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Peri Biography

Once upon a time there was a handsome young from some village named Peri, he is
20 years old and he has 2 brothers. He is the first child on their familly, he is my brother and
he know as apretty smart person from junior high school until senior high school and
sometimes he had a plan to came to be in the country in Bali to begin her life career. In
senior high school at 2016-2017 Peri had won a competition of to make a package tour
between school in his distric. That moment to make him for never give up and from there he
learning more and also her parents proud of him.

One day Peri had plans to go to Bali and he said “mom i want to go to Bali, but i am
so on 17 July 2019 he went to the city of Bali to study at Dyana Pura University. Arriving in
Bali he was delighted, because the rides were different from the one where he felt like
entering the world paradise. The next day on 20 agust 2019 she went to the campus to enroll
as one of the students at the campus, after the entire administration was paid she felt relieved
because what she hoped before was realized soon. The next day he got news that he passed
his selection of his favorite campus, how glad he was and he immediately informed the good
news that both of his parents were completed the page. Hearing the news her parents there
held a symeasure, day after day the change did not feel to have entered the second month and
began to prepare all the equipment as a new student at her favorite campus. The perceived
situation is now not as he felt before, many of the competitors who made him sometimes
discouraged but he did not want to give up with the circumstances he was facing, at once he
thought that life in the metropolis was not what he was in. But with the support of friends and
people around him, he made him a spirit to live the days full of the drama, but he believes
that God is always there. One day there was a young man who offered a job as a building for
him, but he was silent and did not answer anything, but when he realized that he did not want
to burden both of his parents without thinking he immediately accepted the offer and began
working as a building. On one side he became a college building but he was also a student.
The campus activity is still a waste so that she focuses on the work she currently has. It still
looks crowded, twilight begins to disappear to get back for inspiration for this difficult life.
While enjoying the twilight only accompanied by a cup of coffee, as if her life wanted to
return a little taste where she has not found the meaning of a life. But it's a little slightiness
that can comfort him from the rigors of life he's running. Although he keeps his passion and
he feels like he is alone, because his family and friends are far from where he lives. The next
day went to visit one of the Kuta beach attractions to remove the saturation he felt, there he
was comforted because he could find new friends and could see the activities of the people
who they were also working on and probably had the same life story, but he felt that they
were always grateful for what they got. From there he learned that as small as any salary that
we get or an hour of our work is still grateful. The moon was changing the moon, not noticing
she had begun the normal aktivities of campus, so he had to quit from her job, because she
wanted to focus on her studies. He wanted to make his parent porud of him and he must to be
fight for his future. Where he had to walk the campus at a distance far enough, but it didn’t
make him desperate. He is also known as an avid child and not giving up. Every day he had
to walk his hot sun, heat, sweat it all the ordinary things for him because he was not from a
wealthy family and he did not have his own motorcycle so that wherever he went always use
an online transportation as like gojek or grab. He walked from cost to campus for months,
which he eventually chose to live near of the campus. In his new place he felt a bit
comfortable because he didn’t have to do anything like the one in the previous before. The
year has changed but every day he has difficulty financing his life in the city. Instantly he
thinks that he should work again. Until one day he walked around to find a job to fulfill his
life's needs. The journey is exhausting but not fruitful. Every day he was always looking for a
job, and he did not get a job with him and did not give up. Until one day he was admitted to
the restaurant, and this is the good news for him and he is happy, because he now has a job
again. He was a very kind person at his workplace known as a good man and not arrogant
until he was appointed permanent employee in the reastaurant and contracted for three years.
Since then he felt his life has always been enough, although only an ordinary employee at the
restaurant but he could cost his lecture independently. In the afternoon he anjoyed the sunset
while illusion of him and that makes her remember will be in her village and she is aware
that her campus is not as crowded and Bali as good. It didn't feel that day was night, put on
the rain began to be heard that made him sleep asleep. On that night he dreamed his mother
came and found him he was pleased and his mother told him "my son never will you despair
what else to give up, life is not as easy as our death, but remember will one thing of my son
whatever we get today we are always grateful to God, because he is who created us and he
also gave us life so we are like this. My son's mother is always there to me ", suddenly he
awakened from his sleep turns out all that is happening is just a dream and he immediately
prayed to give thanks to God who has given him a fortune and a decent life. The next day he
immediately called his mother and he told everything that happened to her last night, and her
mother had the message of what was happening in her dream was to be always remembered
because we need to remember the life so hard. Wherever he goes always remember the
message and he will not forget the thing that he experienced although just as limited as a
dream. Wherever he goes always remember the message and he will not forget the thing that
he experienced although just as limited as a dream. Since he stepped on the lecture in 2019-
2020 he began to understand that the struggle can not only be expressed with words, but also
need to prove by doing something. As time went on, he began to understand the bitter of life,
Bali is the city of his dreams from childhood, but the small illusion is not as beautiful as the
reality that exists today. Until one afternoon he went to visit his older brother who had years
of wandering in Bali. Many things he listened to about the life experience that his brother had
experienced. Since then, he has increasingly understood that striving for success is not as
easy as was thought. As for one other meaning he always remembered that the biggest
treasure in the region is a family, although not a blood of brotherhood is needed to hesitate or
problems that he faced can get help from his family or friends around him. While studying at
university he was known as a smart student, not arogant, and studies hard, so that make him
confident every time when he do something. This is also what makes him unable to forget
everything, a life story that is so hard to explain in words, but it is a very meaningful
experience in his life and this story that has inspired himself to be steadfast and patient in
living all things, sometimes he does not. This also makes him unable to forget everything, a
life story that is so difficult to explain in words, but it becomes a very meaningful experience
in his life and this story has inspired him to always be steadfast and patient in living
everything even though sometimes he doesn't like it . Instantly he said that life was not
always about who could and who could not, but who wanted to fight to defend his life in this
world. From this biography I was interviewed by being inspired to do everything without
having to complain to others and this story teaches me to always be grateful for what we got
today and so that we are always humble even in any circumstance, because if we want to
complain, pray to God and ask for directions from him so as not to get lost in the wrong way.
So the message conveyed by the interviewees for us, we should never judge the lives of other
people especially let us interfere in someone's personal affairs. Because everyone has a
different way of life and not necessarily we can be like them and the problems they face may
not be what we experience. But it is more beautiful if we can share experiences with each

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