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Name : Indah Rizky Rahayu

NIM : 22 02 03 006 1
Study : English
Duty : Future Continues Tense
Class : DIII Hospital Administration

Lecturer : Hermansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd

Plan to celebrate sister's birthday

Next Thursday is going to be my younger sister’s birthday. She will be 10 years old. We
are going to have a simple but awesome birthday party. My sister gave us the idea to celebrate
her birthday last week. She is a creative girl so she wants to include Art and Creativity. In other
words, everything for the party will be handmade. Everyone has their own job. My siblings and I
will create handmade decorations. My sister will decide the theme and tell us what to make.
We’ll paint, cut, glue, draw, and do many more creative activities.We are going to start doing it
tomorrow. Our father will buy everything we need for the decoration. Our mother will make the
birthday cake and prepare food as well as drink. I believe it’ll be the coolest party we have ever

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