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My humble life

I will introduce myself first. I am Aaron Jasper Ortiz Bahay. I am adopted. I was born on
August 13, 2007; I am 16 years old, turning into 17, and I am also second to the last of my real
parents. I have a lot of brothers who were 7 and I have 2 sisters, so we are 9 in my adopted
family where I stay, and we're 4 and 3 brothers and 1 sister. I live in Cogon Digos City, Purok
Kalubian. We have business lechon.

My life before was happy and simple. I'm a kid, and my dreams before were that I wanted
to be a teacher. Someday, that changed because I want to be a chef, and I am always with my
father. We are finding pigs so that we can sell them.

Before, I was a normal kid, enjoying everything. when I was a young I play with my
cousin with my neighbors and I used to not have to say that I was gay because I was young and
my parents knew what I was and they accepted me and I am lucky because they accepted me for
what I am and that I am gay when I was still in elementary school, I had many friends, I eat at
their home and we wandered around their place, went to the computer to play games with them,
and sometimes I was with my boys friends, the rest were just my neighbors, we had fun walking
to at my friend's home we play sometimes After a few months, my batch mates in elementary
school all graduated, I'm happy because I can graduate and I can study in the school I want and
I'm sad because we won't be together with my classmates anymore, we won't be wandering
around our homes anymore them and after a month's vacation, I went back to school and enrolled
with my cousin. I remembered that there were many people in Digos City National High School
and many people enrolled in the national high school. My experience at the national was fun, but
after a few months, we will still have fun with my classmates. There are a lot of intact memories;
some memories are not good because we are not perfect people, but we never expected to come.
this earthquake stopped our studies but when the weather became okay, the studies resumed but a
few days later there was an earthquake and then all the classes in the school were suspended and
then this covid 19 came which we also did not expect until almost 3 years that all places in the
Philippines are locked down and we know that other children's studies will be affected because
they are too addicted to cellphones, computers and so on and my academic activity has really
decreased and because of the lock down due to covid 19, all my experiences in grade 8 and grade
9 I really had nothing to study because all my answers came from the computer and I would like
to share this when I was grade 8 I should really stop because no one is taking my module
because there is a lot of work at home and a lot of orders but I tried so hard that I was delayed in
taking my module and by the mercy of God and the kindness of my teacher he even gave me
when I had one chance to finish it, I would have finished my grade if it wasn't for my teacher and
he didn't give me another chance. I would have gone back, but my teacher was a good person, so
I finished grade 8 in grade 9. It was super fun because my teacher and I had the same vibes
because he was also gay, and when we were cleaning, he didn't make me lift heavy because he
loved me and also because he cared about me, and that was my teacher. I loved him too; I can
say that he was like my fair, good mother. And a month later, grades 8 and 9 were finished, then
it was back to face-to-face in grade 10. There was a big adjustment because the people you were
with were different, and it was easy because I was still able to copy, but it wasn't a good copy.
your classmate because you are used to copying so we should not copy our classmate and I can
say that my experience in grade 10 was also good, there were many new classmates and I even
had more friends and I will never forget what I went through in grade 10 and when I graduated
from junior high school, I wanted another school, so I studied at the polytechnic and that's where
I experienced everything, that's where I first experienced pressure because of activities because
there's a lot of work to do memories, study, have other work but I'm happy that I'm experiencing
the pressure because I know I can use it when I get to college because I know there will be more
activities and the many happy memories we shared with my classmates but there are also others
miss understanding but this is how we can be okay and this is me now grade 11 I won't say this is
the ending because this is not the ending of my story thank you very much.

But I realized no matter how hard life is, life is still the same, whether it's painful or
happy. I have seen a lot and made happy memories, and I also had a bad experience, and that
experience made me strong and brave. I should not be oppressed if I know what I am doing is
right, and I can say enjoy your life because we are not getting younger; we are getting older, so
let's do what we want to do while we are young.

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