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Happiness in seek

It all began when celi first attended the kindergarten in mataram. Incidentally she had begin to move
from her birthplace in Bali and this incident continued until celi entered elementary school in mataram

A little girl, affectionately called celi, was an innocent, kind, adorable, and patient child. She was also a
scared child who always relented to her friends. She went to a kindergarten in the city of mataram. She
used to go to boarding school, she was a happy little girl. Yet, none of her friends liked her and no one
wanted to play with her. She thought for a moment what was wrong with her, but no matter how hard
he thought, she didn't understand. Celi was a diligent child, but she made herself lazy to attend school
because she was bullied by her peers. Mama celi always said that they were just jealous of her antics.
But celi felt that it was not right because she felt that she was ugly. One day when celi was playing on
the swing set a group of her female friends came up and pushed her down and hurt her. Celi didn't cry
she only asked why she was being pushed, her friend saying that she shouldn't play on the swing
because it was theirs. Celi just shut up and cried in the classroom all by herself, she felt everyone
disliked her. Until finally celi graduated from kindergarten and entered elementary school.

When she first came to the school to enroll, celi saw her many new students, and she had a new hope
that she would make good friends. A few days after enrollment, celi began attending school, excited to
meet with her friends even though she felt that there was something missing, no toys there. But celi
thought that she might be able to buy toys and play with her friends. Grade 1 through grade 3, celi was
happy to have friends that she wasn't too close to but appreciated and felt happy. She thought that she
would be at home in school because she had some friends. But the incident at her kindergarten
happened again when she started going up to grade 4.

Starting with grade 4 school life celi hunted down and got worse every day. All of a sudden all of her
friends hated her and beat her every day, the boy in the class all hit celi, some even harassing her. Then
her female friends hated her and taunted her. Starting from that moment on, celi's mental illness began
to faze her, she was terrified, becoming a child who had no happiness in her life. Every day celi kept
herself hidden wherever she could get to class. She even hid in the bathroom and refused to come out
until the teachers began to get irritated and dislike her. One time celi's homeroom teacher asked celi to
the teacher's room, she was pleased that she didn't have to come to class and get beat up again. She
thought her teacher would help her this time, but after entering the teacher's room she was only asked
some unimportant incident and even blamed her for always being afraid.

Celi was always honest with her parents no matter what she experienced. Celi's parents had done
enough to make the bully stop and still couldn't. Celi was desperate to change her school, but her
mother said that she would soon be graduating in two years, eventually giving in and still suffering.

" No need to change schools, because soon you will graduate, just hang in there and report back to
mom and dad" mom said

" Well, papa will beat up any kid that bothers you" dad said
" But they were so evil, I couldn't stand it and I wanted to move on" Celi tearfully said

" Who hit you again? Tell papa" dad said

" They all hit me and it hurts" celi said

" Is that aziz? Papa will hit him with a hammer, he won't dare hit you again" dad said confidently

" Right, tomorrow your papa will hit him, and I'm going to school to meet your teacher" mom said

" Davi also hit me" celi said

" I'm going to scold him too tomorrow" mom said

Celi could only fall silent and hesitate that they would stop beating them even after they had been
beaten by her papa. But celi went into the room and cried again. Then she will laugh as if nothing has
happened. Celi kept hoping that tomorrow would be better and she would be happy, but celi more had
hoped that tomorrow would be all right and they would at least forget bullying her for a moment. Well
hopefully...It is the only hope that celi gives every day, may it not always lead to disappointment.

The next day

Celi went to school and met her friends again, just like any other day they would ignore her,
and celi began to hope again that they would forget to beat her up. Before long, though, the
bells at school rang loudly at time enter the class, celi began to tremble in fear. Celi had always
been afraid of the sound of her school bell, because it was like a sign that she was going into
hell. Celi had to worry, she didn't dare go to class and chose to hide in the bathroom.

Celi continued to hide in the bathroom until after school, but her teacher came to look for her
in the bathroom and asked her to return to class. Celi was so terrified that she thought of going
to class, where her friends would wait to scold and beat her up again. On the way to class, celi
was only thinking of how to prevent her from going to class, even being punished. Celi was so
frightened that her teacher, however, seemed indifferent and kept celi in class. Celi was
desperate to cry. Celi told her teacher to punish her for being late for class.

" Ma 'am I'm late for class, am I not going to be punished?" Celi said With an expression of

" Why do you like being punished so much?" Said teacher celi in astonishment

Celi said eagerly " Ma 'am, in my class I would be beaten up by my friends, they were always
bullying me, I was afraid to enter the classroom and would prefer law to avoid classes" celi said
" What's to be scared of, your friends wouldn't hit you if you didn't act like this, that's
because you always avoided them" teacher celi said

Celi was saddened by the thought that it was always her fault, when it was her most painful.
Why would his teacher defend his friends when he never did anything wrong, he only hid
because he was afraid, and as good as celi, they were still unhappy and only fun to bully him

" Now, go to class, it's too late, don't walk slow" teacher celi said

" Ma 'am but I'm afraid of being beaten up" celi said

" No need to be afraid. they won't hit you again" teacher celi said

Celi was pleased that her teacher would not leave the class until recess. She was grateful in her
heart and thought that she would learn well if this happened every day. As soon as she arrived
in class, celi was stared at by the whole class, she simply bowed her head and sat next to riani.
Riani looked at her and said nothing and began to study happily because her teacher was there,
but it didn't last long. A few minutes later the teacher left the class because of something
important. It wasn't weird, her teacher dropped out of class every day and rarely was in class.
Celi began to tremble in fear and was confused, thinking how to get out of class or how to make
his friends forget that he was in the classroom even though it was impossible. They'll realize
sooner or later and they'll hit her again. Celi was devastated and saw riani. Riani happened to
see it too.

" Where was you just now?" Riani said

" I'm going to the bathroom, riani... I'm scared, I want to hide" celi said With a face of fear

" Relax, they don't seem to notice you, just shut up. Pretending to do something" Riani said

Celi remained silent and kept thinking about how to leave the class and hide or even go home.
Celi thought of fainting or injuring herself and was therefore permitted to leave the class. He
was so afraid his friends would hit him again. Eventually celi took a ruler, and meciba wounded
herself until she bled, she kept trying. But she didn't realize that aziz had noticed and had
started calling the others friends to celi's table. At that moment, riani tried to tell celi but was
too late because aziz, davi, and the others were already at her table.

Aziz started pulling celi's hair, and punching her in the wrist. Celi was startled, and looked up at
that moment someone hit her in the face and pulled her veil loose. Then some pushed her
against the table, and everyone looked at her like a show. Celi's female friends all laughed at
her and even some helped her hit celi. Celi had no time to defend herself, but most of the
people beat her and kept on until she was in pain and in tears. Celi was afraid that doors were
closed and even locked so that no one would help or see them. There were some children at
the door who laughed at celi. No one will help or speak for her. Even riani, it's because she's
scared too. Some even threatened riani and told her to stay away from celi. Celi continued to
beg for forgiveness and to apologize for being released, but they only responded with a laugh
and kept beating her.

" Sorry, please stop hitting me, it hurts" celi said By crying out

" Please stop, it hurts" celi said again

" Please huhuhuhh..." Celi said with criying

But no one stopped beating her until the rest bell rang and they left celi and left as if nothing
had happened before. Celi continued to cry in pain, but they only passed by and some even
kicked her again or stepped on her hand. Celi could only be silent because she had neither the
strength nor the courage to fight back. Because if celi dared to say something a rebuttal or
anything to one of the classmates, she would be beaten again.

After school, celi reported the matter to her parents first and met both school and teacher
there. However, their response is only won and no action at all. Even though celi's father had
taught them a lesson, they still did not learn their lesson. Until finally, at one time celi was
playing with her friend at home. One of them had a classmate. She told celi to give money to
the children in the class so that they would not beat her up again. But celi did not have much
money, and she was always an honest child to her parents.

Celi's friend ulfi, she told celi to ask for the money or to take the money of her parents. But celi
knew that if she asked her parents for money to give to her friends, she would not be allowed
and celi would be scolded too. But if celi took the money from the parents it would be stealing
money and celi knew it was bad behavior and would get a sin. However, celi thought more that
if she did not give the money, she would continue to be beaten until the next two years until he
finished school and the time was far away. Celi was terrified and confused. On the one hand she
wanted to stop being beaten up and run a quiet school life, but on the other hand she didn't
want to do evil by stealing her parents' money. Her's especially afraid of lying. But celi
remembered she had a lot of savings when she was small. She thinks if she use it won't matter
because it's her.

Celi finally made use of her savings at a very small time to give money to her friends, and she
thought that this might not work, but it was surprisingly successful. Her friends survived by
beating her, and she was happy to be able to lead a quiet school life. In addition, her friends
were willing to make friends with her. Celi gave no thought to any of her actions and told her
parents nothing. She tried to keep it to herself. It was fine but the longer the money for celi's
savings became fewer and almost gone. Celi was confused about where to get more money.
She inquired of her friends at home, ulfi.

Then ulfi gave advice that scared celi and confused her

" Just take your parents' money, don't they have a lot of money? You can have some. Instead
of getting beaten up and no one can help you?" Ulfi said Convincing look

" I'm afraid committing it's a sin, my parents would be angry" celi said

" Then you'll be patient, if you have to beat again" Ulfi said

Celi grew more and more terrified by her bad days when she was beaten up every single day.
Celi thought quickly that it didn't matter to take money from her parents because they had a lot
of money and it would be okay to be in a little mad. But celi didn't know how to do it so she
asked ulfi.

" Then how do I get it?" Celi said

" Did you know that where they put the money?" Ulfi said

" Yeah, I know. I see it all the time" celi said

" Then you take the money at night they're either fast asleep or early in the morning before
your parents wake up" Ulfi said

" How if I get caught I'm scared" celi said With panic on her face

" Then quietly and do not speak" Ulfi said

" I'll try but I'm not sure I'll make it" celi said

" Okay. just try it" Ulfi said

Then at about 2:00 p.m. after her parents went to bed, celi tried to collect money from the
cupboard that her mother kept. Celi was trembling and she was afraid of being found out.
However, her parents didn't wake up even when celi had taken the money. Afterward celi hid
her in her schoolbag and she felt the sadness of lying to her parents for the first time she was so
sad and cried herself to sleep. The next day, celi stayed with her as usual with her new friends.
As time passed, celi forgot riani and spent more and more time with her other friends. But
there was a time when riani met celi and reminded her that what she had done was wrong.

" Celi, why are you doing this, stealing your parents' money is not good. What if you get
caught? You'll get pissed off when your other friends are just after your money" Riani said
" I'm also scared of riani, but I'm more scared of getting beaten up every day. It hurts. it was a
nightmare. I was so scared" celi said

" I know, but I feel bad for you too. Your money runs out, they won't be friends with you
anymore if you don't have any. You spend your money but they don't write your friends" Riani

" But I feel it more than you do. I don't know what else to do" celi said

" If you keep this up, it's your loss and their gain. After all, when you make new friends, you
rarely play with me" Riani said

" Sorry riani, I didn't mean it like that" celi said

Riani just shut up and go away left celi alone. Celi felt sad she thought what riani was saying
was right so she thought of telling her friend the problem. One of celi's friends named alin said
that this would not happen, so celi could try to bring a little money and they wouldn't leave.
Celi was pleased and thought that her friend was really good. Celi lived happily ever after, she
even longed to see her friend again. They even made pickles together using coin celi and
playing together. Celi found her life enjoyable and happy. But in one way celi was sad to always
lie to her parents again and again. Celi wanted to stop but couldn't.

Until finally, one day celi found out that her parents had stolen money up to the school and was
questioned by her mother

" Celi did you take the money in the white envelope?" Mom said

Celi was frightened and ashamed and confused as to what to say. After a long pause, celi finally
confessed everything to her mother and gave her the money.

" Sorry mom, celi's sorry for taking your money" celi said feel sad

" We'll talk about it at home after school" mom said

But celi wouldn't wait for her to feel guilty and regret the sinful fiber. Celi also didn't have the
mood to study anymore. Besides, she's afraid of her friends, Will to beat her up again after this
and get away from her.

" Mama let celi come home" celi said

But her mama refused and asked her to stay in school and talk again later. At last celi could only
go to class, but she knew things would never work out. When she arrived in class everyone
teased her, scolded her, even beat her again and it was worse than before. Celi was only able to
cry and fell silent to receive it all. Until finally it was time after school. However, celi did not
return soon but went to the home of one of her friends who did not share in the beating. She
was called risma, then celi thought not to go home for fear of being scolded by her parents, she
didn't dare go home.

But eventually celi had to go home, because her father had picked her up and forced her to
come home. Celi had thought she would be scolded and beaten. She felt sad and felt that her
life had never been happy. However, arriving at the house was somewhat out of her mind. She
was neither beaten nor scolded. She was asked and asked to explain the reasons why celi had
done so. The celinine could only tell her by crying. In the end her parents forgave her and
explained that it was not necessary to give money to her friends because it was harming her
family. Celi could just shut up and accept.

After a long and frightening event for celi, she had finally lived out her daily life. What changed
was that she didn't have any friends anymore, because riani was furious and didn't want to be
friends with her anymore. Finally she just shut up and held it all by herself. Celi was deeply sorry
for her actions, he wanted to apologize to riani but she was ashamed and afraid that she would
no longer accept her as a friend.

A few days later, riani went to celi and said that she wanted to be friends with her again. She
felt happy, touched, and wanted to cry. It was as though there was a warm feeling in her heart
when she thought he was no longer alone. However, there is also a feeling of regret and hurt at
the thought of her being mean to her best friend.

Until graduation finally came, when celi and riani felt like hell free, it felt like a heavy burden
had been lifted off their shoulders. They feel happy and have a new hope that after years of
bullying in middle school life they will be better and more fun with making new friends, new
circumstances, and new feelings. Celi and riani, however, agreed to remain friends and meet if
they had time or opportunity.

Celi and riani hoped that they would find their own happiness in a new school and then meet
up to share good things. Unlike in elementary school they had most of the painful and painful
experiences and the painful shame of every seeing or remembering that place in elementary
school. Celi and riani hoped that they would find their own happiness in a new school and then
meet up to share good things. Unlike in elementary school they had most of the painful and
painful experiences and the painful shame of every seeing or remembering that place in
elementary school. That's about them. then what about Celia's own thinking?

Celi was somehow not happy or satisfied but just a feeling of being freed from hell was called
class. Celi just felt her heart still hurt, a feeling like there was a hand on her, it was like a bad
feeling for her. She just felt her life was never happy, celi thought if she would find happiness in
her junior high school even then? Celi was skeptical of her thinking. She only knew that up to
that moment she still wasn't the least bit happy but, just a little bit of relief. Although his
parents said that her friends in junior high would be different from her friends in elementary
school, celi couldn't think of any better until she had experienced it herself.

Her parents always said everything would be fine, because celi would no longer go to that
elementary school and would be happy there to have good new friends. However, celi still does
not understand she has only one question unanswered at this time and perhaps until then, is it

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