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My name is Edgar Eduardo López Orozco, everyone knows me as Lalo. I was

born on July 8, 2001. I am 22 years old and I was born in Ensenada, Baja
California. My mother is Matilde Orozco and my father is Eduardo López. I have
an older brother named Jesús Antonio López Orozco. When I was little I was
very active in the aspect of playing soccer, I always hurt my legs a lot and my
brother taught me how to play so that he knew how to score goals and not hurt
me. too much when I was on a team with my brother together we were very
good but when I started preschool I was 5 I always sat only because I didn't
know how to make friends and I always liked drawing cars and that's why I
made friends through my drawings and I always liked I liked it, I spent recess
drawing and when I got home I showed my work to my mother and when I was
in primary school it was very different because everything was more serious in
the study aspect because I had to work very hard to get good grades. The truth
is that I always came home very sleepy because they gave us a lot of
homework and When I started high school I was 12 years old and it was already
very easy for me because I always liked to study and the good thing is that high
school was very close to my house and Well the task was not that difficult and I
liked it. a lot. because they gave us English, mathematics and computer
science. I looked at information about computing and I really liked how to repair
and when I left I was already 14 years old and at l CBTA198 there was a
computer science degree and from that moment on I liked computing. They
taught everything about how to repair and how to make internet cables. When I
left I was 18 years old and I decided to work to save to continue studying and I
told my mother that she needed to create a database and software. My mother
told me that this career existed at UABC. I looked for information about the
career and it caught my attention but I wanted to continue working to have
enough money to not worry and my father invited me to play in his group to
have more. money and the truth is I liked it because we went to many places
like San Quintín black eyes Tecate Mexicali the years passed until I turned 21 I
decided to study business intelligence.
Actually I no longer wanted to continue studying because I had a good job with
my dad but he told me that this is not very safe and the truth was in a 50th and
50th to continue studying or working and my mom convinced me to continue
studying and the work with my dad have it as a support to have money to
continue studying and I decided to continue studying because I will have many
doors to work and have a stable future. Furthermore, with the degree it would
help me to work more easily in a company or in my own jobs such as repairs or
making web pages or software to do something I like and not get too tired.

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