author Cerridwen Greenleaf has worked with many of the leading lights of the spirituality
world including Starhawk, Z Budapest, John Michael Greer, Christopher Penczak, Raymond Buckland, Luisah Teish, and many more. She teaches herbal, crystal, and candle magic workshops throughout North America. A bestselling author, Greenleaf's books include The Practical Witch's Spell Book, Moon Spell Magic, The Book of Kitchen Witchery,
The Magic of Crystals and Gems, and the Witches' Spell Book series. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. A complete introduction to modern magic and witchcraft with spells and incantations for love, happiness, and success.The Practical Witch's Spell Book is an enchanting handbook for anyone with a penchant for the magical and who wants to
add joy to their daily life. To practice witchcraft is to be purposeful whether it's to help heal, bring about prosperity, imbue your home A complete introduction to modern magic and witchcraft with spells and incantations for love, happiness, and success.The Practical Witch's Spell Book is an enchanting handbook for anyone with a penchant for the
magical and who wants to add joy to their daily life. To practice witchcraft is to be purposeful whether it's to help heal, bring about prosperity, imbue your home with positivity, or even to fall in love. To be a practical witch is to tap into an inner place of intention, energy, and magic to bring about positive change in your life and those of your loved
ones. With life's increasingly frenetic pace, a magical approach to living is more important now than ever. In this must-have guide for spell-casters of all levels you will find hundreds of spells, blessings, and incantations for love and romance, contentment and happiness, success and prosperity, health and healing, work and vocation, and money and
wealth, all to enrich your mind and spirit, and to improve your life and the world around you. Also included are ritual resources, magical correspondences, lucky colors and numbers, moon spells, and all the essential tools you need for making magic. A complete introduction to modern magic and witchcraft with spells and incantations for love,
happiness, and success.The Practical Witch's Spell Book is an enchanting handbook for anyone with a penchant for the magical and who wants to add joy to their daily life. To practice witchcraft is to be purposeful whether it's to help heal, bring about prosperity, imbue your home with positivity, or even to fall in love. To be a practical witch is to tap
into an inner place of intention, energy, and magic to bring about positive change in your life and those of your loved ones. With life's increasingly frenetic pace, a magical approach to living is more important now than ever. In this must-have guide for spell-casters of all levels you will find hundreds of spells, blessings, and incantations for love and
romance, contentment and happiness, success and prosperity, health and healing, work and vocation, and money and wealth, all to enrich your mind and spirit, and to improve your life and the world around you. Also included are ritual resources, magical correspondences, lucky colors and numbers, moon spells, and all the essential tools you need for
making magic. © 1996,, Inc. ou suas afiliadas Get recommended reads, deals, and more from Running Press By clicking ‘Sign Up,’ I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Hachette Book Group’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Banish stress, ease tension, and add comfort, joy, and magic to your daily life with The Witches' Spell
Book. This enchanting mini volume (2-1/2" x… Attain the love you've always dreamed of with this powerful collection of love spells. This enchanting mini volume (2-1/2" x 3") includes 60 spells that… Arrow icon Arrow icon Practical Magic is a charmed introduction to the wonders of modern magic and mysticism, from crystals and astrology to chakras,
dream interpretation, and, of course,… Find all the tools you need to enchant the everyday and harness the power of magic -- through crystals, horoscopes, and herbal healing -- with… Using the methods of renowned reader Brigit Esselmont, Everyday Tarot blends mysticism with actionable self-help to create a method for building the life you want,…
Using the methods of renowned reader Brigit Esselmont, Everyday Tarot blends mysticism with actionable self-help to create a method for building the life you want,… Drawing on the full-color watercolor illustrations of Practical Magic, this charming set of 3 blank notebooks features enticing images of crystals, zodiac signs, and magical… Drawing
on the full-color watercolor illustrations of Practical Magic, this charming set of 3 blank notebooks features enticing images of crystals, zodiac signs, and magical… Arrow icon Arrow icon

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