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Name : Muhammad Imtihan Taufan

Class : 5TP-3
NIM : E1D019145


Hi, My name is Imtihan, and this is my story as the First Child, i was born at Dompu,
25 March 2001. I was given the name Muhammad Imtihan Taufan by my father,”Dad, what’s
the meaning of my name” then he said that the meaning of my name is "always strong even i
got hit by a typhoon" isn't it cool? Well, that's how it was, I thought I was as strong as my
name, but apparently, I could fall down even though I was only hit by the sea breeze, yes,
that's how fragile I am who pretends to be strong. My dream used to be to become a
policeman, yes, you could say the dream of all boys when they were little was to become a
policeman, because we thought being a police officer was really cool.
My father's name is working as a civil servant and becomes a principal at SMPN 4
Dompu, my father is the eldest of 8 children in his family of course as the first child, he has a
hard attitude and high discipline, if he sees garbage at home, he always scolds me and my
sister so that we keep our environment clean of course as the head of the family, we must
obey and obey his orders of course which is fine, even though sometimes I often have
disagreements just because of trivial things, such as fighting over fish, fighting over the tv
remote and as a result we only have one toilet In the past, I used to fight over bathing with
him before I left for school and he went to work.
And next is my mother, she also works as a civil servant and teaches at SMPN 4 Dompu,
my mother is also the eldest child in her family, of course her nature is not much different
from my father, but as a mother, she has a softer side than a woman. Dad, of course, whatever
harsh attitude or behavior our parents treated us, they would want us to be successful in the
end. Even though both of my parents are civil servants with salaries that can be considered
sufficient to meet daily needs, well, my parents' salaries were cut due to debt and salaries, of
course, we are now more careful in spending money or spending more that is not really
needed, we reduce it. And the next one is my younger sister, we are two years apart, she was
born in 2003 while I was in 2001, when she was little she was a spoiled child, if I have
something that she doesn't have, she also wants to have it, of course as an older sister I had to
give in, and now at the age of 18, she is a bit more mature than I am, it's because she went
through difficult things that I didn't think about before, and now my job is to be a good big
brother to guide her. And the last member of my family my one year old brother, he was born
on August 27, 2020, well, I gave him that name, he is the son of my younger sister, it's hard
to believe, but that's how it is, now we as a family are trying our best to raise him to be a
good and useful child for the nation and religion and I will try my best to make my nephew
happy, I will not let his sweet innocent smile fade.
I started my education in early childhood, then I continued to Elementary School, at
school I could say I was quite smart, rank 7 was my lowest rank at that time and rank 2 was
my highest rank and you could say I was quite famous among my friends, Then, at junior
high school, I continued my education at SMPN 1 Dompu, at this time I questioned myself,
what would I be in the future if I continued like this, because at that time, I was a naughty and
stubborn child, sometimes I like to skip school class and didn't attend the yasinan on friday
due to fear of shaving my hair and yeah, at this time also i was drunk with my friends at the
river during empty hours, and after getting drunk, i almost fainted on the way home, luckily i
still safe at that time. And when I was in high school, I also entered SMAN 1 Dompu, at that
time, I had started to realize my role as the first child who was the biggest hope for my family
and I began to seriously want to start seriously to make my family happy, I tried become
productive by joining existing organizations, such as Scouts, Youth Red Cross, and And in
this organization, I met two of my friends named Shofwan and Ajim, we became friends after
often going and actively doing things at the Youth Red Cross, thanks to them, I have friends I
can trust in high school, they are good friends, even though he likes to be nosy, his name is a
friend, of course his behavior is nosy yeah, even though I graduated with good grades, but
when I wanted to enter college, I failed to qualify for International Relations and in the end I
got into this English education, of course this is a failure that makes my family disappointed
with me but of course I will not give up just like that, after a few weeks I went to college, as
we know, in semester 1 not so many assignments were given, only a lot of materials,
I also live alone in my housing in Mataram feeling bored, finally I tried to entertain
myself by playing online games on my cellphone, after a few weeks I played, I also got some
online friends, named Renata, Devi and Yuda, Renata is a girl the good thing, she is from
Surabaya, she also seems to have feelings for me, of course I have to make sure of that first
before reciprocating her feelings, next is Devi, Devi is Renata's best friend, Devi is also from
Surabaya, she is also a nice woman who wants to be friends with me even though I have
never met face to face and my last online friend is, Yuda, he is from Jakarta, of course I feel
happy because I can make friends with Metropolitan children even though they are only
online, with the three of them I don't feel lonely , of course I feel happy. "Would you like to
join the tournament?" said yuda, "let's go if you want to join the tournament" I said, we also
planned to take part in the tournament which was held online, but in the end, we didn't take
part in any tournament due to our busy lives.
2 semesters have passed, and in semester 3, I feel I can pass all these lessons with good
grades, but reality says the opposite, I got a grade that is arguably still lacking in my opinion
to reduce the disappointment of my parents who are still struggling. made an impression
when I failed to enter International Relations yesterday, I didn't tell them, and fortunately
they didn't force me to tell it, and in Semester 4 due to online learning, I also felt less
motivated to study and attend lectures, every day I felt I was forced to attend this online
lecture, and as a result of my lazy nature, I also got a grade that is arguably unsatisfactory
because there are many C grades in my KHS, and yeah, I feel very frustrated because I feel I
have failed to make my parents happy, but for some reason in the end I told them all, about
my bad grades, of course it just made them very very disappointed and sad and I realized, that
I told them to make me a little relieved so that I didn't hide anything from them. The next day
I went for a walk, I happened to meet ajim and shofwan, yes two of my friends, we talked for
a while "how are you" asked ajim "yes that's it" I answered in a low tone, "if there's anything,
just tell me, don't be shy" said shofwan, I finally told them everything, after issuing my
thoughts I also felt a little relieved, and we parted ways to go back to each other's homes
So yeah, in the next day i became stressed and depressed again because of always making
my parents disappointed, until now I have not been able to make them proud, somehow and
whatever I do, in the end I always fail, and of course, I want to give up and almost commit
suicide myself, but I thought again, if I commit suicide now, maybe I can't take care of my
family and I can't see my nephew grow up, and I'm having a mental breakdown, I try to sleep
to get through that time, even though it's difficult but I have to accept the fact, the next day I
was still haunted by my guilt, I felt hungry and wanted to eat, when I went to the kitchen and
wanted to take a side dish, my younger sister brought her child to me, faqih smiled seeing me
holding the rice and side dish , maybe he thought that I would eat with him, but he was still
too small to be able to eat a mouthful of rice, seeing that faqih smile I too I immediately woke
up and hugged Faqih tightly while crying, after that I immediately finished my food and went
back to my room, then I cried as much as I could and as hard as i can, a few minutes later I
thought, I will fight as hard as I can to make them happy, there is no turning back now, there
is only moving forward to accept the situation.
So the next day I took the time to play with faqih even for a while, because only his smile
can make my heart calm for now, to be honest, if I didn't see Faqih's smile when I was
desperate, maybe I wouldn't be here now, and I didn't think that after I told a little story of my
life to my online friends, they gave me support and encouragement to move forward, finally,
I felt relieved and calm because finally there was a place for me to pour out my heart when I
was having a mental breakdown Later.

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